Glass and Crystal

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(Warning, injuries ahead and blood ahead. Nothing too graphic, but if you're triggered easily, you might want to skip this chapter.)

Kinkajou's POV

What. The. Heck. Did. I. Just. Watch?!

The fluffing chandelier just crashed onto the dance floor. Where people were dancing. Where people were flipping dancing

I can't help but stare at the horror in front of me. People were on the dance floor. Real people. Screams are heard throughout the room, and my legs move without my consent; I rush over to where the chandelier fell. Looking to my sides, other people did the same. Qibli and Winter were rushing over with me, when I look down at the crystal shards and scream.

"MOON!!!" I stare, wide eyed at Moon's unconscious body. Her head was lolled to the side, cuts and scratches everywhere. Her dress was cut everywhere, and most of the previously white fabric was now dyed permanently red. Glass shards cut into her skin,  and fresh blood flowed out. Blood splattered everything, and dropped to my knees in horror and shock. 

It was only when I heard a startled, "Kinkajou!" that I realized I was bleeding. Shards of broken glass cut and bit into my skin, drawing blood. Not nearly as much as that was spilled tonight though. I hear someone gasp to my right, and I look over. Qibli's expression on his face is unreadable; tears stream down his face, and his hands are clenched into fists. I follow his gaze to Moon, and stifle a sob.

"Kinkajou!" I hear the voice again, and recognize it, rising to my feet.

"What happened?!" Turtle exclaims, terror and concern written on his face. 

"I don't  know," I respond numbly. I then look around the room and my heart stops. I practically fall into his arms, blood pounding in my ears.

Winter's kneeling on the ground, cradling someone in his arms, frantically talking and shaking them, begging them to wake up. A female figure stands over them, shaking. I took one look at the person in Winter's arms, and holy shishcabob. Lynx.

Moon's injuries look minor compared to her. Her whole face is practically unrecognizable; blood drips down and covers her face, covering her beautiful features. Her once blonde hair now looks crimson red, dyed in her blood. The few parts of skin untouched by all the blood and injuries are so pale, they're almost white from blood loss. A huge gash in her forehead's bleeding like mad; blood gushed out like a waterfall, stain both her and Winter's cloths. Shards and shards of glass and crystal dig into her skin, also littering around her body. The remaining pieces of the chandelier that are still intact drip with the blood of the fallen girl. The whole scene would've been quite beautiful, had it not been real; Winter looks better than ever in the lighting, and Lynx is looking like a fallen goddess. 

The female figure standing over Lynx and Winter loses it; she turns around, and I realize she's Snowfall. And holy son of a sand snorter she looks terrible

Tears stream down her cheeks, and she's trembling and shaking so bad, that if she weren't still standing, I'd be afraid she was in the middle of having a seizure. She was almost as pale as Lynx, and her hair was a mess. Her mascara was running down her face, and her eyes were bloodshot and puffy. I've never seen the queen of the school so... disheveled. She had small scratches and scrapes, yet she looked almost as bad as Lynx. 

I'm this close to asking her if she's alright (I know, stupid question, but it's the only thing my few brain cells can come up with) when she meets my gaze, and the wild look in her eyes makes me take a step back. She looks like a wounded feral animal, ready to attack at the slightest hint of movement. 

I hear sirens in the distance, and look around, realizing many people had their phones out and probably called 911. I shiver looking at the scene in front of me, and gosh, it's so horrible.

I feel arms pulling me close, and I unconsciously lean into them. Remembering I'm in Turtle's embrace, my cheeks heat up, and I'm able to momentarily forget about the horror in front of me, getting lost in the moment. Then, I look down at Moon's face, Lynx's face, and reality comes crashing down hard.

I involuntarily let out a sob, and Turtle hugs me tighter.

"You alright?" He asks gently, and I stare at the scene in front of me. I'm tempted to respond, 'No I'm not. How can I be, when two of my friends along with two other people, one of which is one of my BFFs, are currently lying ON THE GROUND, UNCONCIOUS, AND IM PRETTY SURE ITS ALL MY FAULT!!!

I don't know how, but Turtle somehow reads my thoughts, saying, "It's not your fault. No one could've known this would happen unless they were the one responsible for this."

I choke down another sob, tears running down my face. "Yeah, but I'm the one who threw the party! I'm the one that just had to invite everyone, that just had to rent a huge venue with freaking chandeliers. If I didn't, no one would be hurt! Lynx might die, Moon's unconscious, this whole night's been a crap show!" I start gasping for air, the room spinning. 

"This is all my fault!"

"No. It's not." Turtle says this so firmly, his voice so full of conviction, I was startled into looking into his eyes. The room starts steadying, and his blue eyes held so much truth, so much passion and determination, they almost made me believe him. Almost.

"But-but Lynx might die in the state she's in! And Moon got injured pretty bad too! Had I not held this party-"

"Yes, maybe if you hadn't held the party, no one would've been hurt. But you did, and you can't change the past. It doesn't matter anyway, because you never had any ill intent. Had you'd've known this would've happened, you would've canceled right away right?" I nod feebly, his words slowly sinking in.

"Kink, you had nothing to do with this... this... accident. If you did, then yes, it would be your fault, but it isn't. You're Kinkajou Majesti, and you wouldn't hurt a fly. This is not your fault, so get that thought out of your head, you hear me? No one blames you for what happened, okay? Moon and Lynx will understand, and if they don't, so help me I will make them."

He gently grabs my chin, tilting my head upwards so I look at him. 

"Kinkajou, this is not your fault, so get that out of your head, you hear me?"

I nod, finally managing to hold in tears, when I look at where Lynx is, cradled in Winter's arms, Moon, with Qibli attempting to tend to her wounds, the two other people that got hurt as well... I burst into tears again, burying my face in Turtle's shoulder. 

He rubs my back, kissing my forehead. I blush slightly, and look up at him. He's smiling gently, blushing big time, and I swear if the cops and doctors and nurses didn't bust in right at that second, I would've kissed that boy silly.

I close my eyes, finally starting to get comfortable in Turtle's. Taking one more look at Moon's face and Lynx's broken body, the two others injuries in the accident (though not nearly as bad as Moon and Lynx) as their loaded onto stretchers. Two more tears leak out of my eyes. They're going to be okay. They have to be okay. If they aren't, I don't know what I'll do. All I know is, it won't be pretty.

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