Me and Life don't like each other.

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Turtle's POV

I cannot believe what just happened. Kinkajou, happy, popular, pretty, cheerleader Kinkajou, asked me out. Me. Out. Like, in a romantic way. A romantic way. My head is, spinning. Shit. I think I need to lay down. 

Laying down, I stare at the ceiling in a daze. Whoa. Suddenly, I'm really happy. And anxious. And nervous. And HOLY FUCK I'm dating Kinkajou! Oh my God. OH MY GOD! Wait, this means I'm going out with her in public, and holding her hand, and maybe hugging her, and... Okay Turtle, calm down. It's totally not a huge deal that the girl I've been crushing on, for, oh, I don't know, maybe... SIX YEARS just asked me out, right? Yep, right, totally. I am calm, cool, and collected (not!).

I stand up, have a sudden adrenaline boost, and grab my notebook full of writing prompts and tidbits I've written in the past. Maybe I'll actually try to finish a story! Yeah no, probably not going to happen, but might as well try, right? What harm could that do?

I choose a writing prompt, something with a bit of romance, and start writing furiously. Words pour into my mind, and it's like I can't write fast enough. I write for about thirty minutes straight, and wow. That's like the most I've ever written in one sitting. Who knew! Maybe dating can cure writer's block. 

I hear a 'creak' as a door opens and my roommate Umber walks in. Warm, amber eyes meet my gaze, and I noticed his default grin. He has dark brown hair, and has a skinnier frame, making him quick and nimble (I should know. I played against him in soccer for PE, and it was NOT pretty!  Or fun!). 

From what I've heard and seen, he's an extrovert with a chill, bubbly personality. Not too much energy, but still, kinda hard to keep up with sometimes, at least for me. He has a rather big family, with six other siblings, Clay, Marsh, Reed, Sora, Crane, and Pheasant. Crane and Reed have graduated from or are currently in college, but the four other siblings are still in high school. He seems pretty chill. He's really nice and outwardly friendly, and has been a nice person to be around, though he's been a little down lately because his oldest sister, Crane, got into a car crash and she's sustained some pretty bad injuries that she'll have for life. Nonetheless, he's still really nice, and I really like him in general.

"Hey," He greets me, and I give a smile in return. "What'cha workin' on there?" He asks, curiously looking over my shoulder. I hesitate, reluctant to share my notebook. After a moment of thought, I surprise myself and reluctantly hand the notebook over, bracing myself for what he'll say. 

He surprises me by saying, "Whoa! These are really good! Dude, you should write a novel and publish books! They're that good!" He shoots me a warm grin, and I blush at the compliment. 

"Th-thanks. I really like writing, so this means a lot to me. I want to become a famous writer one day." Oh crap. I think I over shared. I wince internally, and glance at his face for a reaction. He still has this warm, soft smile on his face, and I thank the heavens I got such a nice roommate.

"That sounds like a cool dream job." I smile, grateful that he's listening.

"What's your dream job?" I ask, genuinely curious for the answer. He thinks a little, glancing off into space, before finally thinking of an answer.

"I don't really know, honestly," He replies, still thinking. "I think... Maybe... A scientist of some kind? Or maybe a zoo keeper! I've always loved the thought of working with animals," he replies, deep in thought. I smile gently; that seems like such an Umber thing to say.

"What ever it is, you'll be great at it!" I smile, a little surprised at how much I mean it. Huh, guess Umber's growing on me.


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