Life Sucks

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Moon's POV

I have been sitting in my room, staring at the ceiling for hours, contemplating my life choices.

I still remember when I first met you. I had just transferred from Wild's Academy of Science, and was hurriedly making my way down the long, lonely corridors of Jade Mountain High. The white walls surrounding me were bland; so boring compared to the outside jungle of a place Wild's Academy was. Shiny, navy blue lockers lined those bland, white walls, and for a while, I felt lonelier than I've ever been before.

Before this, I had my mother. Before this, I had the dense rainforest, filled with the comforting life and sounds that I've always known. Before this, I had one friend. Just one. A young girl, who had visited the rainforest for a quick vacation. One, quick week that flew by. Her parents hated the jungle. She loved it. She stumbled upon me one day, when both she and I were alone. No one to look after us both.

I had been singing a quiet lullaby that Mother taught me; practicing the notes, and trying to get the song just right. You, it turns out, had somehow heard my singing, and decided to follow the sound of my voice. Somehow, you heard my voice, above all the sounds in the rainforest. You called it fate. I called it a miracle. We instantly bonded over the most stupid things, like the color blue (we both thought it was overrated. I liked green, and you liked white), or what our favorite pony from My Little Pony was; basically all that good, stupid stuff. In that instant, a friendship was formed. After that, we spent every day together, till that week was up. You and your rich family flew back to whence you and they had come. I went back to living alone in the forest. But I constantly missed you. Everyday.

It was only after you left did I think to ask you your name. I discovered your name later, after constantly asking around the city. Your name was Lynx. Lynx Holly Yule.

You have no idea how relieved I was when I realized you went to this school. And how devastated I was when I realized you were popular. Beautiful. Untouchable. I will admit; I gave up on you. I truly believed you would never remember the small, timid girl who shrank into the shadows, never wishing to be seen. You were the sun. I was the moon. I shone brighter when you shone bright; I was invisible when you were dim. I adored you with all my heart.

'It was fate!' I would think, oblivious to the world around me. Back then, I was stuck in my own little world. You know what snapped me out of it? You yelling in my face. I remember it, clear as day. Your little 'posse' had disappeared for a brief moment, and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang or stop by at a cafe and get coffee or something. You looked at me like I was stupid, which , thinking back, I probably was.  Instead of listening to the voices growing louder in my head, I naively thought, Oh hey, maybe she doesn't remember me. So, I 'introduced myself' to you. 

"Um, hey, I'm Moon. Moonwatcher!" I cringed inside, but your expression didn't change at all, so I kept barreling through. "Um... I don't know if you remember me, but we were friends when we were younger. You and your family flew down for a vacation, and we kinda... met... in the forest? Yeah! In the forest." I finish lamely. I was so happy I had gotton those words off my chest, and eager for your reaction. What you said to me next, shocked me and scarred me for life. 

You laughed in my face. Laughed. In my face. I thought you were joking, or laughing at the memories, but nope. I uncertainly started laughing to, and you just started laughing harder. You weren't laughing with me. No. You were laughing at me. Thanks for making me feel wanted sweetheart! 

These were your literal, exact words to me: "Fucking grow up Moon. I'm popular. You're not. You're new. I'm not. I'm pretty. You're not. Just... get a life instead of stalking me. It's plain creepy. I'm not the same 'little girl' you met at some shitty resort, m'kay?" 

Now, I've truly taken your words to heart. Believe me, that will never happen again. Because, guess what? I'm all grown up. I'll admit, I still wonder what happened to you Lynx, to this very day. I don't know if you realized this (who am I fucking with? why would she? and even if she did, why would she even care?), but you're the one who taught me how to be social. How to have a normal conversation. How to interact with others. How to make friends. For God's sake, how to fucking love. I loved you Lynx. You were my entire solar system. I thought, out of the seven or more, billion people, at least one on my side. At least, I did til you shattered that illusion.  I hope you're fucking happy Lynx. I hope you're fucking happy. 

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