When Life Gives You Lemons

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Qibli's POV

Moon rejected me. Yay... On top of that, she ditched me for my roommate. My ROOMMATE! Even better! And you know what's worse? Or, should I say, better??? (*Note the sarcasm) Of course, besides the fact that he's been kinda playing her... He's also my best friend. And is super popular. I know right?! Who could be friends with a guy like him? Apparently me. Fuckkkk...

Sighing as I lay my head on my desk, I look out the library window. I'm taking in the sunset in all its bright, colorful glory, and taking a break from studying for science. Don't get me wrong, the subject isn't hard. It just... isn't easy. And I have to regularly study for it, which is kinda a pain in the ass if you ask me. Oh well. At least I have a solid A- (which is almost an A; I know, I know, I'm working on it!), unlike Winter... who kinda has a C-... Ugh! How the hell did I get back on the subject  of Winter

I massage my head, getting a migraine from all the thoughts and emotion swirling through my head. Ugh... It's not fair to say the Winter's been playing her... He just... hadn't really made up his mind... But he still led her on, which is still basically playing her right? Ugh, life just ain't fair. 

I mean, compared to others, I'm lucky. 

I've always been pretty popular (with the girls and boys), being the star player in basketball and all that, but I've never truly... wanted and gone after a specific girl until now. And yet, here Moon comes along, waltzing into my life. And I fall head over heels for her. Literally. I fell and crashed into a wall the first time I saw her because I was too busy staring at her. Winter laughed at me when I told him. And yet, when he saw her, he fell head over heels for her too. He also crashed into a wall. What a turn of events, people! The irony in this situation... And now, back to brooding...

All of a sudden, I hear a shill voice calling my name, and recognizing the voice, I turn around. "Hiiii Qibli!" I smile at the rainbow haired girl running up to me, beaming. 

"Hey Kink!" Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a silhouette of a person behind Kinkajou, and my heart leaps. My fucking heart and feelings! Kinkajou follows my gaze, and smiles sadly, shaking her head as she and Moon plop all their stuff on the table I have claimed as mine. Huh. Never seen her look so mellow and depressed. I'll have to ask her about that later. Anyway, Moon emerges from behind an enormous book shelf, in all her glory, and I look away, for fear of rejection again. I know, I'm pathetic. Sensing the growing tension in the air, Kinkajou (who actually read the room for once!) clears her throat and starts blabbering. 

"Okay, so, like, me and Moon-" I blush at the mention of her. "thought of hosting a party, and everyone is going to come, and it'll be awesome, and so yeah!" I raise an eyebrow. That was one of the most random statements she's ever said, and mind you she's said some real weird ones, like, "Do pineapples have feelings?" and "If humans evolved from monkeys, what did monkeys evolve from?". Also, "How do you think merpeople pee? Cuz like, they don't have a butt hole, do they?" (everyone cracked up at the last one.).

"Why are you two throwing a party? Did anything special happen?" Kinkajou glances at Moon, and I notice the slight blush Moon already had has deepened. 

"Oh, um... Because... uh... OH! TURTLE ASKED ME OUT!!!" She facepalms, and I have a feeling she forgot. Oh Kink, what are we gonna do with you? 

"Really?" Moon and I say at the same time, and we look at each other, making eye contact. I'm this close to breaking it, when I see something in Moon's eyes I've never seen before. 

"Oh yeah, well technically I asked him first... but..." Noticing we're having a moment, Kinkajou squeaks, and grabs her things off the desk. "I'm... gonna... go... uh, bathroom" She sprints out of the library at top speed, earning her a stern glare from the librarian, but I don't notice, and neither does Moon; I'm still holding eye contact with her. 

"We need to talk." And just like that, she has sealed my fate with four words. Yeah, I knew I was in love with her before, but seeing this new intensity in her eyes, is like seeing a whole new side to her that I've never seen before. And one thing's for sure, I love it.

You Broke Me First (A Wings of Fire Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now