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Moon 1st POV

"I love you."

My eyes widened as I watched. Just those three words tore me apart, as your lips collided with hers, and her lips collided with yours. She weakly tries to pull away, but the fire in her eyes tells me and you that she still wants this. Wants you. You pull her even closer, and she doesn't resist this time, falling deeper in the void known as you. Just like I did. Just like I did.

I didn't even realize tears were streaming down my face till they fell, and I had to tear my eyes from the horrifying sight in front of me. I ran. All my old insecurities that you, you vanquished in me come rushing back, and I want to run into your arms. Your arms, someone's arms, it doesn't matter. I just need something, someone, to fill this empty hole eating me from the inside out. There didn't used to be an empty hole. Now there is. I race down the hallway and slam the door finally reaching my dorm room. 

Letting the tears freely fall, I curl up against the wall, sobbing into my own arms. Attempting to wipe my tears, I make my way over to the bathroom mirror. It was a horrible sight. Mascara dripped down my face, and my lipstick was speared. My eyes were puffy and red, even though I'd just started crying, and I was gasping for air, an emotional wreck. I start the shower, and get in, not even bothering to strip my clothes off. Damn it damn it damn it damn it! I dressed up all for you. Put make up on all for you. I frickin ruined my friendship with Qibli for you. Sobbing and gasping for air, I just wanted to drown; to crawl in a hole, and just lay there. I had so muched planned for us. For you and I. Not just you. Not just me. But both you and I. I half choke laugh. Guess none of those things I'm going to be doing any time soon. I eventually just sat there, half crying and thinking. It was then I realized: I'm just the other point of view. Your happy ending never lied with me, nor Qibli, not even Snowfall.

Your ending lies with Lynx. Lynx Holly Yule. The girl that I was friends with. The girl that made me laugh when I was feeling down. The girl that I owe my life, my friends, my family to. Fate is cruel. Yet I believed that karma exists too, and that I was in its ever cruel favor. I believed. Here's another thing I also realized: In Lynx and your story, I'm the villain.

Not the heroine. Not the best friend. Not even the invisible and forgettable ex. I'm the villain. I'm the one who the audience hates. I'm the one driving you and her apart, I'm the one who lingers on your mind, along with her. I'm the one who is painted as a brat, the one who's playing it dirty, the one who will never win in the end. I'm the one who will never get a happy ending. This isn't my story. This is yours.

Human nature is so funny. You always will want the one thing you can't have. The one thing I can't have now is you. But the thing is, I thought you were falling for me, just like I fell for you. You were dashing and charming, yet humble enough that you focused on your flaws. You were controlling, but it just made me feel more comfortable, not out of control or anything of that sort. Hell, it made me feel safer. That illusion has been shattered though, and no matter how hard I try to forget, I can't.

The racing of my heart beat when you approach. The butterfly sensation when you brush my hair out of my face, I blush, and you chuckle. The feeling of safeness when I was in your arms. The way our heartbeats synchronize, and I realized you were the one. Were. Were. Now you're her's. Now she's yours. But you were mine. You were mine first. You're also the one that broke me first.

Life isn't fair. I thought I knew that, but I really didn't. The one thing I want now is you Winter, you. But I can't have you. Your heart belongs to someone else. And I hate her.

You Broke Me First (A Wings of Fire Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now