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The bell jingles as I enter the coffee shop, I am not in a good mood today, I did not sleep well. So, I am hoping to just be left alone to my dishes today. "Morning Loid, good days off?" I groan in response to Kristine; she smiles then puts down the last of the morning cake batch. "Wasn't too busy this morning so the dishwasher was able to keep up with the dishes. So, till it gets busy do you mind emptying the bins?" I nod and back out to the front of the shop, the waitresses thank me for helping before the lunch time rush came in.

Not long after I got here the shop was filled with students and workers, a few old people trying to finish their drinks to get out of the chaos. For a small coffee shop it is decently popular in the city, helps it is near a train station and a school. I watch out of the kitchen door's small window; I was going to be very busy soon.

"Damien would not shut up about you yesterday, I thought I was the chatty one," I tune back into what Kristine was saying.

"What did he say?" Kristine wipes some crumbs onto the floor before turning to face me,

"Talking about how it was funny how rude you were to him and asking when you next worked."

"Does he only work on the weekend?" She nods.

"And Tuesdays," now going to get a broom to sweep up the floor, "Yep. He has another job, so he could only do part time." I start to fill up the sink, ready for the first batch of people to be done.

"Another job? Do you know what kind of job?" She nods again.

"Yeah, he said he works in a library in his school."

"School!? How old is he?" Kristine laughs and tells me not to worry too much.

"He's a uni student, not a kid." I was going to say, he's massive if he was a kid. "Think he studies languages, or was it math? Or was it something to do with cameras? Something nerdy." I smile at how close these two were. Kristine looked to be in her late twenties' early thirties, her dark maroon hair tied in a loose bun, a pair of thin blue glass, with matching blue eyes. She was very tall for a woman, nearing six foot I'd say. Wide shoulders that made her look like a man sometimes from behind.

There was a quick knock from the bottom of the door, I pull it open to a waitress with her arms full,"Thanks, get ready there's more to come." Great.


The week didn't stay round for long before I knew it, it was already Thursday. I just clocked in for the lunchtime rush. I don't sign in till eleven am, the mornings are less busy so the actual dishwasher can handle it, but past twelve it can't clean the dishes quick enough for the number of customers coming in.

"Mornin." I nod hello to Kristine; the shop was already filling up quickly so I knew I wouldn't have time to relax a bit before the rush. "Friday tomorrow, got any plans for the weekend?" I shake my head.

"Working, plus friends are busy with uni." Kristine places some baking trays next to me ready to be washed.

"You don't go to uni? Aren't you young?" I hold my hand under the tap and turn the tap on, this is so I can feel for when the water gets too hot.

"Yeh, but I didn't know what to study. So, I didn't apply." Kris crouches beside me to get some cleaning stuff to clean her counter tops.

"What are you? Like twenty? Don't waste your life in the kitchen kid." Twenty-three actually, but I rather not sound like a brat.

"I know, but I'm not really passionate about anything." She stands up and holds the bottle up to me like a gun.

"So why get a job?" I push the bottle down; she sulks as if I spoiled her fun.

"Needed to afford my apartment." My hand jerks as the water suddenly turns boiling hot.

"You live alone?" I nod and turn on the cold tap to help with my burn and cool down the water. "Wow, how'd you manage that in this day and age?" She laughs, I stir the water in the sink so the bubbles can mix.

"Got lucky. My mum knew a friend who knew a guy." The door opens beside me as a waitress walks in with a tray of cups.

"Yep, sounds like luck." I smile.


A few hours went past, and the lunch time rush was finally over, I'm currently on my break in the main shop area. My hands felt odd, having wrinkles from being in the water too long. "Here's your drink Loid." I smile and thank my co-worker before taking a sip. I can't stand the taste of coffee, so they brought me a hot chocolate. I don't mind tea, but hot chocolate is sweeter. Kinda silly how I applied for a coffee shop role even though I hate it. Got lucky with that dishwashing job.

The door chimes, I look over to see a group of boys walk in, they looked to be my age. "So, you work here?" one of the boys asks, I scan their faces to see if I maybe recognise any of them. Yep, I did, fucking Damien.

"Only weekends." The group find a couple tables and sit together.

"Bro, take a break from working, will ya? You have fuck all free time." I keep my eyes to the window in hopes he doesn't notice me.

"I don't mind it, keeps me busy." The group continue to complain about how he doesn't hang out enough.

About five minutes later I hear the kitchen door open, "Yo Loid, mind ending your break early? I fucked up and a cake exploded, I kinda need help." I turn to look at Kristine, she was indeed covered in a mix of cake batter and egg. I would love to say no I'm still on my break, but I was getting bored looking out the window, nothing but grumpy office workers walking by.

"Sure." The look of relief on her face made me worried for the mess she made. I grab my cup and take a few gulps, so I don't spill any. Ah, forgot it was hot, my tongue is going to feel numb for a while now. I look at the group of boys who were now laughing, Damien was watching me. I look away instantly, hope he didn't notice. I take another quick gulp of my hot chocolate and thank the co-worker who made it for me before entering the kitchen again.

Oh. My. God. She wasn't joking about cake exploding. Looked like a cake warzone in here. "What happened!??!" Kristine turned to me with a weak smile and a look of distress on her face.

"I don't know!" she says loudly, sounding like a child crying. I sigh and roll up my sleeves, at least it was chocolate cake. 

Coffee Shop CrushWhere stories live. Discover now