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Drinking way a really bad idea. Turns out, I am a lightweight. I had to tap out of the bet after a few more shot. I felt fine at first, it hit me later on. I'm now fighting my eyelids laying on the table watching Damien and Mary duel it out. Though I don't think Damien is far off, he's currently blowing bubbles in the melted ice of his first drink through a straw he somehow got. It's surprisingly amusing to watch.

"Come on tap out, you know I'll beat you," Mary says poking Damien's glass with her finger. Damien stops blowing bubbles and stares at her fingers for a good ten seconds before looking up.

"Stop flicking my glass." Mary rests her hand on her cheek and does a weird slow giggle.

"How about we call it a tie and split the fifty?" Kristine says watching them in amusement.

"No! Damien come to mine we shall continue this there!" Mary practically shouts standing up holding the straw she stole out of Damien's cup. He frowns looking at his glass, Mary wobbles and sits back down before chewing on her newfound straw.

"OK." Kristine smiles in concern for the two.

"Are you sure about that?" Mary begins to nod quickly.

"I live nearby so it's fine. Don't... Don't work till the afternoon tomorrow anyway." Damien starts to nod as well.

"Okay... just get back safe," we watch as Mary stands up again and starts tugging on Damien's arm, he turns to look at me, he looks kinda sad.

"Can I go?" I squint at him; Mary gave up tugging on his arm and started poking him. Why is he asking me? I sit up and shrug.

"Why would I care?" I look up to see Kristine confused. Damien looks at the table for a few seconds before standing up. The two wave goodbye and stumble out the pub.

"They are gunna black out as soon as the go through the front door," Kristine chuckles. She starts to tidy up the glasses onto the tray.

"Thank you," I say, Kristine looks up in surprise.

"Of course sweetheart, got to have you feel welcomed at the shop of course." She smiles sweetly. I help her with the glasses, I'm not drunk, but definitely cannot drive that's for sure. luckily, I take the train. Shit my train, I quickly pull out my phone, oh wow its only nine pm.

"Still kinda early ain't it," she laughs. I sigh in relief; my train keeps going till eleven.

"Are you going home Kristine?" She shakes her head and points to the bartender.

"Still got to take that bastard home, call me Kris by the way." I felt like I was gunna cry, I know I drank too much now. " You take the train home, right?" I nod, "Want me to give you a lift to the train station?" I think about it, is it safe to? It's probably more unsafe to walk across the roads while like this to be honest.

"You sure?" She nods and grabs her jacket.

"Of course, it was my idea to get you guys this drunk after all." We finish cleaning up the table then stand up and head for the door. Kristine waves to the bartender and said she'd be right back. I don't really remember much after walking to the nearby car park. I think I fell asleep. "We're here Loid." I rub my eyes, right outside the train station, I say thank you and step out the car.

"Sorry you didn't get to drink," I kinda felt bad, it was her idea after all. She smiles sweetly and waves me off laughing.

"It's fine, there's always next time." Next time huh... "Get home safe Loid, make sure to drink some water when you get home, it'll help ya not feel so shit in the mornin." I thank her again and wave goodbye. I thought she would just leave, but she actually got out her car and helped me into the station. Even sat with me till my train arrived. She didn't leave till she saw me get a seat on the train. "Make sure not to full asleep so ya don't miss your stop kay?" I nod and yawn. I was so ready to get home. This time when I waved goodbye she actually left. I'll have to make sure to get her something as thanks.


I stumble through my door; I don't want to imagine how I'd be right now if I didn't tab out of that bet so early. I turn the tap on and bent down to drink from it, afterwards I just let my hand run under the cold water, it felt really nice. I must've zoned out as the cold water was now seething hot. "Fuck!" I turn on the cold tap this time and let the water run. My body felt numb till that hot water. Sobered me up that did. I groan and watch my clock to make sure I keep it under the water for ten minutes.

After I went to the bathroom to grab some bandages to wrap around my hand, fuck it hurt. My skin did not agree with the bandage touching it. It wasn't too bad a burn, just turned my skin red. I sigh and head to my room. Kicking off my shoes to the end of the bed. I am so tired. I make sure to set an alarm before I laid down though in case I pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow. Made it early enough that if I have a hangover I can, fingers crossed, recover before work.

Ok, sleep time now, my hand is starting to throb, and I want to be asleep before it hurts again. 

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