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I slept so well last night, maybe it was because I spent all my energy or, it was because my room was warm for once. I remember passing out on top of my covers, but when I woke up, I was snuggled underneath. I checked to see if I had left the heating on, but it was ice cold. Damien wasn't here either, guess he didn't stay the night. I yawn and walk over to my fridge; I woke up late and need to hurry so I'm not late. There was a half empty cup on my counter, did I get thirsty last night? OH, I have some pop tarts left; guess I'll have those.


"There you are, what happened to you last night? Damien left in a panic." The lunch rush has ended, it was so busy no one had time to speak, now that is has finished, we could all breathe a sigh of relief.

"I had a panic attack, sorry." Kristine dries her hands with a tea towel as she approaches me.

"You, ok?" I nod turning on the cold tap to rinse the sink.

"Ye I'm fine, just not great in really big crowds." She frowns and tosses the tea towel on the counter.

"Sorry Loid, I didn't know." I panic and start apologising.

"It's not your fault, don't worry. I'm sorry for stealing your bank card for the night." Kristine bursts into laughter, she starts to cry as the door opens behind me and Damien walks in.

"Huh? What happened?" She was practically wheezing now.

"Loid. You. Bank card. Me. Dying." He closes the door and stands behind me, a very confused look on his face.

He was really close.

"You good?" He asks ignoring Kristine cackling as she fell to the floor, was what I said really that funny? I nod as I turn away to turn off the tap.

"Thanks for helping me home last night." He smiles and pats my head; I swat him off and glare at him. Which only makes his smile widen. "Did you end up staying last night?" Kristine's laughs slowly stop, Damien doesn't answer.

"Why. Were you so late today. Damien?" Kristine asks in between coughs. His lips purse.

"Got in a fight on the way here." She quickly regains herself.

"Shit you, ok?" He nods then lifts up his sleeve, a nasty gash on his arm, "Shit!" Kristine says wiping away her tears so she could focus, "Uh hang on let me get the med kit." I lean close to have a look at it.

"What did you do? Have a fight with a knife?" I wince as he pulls up his skin to see it better, seeing it move like that made me ill.

"Kinda. I guess," he laughs. Kristine returns and drags him to the counter so she could see it better.

"Why the hell didn't ya just go to the hospital??" He shrugs and watches as she cleans it up, not even wincing.

"I didn't notice till I got here," Kris gives him a judgemental look to which he just laughs off. I notice some blood on the collar of his jumper and on the top of his ear. Turns out it thankfully wasn't that deep. So, there was no need for the doctors. There was a knock at the door before it was pushed open. Mary peeks through, gasping loudly when she sees Damien's bandage arm,

"Oh my god! What happened??" She yips rushing over, checking over his body for anything else. I finish putting away the dishes as she continues to fuss about him.

I must've zoned out because Damien calls my name while I'm crouched by a cupboard. "You zoned out mate, you good?" Mary hits him round the back of his head.

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