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It wasn't very busy in the country park, which I didn't mind. Felt peaceful.

"Who are you?" I stop and look around, who was talking? "Hey, I'm over here!" I see a hand peek from above a bush. I walk round, the was a small opening to a stunning lake. Looked to be a fishing spot, instead there was a girl with an easel. "Who are you?" She asks again pointing her paint brush at me. I look at her easel, she seems to be painting the lake but the colours where completely wrong.

She turns to what I was looking at, "Oh, the colours are wrong aren't they?" I nod stepping out from behind the bush to get a closer look. "Yeah, I can't see colours, so I don't know what it looks like."

"So why are you painting?" She scowls and reaches for her pallet of paints.

"Art isn't meant to make sense. So why can't I paint." I apologise, her mood changes swiftly from annoyed to cheerful. "You never told me your name."

"Loid. Why did you call me over?" She turns back to her painting and starts painting a blue duck.

"Not used to seeing people walk here so I was curious."

"What if I was dangerous." She responds with laughter.

"I like the colour of your shirt," she says smiling, it looks kind of sinister.

"Thanks? Thought you couldn't see colours?"

"Can't. But I can tell its red." I frown in confusion; she responds with a grin. She was creepy. She has messy short brown hair stuffed under her beanie, strands falling out varying length. Shockingly blue eyes that darted frantically over me. She was studying me. "You have pretty eyes." She says leaning in close, a bit too close. I back up a bit which makes her laugh loudly. "And you said you were the dangerous one." I think she might be nuts.

I jump back when she stands up abruptly, she gives me a sickly-sweet smile and approaches me, he eyes no longer looking everywhere but in front of her. "Hiya, I'm Sean." She says grabbing my hand and shaking it violently.

"Sean? Aren't you a -"

"A girl? Yup." She walks back to her stool and resumes painting her blue duck, adding a red beak. "You know how authors have fake names to hide their identity, I have that too."

"Why?" I ask, she smiles.

"Why not, seemed fun. And I like the name Sean." My phone vibrates, as soon as I pull it out it was yanked out of my hand. "Here." She hands me back my phone after typing something in. "I know I seem nuts, but please come back to see me. Or drop a message. Gets lonely with no one walking by." She laughs.

She gave me her number. I look up confused, she was eating her paintbrush now. She gags after realising she put the brush side in her mouth. My phone vibrates again. I check it. Oh, missed calls from Damien. I didn't realise my phone was on silent. "Off you go then robin," she says waving me off.

"Robin?" She doesn't say anything, she was now engrossed in her painting. I will take this as my queue to go. I turn to leave.

"I'm here Tuesdays and Fridays if you're ever lonely too." I turn to see her painting the lake red. It made it look like blood. I shiver and leave. I better call Damien back.


"She called you Robin? Like the bird?" I shrug.

"I guess so?"

"Are you going to visit her again?" I shrug again, not planning to. But the walk is peaceful. Guess I could just go on the days she isn't there. "Loid?" I jump and answer, he sighs, "Are you nearly home now?"

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