Chapter 6

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Radhika's family enter inside the thakur mansion. It was like a palace very big nd grand. It was looking so beautiful everything was screaming luxury and money. There were more than 100 servant in the house.They get welcome by Abhimanyu mother Jyoti. She said,"namaste samdhan ji." They also did their greetings. Akhilesh and Deepak hug eachother as they were meeting after many years.Radhika bent and touch her feet . Jyoti patted her hair affetionately and put kajal behind her ear and said,"you are looking so beautiful my child." Radhika smile hearing that. She then touch everyone feet and everyone gave her their blessings. They all Sat on the sofa and started talking as it was still time for dinner. Aaradhna Abhimanyu's grandmother said,"we already asked the pandit ji about wedding and he said after fifteen days wedding can happen and other than that the wedding can happen only ofter 2 years and I know that my grand son will not agree to this . So what you all think." Dinesh said,"but dadi is itn't so early for marriage. And radhika exams are also coming and at least we can wait till she graduate." Abhimanyu's grandfather akhilesh said,"we can understand your problem but she can continue her studies after marriage also. You already know how is he. He will not agree for 2 years marriage." Radhika mother dimple said,"ji we will think above it then we will answer you all." Ranveer abhimanyu's father said,"ya sure you all can think thoroughly about it ." Jyoti said,"now it's time for dinner." Everyone went towards dinning table which was full with variety of dishes. Radhika was just silently went and sit beside her mother. She was feeling low after hearing that she will soon leave her parents and will come to this house. Her mother sense that and patted her hand and assure her with her eyes.

They all started eating silently as they also know about the rule. After sometime everyone finished their dinner and again sat in the hall and started eating dessert. She called Jyoti and said,"aunty where is washroom I want to use washroom." She smile and said,"wait I will take you there." She nodded her head and went with her towards the washroom. One servant call Jyoti and said,"Malkin saheb is calling you." She nodded her head and turned her head towards radhika and said,"beta I am going as there is a work ,can you come on your own?" Radhika said,"yes Aunty you can go ." Then radhika went into the washroom and after fresh up she came and started going towards hall. When she was going she hear her name from someone from the room. She peek through the room and saw that niharika was talking with someone about her. She thought that it is wrong to hear some one talk so she started going but what she hear next stop her from going further and she started listening to whatever she was saying. Niharika was talking to her mother or we can say she was doing acting by saying,"mom do you know Abhimanyu said that he will leave that bitch radhika because he loves me and said that he will marry me . He cannot broke up with her because it was there elders decision and he is waiting for right time to break up with her by framing her." Radhika was so stunned after hearing that how can he do this to her . No he can't but she can not ignore this also . Tears were continues coming out of her beautiful eyes. She than hear that abhimayu finally you are here. She saw someone shadow and her heart broke into multiple peice. She is so much innocent that she can trust anyone very easily.

She went from there by wipping her tears. Niharika saw that and smirked and said,"i think this is enough for separating them." Aarav said,"i hope so." and smirked. Radhika composed herself and sit with her father and wispher,"papa I am very tired and I want to go to home." Her father said,"beta we can go after Abhimanyu's ji come." Radhika eyes filled with tears and said,"please papa." Dinesh saw that something is not right and said ok. He then said to everyone,"i think it's time for us to go ." Jyoti said,"samdhi ji abhimayu is coming you all can meet him." Dinesh nodded his head as he cannot say no to him. Radhika just blink her eyes to not cry. She didnot want to face him but she cannot do anything in this. After sometime abhimayu enter inside and saw that his in laws is there and his love is there wearing red suit looking beautiful like always.

 After sometime abhimayu enter inside and saw that his in laws is there and his love is there wearing red suit looking beautiful like always

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(Imagine his dress)

He was looking all handsome and dashing. He one look and all girls can kill themselves to be with him but I have to impress his one girl. He came and sit on his chair. His dada said,"abhimayu they said that they will thought about marriage and say something." Abhimanyu controlled his anger and said in his cold voice,"what is there to think ?it is confirmed that the marriage will happen after fifteen days." Dinesh said,"but abhimayu ji it is so early and radhika's paper is also coming." He said,"you don't have to worry about that and about her paper it is still one month left and I know that she can do well in her exams." Dinesh said ok because he know that he will not listen to anyone. Just then radhika said in her slow voice,"but I don't want to marry so early." After hearing that he fist his palm and veins were popping out of his hand.

" After hearing that he fist his palm and veins were popping out of his hand

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(Imagine his hand veins)

He said in his extra cold voice,"and why don't you want to marry early." She shivered after hearing that and said in a meak voice,"because I want to study further." He replied," nobody is stopping you to study after marriage." She said,"but after marriage there will be responsibility that I cannot able to Focus on studies." Abhimanyu get very angry after seeing that first time she is arguing with him. He said,"come to my room we will talk there." And went towards his room. All the family members were scared because they know that whenever he is angry he became uncontrollable. He can do anything in his fury and no body can stop him. Radhika stand up while being scared and went towards his room. She don't know what will happen with her but she will not marry him after whatever happens today. He was there and after sometime he came in the house like he was not there. She was just praying God to give her some power to withstand his anger. She was always scared of his anger. While praying she entered inside his dark black room.

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