Chapter 7

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When she enter in his room he locked the door. She turned her in his direction when she hear the voice of locking. She saw his face which became red due to his anger he was feeling. She gulped her Saliva and mentally became ready to face his warth but somewhere she is very much scared. It is her first time entering in his room and she didn't want bad memories related to this room . He started taking predatory steps towards her. She started moving backwards just then she fell on the bed. He stood near the bed and said in his dangerous cold voice,"why don't you want to marry early." She became extremely scared with his voice. Words were not coming out of her mouth. He climbed upon her form and grabbed her neck not tight enough to cut the air supply but it scared her alot and he shouted,"why." She shivered hearing his voice and tried to form words and said,"i---i d---dont w----wan----want ---t---to ma---marry y--you." He was seeing only red when he hear that word and stand up and punched the wall beside him in his anger. She gets very much scared and also feels hurt when he saw him hurting himself. She goes towards him and hold his from punching again on the wall. She said,"please" while tears keep coming out of her eyes. She said in his crying voice,"please ---d---dont h--hurt yourself. I---will-- ne---never come i---infront of you. Please le---leave me." He grabbed the back of her hairs in his tight grip and pushed her face in upward direction,she shrieked with pain. He said in his husky and dangerous voice,"do you think I will leave you?no baby you are wrong. From the day you were born you were mine and nobody I say nobody can snatch or separate you from me not even you." She get scared after hearing his statment and said while sobbing,"but--y---you d---dont love me." He said angrily,"who said you that." She said,"I hear niharika ---t---talking with-- her --m-- mother saying that you love her and you will leave me and will marry her." He shouted,"and you believe her goddamit how can you be so stupid to believe that bitch." And leave her hair and run his fingers in his hairs to calm his nerves.

She said,"i saw your shadow their in her room and you were talking and hugging her "in her defence. He again shouted,"did you saw my face? No na then how can you say so confidently. " She started thinking about all the things and said,"so you were not there ." He said,"no I was in my office and I came now only." She became happy after listening that but a frown came on her face and said,"but why will niharika lie about you loving her." He shoked his head and said,"because she likes me and want to marry me that's why." Radhika came towards him and said sorry. He said,"do you think I will forgive you don't worry after marriage I will put that you belong only to me and you can never leave me in your not so small brain." She pouted and said,"my brain is not small . I am the topper of my class." He said,"I know how much intelligent you are "in a sarcastic way but as always she didn't understand his sarcastic voice. He put her on his shoulder and throw her on the bed and hover upon her. Then he said,"now what do you think about marriage." She still hesitate and said,"but I didn't want to marry early." He slammed his lips on her angrily and started bitting her lips pouring all his anger in that kiss. She moaned in pain . He pinched her waist and she gasped and talking this opportunity he enter his tongue inside her mouth and began exploring her mouth's every corner. She tap on his chest to stop him as she was breathless but he grab her both hand and put them above her head with his one hand. And his other hand was opened her suit. When she was on the verge of passing out he leaves her and started gasping for air. Her face became red because of lack of oxygen. He put his face in the crook of her neck and started bitting and sucking her neck.

He started opening her suit chain. When she became normal she hold his hand and said,"not now ma papa must be waiting for me I have to go." He said,"but you didn't give me reply about my question." She said ok because she knows that he will not stop until she became ready. He smirked after hearing her reply and again attack her lips. After kissing her to his heart content he leaves her. She stand up from the bed and adjusted her dupatta to cover her neck to hide all the marks he left on her . He said ,"today I will come late because I have some work to attend." She nodded her head.He also stand up and make her hair look presentable and hold her hand and both of them went downstairs. She forcefully left her hand from him when they came infront of the family because she is very shy in all these matters. He said in his usual cold voice,"marriage will happen after fifteen days." Jyoti became happy and order the servants to give her the sweets and said,"abb to muh metha karna Banta hai."(now it's time for sweet ). Everyone eat sweets and radhika and her family depart from thakur mansion. When everyone enter inside the house Dinesh said,"beta we will talk about this tomorrow now you are tired you can go and take rest don't overthink ok." She nodded her head and went into her room. She went into washroom and came out changing her dress and put mosturizer on her face and body and lay on the bed and covered herself with blanket. After sometime she went into the delicious slumber.

 After sometime she went into the delicious slumber

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(Imagine her night dress)

In Thakur mansion

Abhimanyu face turned into anger after radhika's departure. He growled in his dangerous voice,"where is that niharika bitch?" His grandfather said,"abhimayu what happened?" Abhimanyu said,"do you know dada ji what she did? She tried to seperate her from me. I will not leave her." And again shouted on of her servant to call her. After hearing his shouting niharika came in the hand. He grab he throat and pushed her to nearby wall nd said,"why the fuck do you fram her? Don't you love your life?i think it's highly time of yours to say goodbye to this world"and started applying pressure on her neck. She started feeling like her death is near. Hia family saw that and became scared after seeing his this avatar. Her mother came towards him and said in her scared voice,"beta leave her I will call her parents today to take her and she will not again come in front of you again." But he was so clouded with his anger that he didn't hear her mother. His father came and said,"Abhimanyu please leave her this time ." But he didn't hear him also . His mother again tried and said,"beta you have my swear leave her." After hearing that he leaves her throat and went upstairs in his room. Niharika started coughing so badly and her face was so red. She fall on the ground and started gasping for air. Jyoti gives her water. She drank whole glass like she was thirsty for years. Jyoti said,"niharika I have called your parents they can come in any time to take you and don't ever think of coming here again." Niharika want to protest but she know that it is of no use so she agreed and went towards her room to pack her clothes. But she will not leave radhika and she will do anything to get him even if he tried to kill her but she is totally obsessed with him.

Here after entering the room , abhimayu went towards the washroom and started washing his hands with hand wash because in anger he touched that bitch. He hates touching any women except his own women. After washing for half an hour he wiped his hand and went inside to take shower. After bathing he came out and wore his tshirt and pant and call his pa and said,"I want Mishra family to go bankrupt. I want them begging on road. " His pa replied affimatively thinking who have the courage to anger his boss nd prayed for that family to withstand his toucher. Abhimanyu cutted the call and started doing his work on his laptop.

 Abhimanyu cutted the call and started doing his work on his laptop

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(Imagine his dress)

After 2 hours when his work was done ,he grabbed his car keys and went towards his peace home. After entering inside her room,he saw that she is already sleeping peacefully. He smiled seeing her face which has no line of worry. He removed his tshirt and slipped inside the blanket and put her hand inside her cute looking cloth. He removed the hairs which was falling on her face and sleep while putting his neck in the crook of her neck. After sensing warmth radhika snuggle more into him to get the scecur feeling and slept.

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