VI. So the past is not the past...

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Since the gang came back from London the plan to conquer the city was successful. This place is now under new management by the order of a Peaky Blinders...

 Arthur has fighting with shell shock same as Tommy and others who came back from the war in France experienced the same symptoms

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Arthur has fighting with shell shock same as Tommy and others who came back from the war in France experienced the same symptoms.

Polly always used to say that John is a good boy Arthur tries and Tommy...Tommy is different. He was born to be the leader of this family. Yet with this comes the responsebility; to carry the whole world on his shoulders. No one was prepared for it. Even he.

Thomas decided to close the door; to forget about it and to move on. Arthur...he tried yet he couldn't...these flashbacks, drifts, voices in his head; the bombs falling around could you forget this...death...every where you turn around.

....and me? Well,  I was fighting my demons. Trying to live a normal life as I could be although I knew since me and Thomas started seeing each other and living together everything will change. If it will be for good I can't say.

While walking through the streets of Small Heath I remembered he told me he needs a man he can trust with the business. He didn't tell me what it's all about yet I had an idea. Booking agency was going really good. Thomas hates politicians and judges, yet they can be very useful when you have a business especially an export/import. The license gives you power and monopole.

I met this guy for a first time in Irland by one of my agent missions. He was very useful and helpful. He told me he works for a man who has connections in Germany, London and Irland. I don't trust people easily but he was different. I knew I can put a trust on him. Someone who knows all this politicians and judges people who will never accept us just because of who we are.

I knew soon I needed to talk with Thomas about what happened when I was away and Johnny died. My past will always haunting me that was for sure. I was trying to stay away from it; but how can you forget so easily the years of duty to an organization who drowned you out. I left IRA long time ago but IRA didn't left me. Yet I still have the feeling these people are watching me and worst maybe they come for me or us...

Meanwhile I just got to the agency and got inside. Loudly and full of people before the bets begin tonight.

Tommy, Arthur and John were in the office

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Tommy, Arthur and John were in the office. It was a pay day. Dead silence was in the room.

"W'at, ehh?" Thomas licked his lips and slide the cigarette over his lips lit it up.

"His wife?" Arthur took off his hat and squeezed it in his hands.

"So shoot 'er and bring 'im to me!" Tom  gazed at them both.

"She's a good woman Tom." John said looking at Arthur.

"A good woman." Arthur repeated

Tom took the cigarette and blew off smoke

"Well if she is a good woman, then she'll go to 'eaven ehy Arthur?"

He squeezed harder the hat and swallowed.

"Alright our John!" I yelled "W'ere is Thomas?" I looked around.

"W'ere t'e fuck should I know?" He spit and stuck that stick in his mouth again. I came close grab him by the coat.

"Don't talk to me like t'at boi!" I hissed.

"Or w'at?" John was tryin' to show everyone he can handle the situation.

"Now yo go and search Thomas and tell 'im I am 'ere." I said as calmly as I could.

"And if  I refuse." He put 'is 'ands in the pockets.

"I will put a bullet in your 'ead by order!" I pointed a gun in 'is face and out of the blue he nodded.

"Okay! Alrigh'!" He disappears.

I make my way to Thomas office while I was 'earing screams between 'im and Arthur and John.

"Fuck was t'at about Arthur eh?" He was hissing.

"Take a guess" Arthur was so nervous.

"You know I can't even guess anymore." Thomas was sittin' on 'is desk looking at 'im.

"I couldn't stop 'im Tommy. He will come back." Arthur was worried

"I need a magic powder." He look at 'is paper on the desk.

"W'at t'e fuck are yo talkin' about Tommy."

"Arthur you'll go find the Lee family. Said I send you. Take John with you."

"Alroight John let's find the Lee's!"
Arthur waved to him to come and gone.


"W'at now Arthur! I was very clear about t'at,, eyy?!" He was looking at the bets from today.

"Thomas needs few minutes. Need to talk to you."

"Ehhh May, yeah. I'm a bit stressed now."

I closed the door and sat on chair. He was just starting at window.

"Listen, eyyy I will made the 'orse win May. I sent Arthur to the Lees then he continued:

"The 'orse will win again and t'e th'rd time we do it, we'll 'ave t'e w'ole Birmingham bettin' on it. A t'ousand quid bet...on t'e magic 'orse...w'en we are ready t'e 'orse will lose."

He looked at me like he knew exactly what I was gonna say about it.

"Aww t'e magic powder I guess. I thought we wanna make a legal business, ehh?!" I smirked and crossed my arms on my chest.

"W'at it is t'at you wanna talk about." He sat on the chair behind his desk and lit a cigarette.

"Remember I told you I knew someone who can 'elp with t'e business and make on t'e legal track."

"Hmm yeah. W'at about it.?"

"I t'ink I 'ave t'e right man to do t'e job." I stood up put my hands on the desk and looked 'im in the eyes.

"Do I know 'im?" Tommy blew a smoke

"I don't think so...but I do."

"If you trust 'im bring 'im on." He smiled and looked the paper.

"Good..see w'at I can do." I took my coat and proceeded to the door he grab my hand i turned.

"See ya tonight Mrs Shelby" he smirked I free myself.

" 'Ave a good day mister Shelby" smile draw in my face.

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