Welcome to Birmingham! It's my honor to represent it...
Birmingham 1920- 1939...
the Great War was just came to an end...
a new one is about to begin...
a new very dangerous movement is forming in Britain who claims it will solve every problem....
'E was sittin' in t'e office and lookin' at 'is papers. Unlocked the draw on t'e right side of t'e desk and took a small file. Lit a cigarette. On the file was standin' "Confidential" and a note from Chirchill 'imself.
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"Mister Shelby if you're holding this file in your hands right now, you probably know that soon we need to talk face to face. I will connect with you when the time comes." Chirchill
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Thomas blew a smoke took the note and burned it. Then open slowly the file. And saw 'is military record a weird smirk draw on his face. He yelled smashed his fists on the table. Papers were dropping on the floor and spread around everywhere:
"You've got to be kiddin'me...you bastard!."
He hissed and started readin':
"Thomas Shelby is British soldier fought bravely at the Battle of Verdun and the Battle of Somme. His actions at Mons reportedly saved thousands of allied lives, for which he received medals of honour after the War, including the Military Medal and the Distinguished Conduct Medal."
"Fuck t's! And for w'at?! I don't need a fuckin' medals. W'en I got shot t'ey gave me a medal?!" Weird smile appeared on his face.
He closed it. Took the bottle of rum and fill 'is glass. His cigarette was hanging on his lips glowing. Opened the draw and saw the medals.
"I don't need t'is." He shook his head
He thought lean back and closed 'is eyes. Pictures from war came in; screamin' people runnin', hidin'from t'e bombs and he in the tunnells......dark and claustrophobic place; nightmares came back they were never gone actually.
He thought to himself : "Every one said I changed after I came back. And t'at is true. I am completely different person now. Yet the bitter trut' is no one came back."
Thomas himself had a drastic personality shift between before and after his experiences in the WWI as a Tunneller - he was a volunteer covertly digging treacherous tunnels in order to place enormous amounts of explosives beneath enemy lines – a tactic used several times in the war to devastating effect.