Welcome to Birmingham! It's my honor to represent it...
Birmingham 1920- 1939...
the Great War was just came to an end...
a new one is about to begin...
a new very dangerous movement is forming in Britain who claims it will solve every problem....
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Not a single day went by that Thomas wasn't thinking about the war.
He was desperately trying to forget the past and live in present; closed his eyes and memories from a childhood crushed him mixed with the war once.
"Johnny and Thomas were running to the streets carrying a big bucket of alcohol for Johnny's father. As they were kids the police couldn't arrest them so they often were sent to buy alcohol and cigarettes and even collecting the bets."
Johnny and Greta were Italians yet the mother and the father moved to Birmingham searching a work. The weapon factories were running non stop on shifts. It was a good place to find a work. When Johnny's father wasn't at work he was in Garrisons. It was like his second home.
Back then Greta's family was against the relationship with Thomas I remember how in love she was and always come to chat about it. Good old times. Tommy was a gipsy boy and they wanted something better. All came from this highly society class. He has a charm so irresistible that he was able to convinced them that he can care good for her and she won't miss a thing.
London 14:30
After Johnny's death I go back in London teaching theatre to small children to make them forget the War insanity and all the bad things that happened around.
One day I met a man. I recognize him right away - the way he walked, the way he presented himself. He was looking a bit strange dressed in black from feet to toe. I knew they tried to connect me. It was impossible to forget the past 4 years of my life while working for them.
"Miss Marlowe. You're chosen and you need to come with me." He calmly said.
"May I ask who send you Mr.?" I asked. He smiled a little and lit a cigarette; he tilted his head and smiled.
"Tadhg Riley. I'm so sorry how rude of me not to introduce myself initially".
He faked a smirk.
"Hmm Irish name? I suppose t'ere's something involving IRA ehh? I'm not interested Mr. Riley.
"It's not about if you're interested or not you must come with me Missis Marlowe." He insisted.
"Look Mr. Reily four years I was true to your organization and I quit it, eyy. So I 'ave no idea w'at yer intentions are but I can see yo desperately need someone to do your dirty job AGAIN and I am guessing t'is would be me."
He somehow agreed and disagreed at the same time. I continued :
"Nevertheless I will say no. 'Ave a nice day Tadhg." Walking away he was just standing there.
"We're not finished yet." Reily screamed loudly.
Birmingham Almost midnight.
Out of the blue there was a loud noise outside. People screaming and shouting. He jumped put his coat on. Running outside the streets and saw a man screaming. He knew him.
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"They are coming! They're coming for us!" He repeatedly yelled looking scared with a weapon against the crowd.
"Oi! Barney! Hey!" Thomas shouted loudly but at the same time calmly.
He turned. You can see the scare in his eyes. He was turning still pointing the gun against the people. They were screaming in panic.
"Yees. Yess. They're coming for us." Barney turned.
"At ease soldier!" Thomas started at him and continued :
"The war is over. You're safe now. You're safe now. Calm down." He took the gun and gave it to Arthur who was there. Holding his shoulders and trying to get him out of his trance.
"War is over. Go home. Everything will be fine." Thomas spoke and turned to Arthur.
"Find 'im! I 'ave a work for 'im!" He was yelling while walking to the Garrisons.