IX. Bringin' back the memories...

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Irland 01 July 1916Battle of Somme was started

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01 July 1916
Battle of Somme was started.

"The minute. The soldier's minute. In a battle, that's all you get. One minute of everything at once."

I was thinking to myself.

Radio was playing:

"In summer of 1914 Irland then part of the United Kingdom, stood on the brink of Civil War. Parliament had voted of Home Rule-limited self government for Irland, a controversial and divisive policy.

On a result of this was that both those in favor of Home Rule and those against it organized their own armed forces.

We interrupted this program to inform you the Battle of Somme started today at 07:30 AM. Stay safe and take care of yourself!"

07:30 AM

I dressed myself. It was like I was here for ages only two years was passed. Made some coffee or what was left of it.

The War was in its peak all over the radios you can hear it unless it wasn't silent; you have to search illegal channels to catch up with some news and hope you're not be caught.


I turned, stared at this door and I knew something was goin' to happen.

I was holdin' my gun behind my back slowly opened it. There was nobody just a black file. Took it. Left the weapon on the table and the file as well.

I sat on the table and opened it. Was someone I had to get rid off as always and to collect information first about him and then his deeds. I knew I had less time to do it. It was in times of war so it's easily to complete the task.

Years passed by and I couldn't stand this situation I was stuck in. There is always need of nurses on the front, so decided to go on the front as a nurse.

Few months passed...

The war was going on and all the field hospitals were full. I learned fast how to remove a bullet with my bare  hands or how to sew a wound with everything you have or left; to complete a small surgeries when the doctor is busy. I liked it. I liked it a lot. It gave me knowledge that didn't know about and cherish my experience there.

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