Welcome to Birmingham! It's my honor to represent it...
Birmingham 1920- 1939...
the Great War was just came to an end...
a new one is about to begin...
a new very dangerous movement is forming in Britain who claims it will solve every problem....
"Today, it will be me dead or you. But whoever it is, he'll wake up in hell tomorrow."
Thomas thought. It was the black star day. This means someone is gonna die today. The plan was to kill this man otherwise it will be me or Thomas or someone from the family.
I knew he planned it very well even though I have a bit of doubts. He wasn't a man who shares his plan. He trusted most of the time himself, sometimes he trusted me or Arthur or John even Ada. I have no idea if IRA had planed something as well. As I know them they are often a step ahead just hope this time we are the ones who are a step ahead.
Thomas came near and hugged me.
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I closed my eyes.
"W'en t'is day ends I need to talk with yo. About t'e time during the War." Turning to him. He nodded.
"Tadhg contacted with me." Tommy caressed my arms.
"So yo know." He hugged me.
"I do"
"I 'ad no choice. T'ey promised me protection and said Johnny will be protected too. They said if I do some work to t'em."
"To become an informant and killer same time was never your intention. It comes with many sacrifices. Yo 'ad to make a decision fast. " he keeps caressing my arms.
"I never wanted t'is. I thought I teach to children and make t'em forget t'e 'orrors of t'e War." He lift my chin up with his finger
"No never. Yet you cannot change t'is. Yo can't change a second from t'e past"
"Alroight yet I 'ave to live wit' it. T'ere always someone pops up from my past even though I left."
"You're safe 'ere May. I won't let anythin' 'appens to yo." Thomas hold my shoulders and shook me.
"We'll talk later. W'en we 'ave everythin' behind is." I turn to him and kissed him. He chuckled.
Later that day
Arthur and John were screaming outside by the way they do it I can say something bad happened. As I thought maybe IRA came in the game. I can't be sure only assume.
Even our house is protected, I knew if they want something there is nothing to stop them.
"May open the fuckin' door!" Nina rent and did it. Both are holding Thomas from both sides. He was shot.
"Make him sit." I ordered and continued "John remove his upper clothes fast."
"How?" He was asked worriedly.
"Seriously our John?! I don't give a fuck just use t'e fuckin' scissors or ripped t'em off!" I yelled
John ripped them and trow them on the floor.
"Ninaaa bring some tweezers, cloths and whiskey a lot of it."
She was running like crazy collecting the things which I will need.