III. When you plan something well there's no need to rush...

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The backstreets of Birmingham in the 1920s were wild, lawless, smoky...the weapon factories worked twenty-four hours a day all year round, dropping ash like snow on the blackened streets.

Few days later

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Few days later

I was recently go back from London. As i knew Thomas was preparing for the next race in few months since he has a leagal licence and the horse. The booking agency was booming and was going really well. Arthur was taking care of the agency while Thomas made the big deals. He started import export business and he was away to take care of some work.

Soon will start the race season and Grace's secret has to be prepared she had new horse shoes and she was looking  really good.


I heard footsteps... yet I didn't really care cause the only persons in this house are me and the house maids. Since Johnny's gone nothing is the same anymore. I was sitting in my desk in the library room reading. The bookshelves were from floor to attic. There was a ladder surrounding all bookshelves.


"W'at's up Nina.?" I didn't looking just waiting for an answer which didn't come.

The door closes and Thomas was standing in front me soaking wet.

"May you won't tell my secret, right?" He was staring at me.

"Thomas do I look like a person w'o tells things to people." I stood up and put the book in its place. Slowly moving around the desk.

" 'ow can I be sure." He came closer removing some water from his face.

"Be sure of w'at?" I came closer too; he sat on chair, took off his coat threw it out on the floor

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"Be sure of w'at?" I came closer too; he sat on chair, took off his coat threw it out on the floor.

"You must be cold wit' all t'at wet clothes." I continue.

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