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"What's the name of those girls who bullied me? I just want to know so I can stay away from them." I turned to Kai.

"Their leader's name was Lisa, the blonde was Rosé and the other girl who was brunette was Jisoo." He answered.

"Thank you so much for telling." I slowly drifted towards him. 'You're welcome. By the way, Jennie, I have a weird question.' He frowned, as I frowned back nodding my head.

"Are you into boys or girls?" He rested his elbow on the table. "Girls." I said, with embarrassment. I noticed the look of his face changed, the bright look on his face turned into a dull one.

"What happened?" I kept my palm on his shoulder, he moved a bit like he got an electric shock, kind of weird. "Nothing." He slightly smiled.

"Kai, if there's anything you want to talk about or have I hurted you. Then please tell, it pains me to see you like this." He sighed before chuckling. "I'm telling the truth, there's nothing wrong."

I nodded my head and just then, when he was about to say something, the teacher came. We all stood up to greet her. "Good morning class, ah, we have a new student over here." She pointed at me as I came out.

"Introduce yourself please." She requested. "Hi everyone! I'm Jennie Kim, I hope we can make a good friendship, right?" I introduced myself. Everyone nodded except three girls, the same girls who bullied me.

"Such brats." I mumbled to myself before seating myself on the first bench, next to Kai. 'Okay class, let's start. We are going to study... Algebra, right?' The teacher asked. All the students yelled "YES!" except me since I didn't knew what I was going on.

"I'm going to call each one of you and give you a question on the whiteboard. You have to solve it." She frowned. I looked at Kai and he was looking at me too, we made eye contact, the eye contact was for one second but felt like one hour.

Embarrassed again, I looked at my only brought notebook which was blank. I knew I looked really stupid, but more stupid while looking at Kai. It was Lisa's turn, so I immediately glued my eyes on the board.

The question was - a-b/2a-b + a+b/a-2b. Lisa scratched her head and just stared at the board. The teacher's eyes turned towards me and she called me on the board. Without any hesitation, I stood up and walked to the board.

Taking the marker, I began writing - (a-b) (a-2b)  + (a+b)  (a-2b)
= ......... (Your author is too lazy to do the maths)

"Correct!" The teacher said, taking everyone's attention on the white board and me. I noticed Lisa looked really angry. Dumbo!

"Great Jennie!" The teacher praised me as I thanked her. After thanking her, I sat back on my seat. "Jennie!" I hear someone calling me.

The voice was coming from beside me, it was Kai. "Jennie! In South Korea, you have to bow instead of thanking." He whispered. My mouth turned into a perfect O upon hearing his words.

"I'll remember that from the next time!" I whispered back.

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