Face The Reality

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Two person on the internet- they spent their time chatting each other, talking about their life, hobbies and more.

They known each other for years, and more years to hopefully come.

But, is there really?..

The soft creak as light shined through, Sasha fluttering her eyes open.

A familiar figure silently comes in the dimly lit room, and sat down on the edge of the bed as mattress sank down a little under her weight.

The figure has pale skin, and silver-haired girl.

- "Sasha?" She whispered, reaching out to touch her cheek. Brushing against her cold, pale skin.
Sasha's eyes were tired, yet they held a tint of warmth because of her.

- "Please don't go." Sasha softly said, and the figure's lips curving into a faint smile, as they leaned in to land a kiss on her forehead "I never left." She murmured.

The figure continues stroking her hair gently, settled besides her, her warmth envoloped her and for a moment she felt at peace, forgot what's happening currently.

She felt the same love she given to her, the same unconditional love, the same love she's been craving for, the unforgotten and nostalgic touch and memory.

But, that's not the reality.

As soon Sasha blinked, adjusting to the reality she's been escaping, the figure wasn't there -yet it was all a hallucination, the figure was long gone before she started to have hallucinations of her great love.

Tears came down, tracing down on her pale cheeks, her hand clutching on the blanket she's laying on.

She could have been crying in her arms or maybe wouldn't cry if she was only here.

But, no— instead she cried to a pillow.
not even a person but an object she's been crying on.

She was curled up like ball, and the pillow wrapped into her arms as her face is pressed against it.

Her tears soaking it, as she always do.
cry, cry, and cry and cry over again.

"I loved her so much.
I cant accept it." she stuttered.

"I need her.
I need her touch.
I need her comfort.
I need her.
I loved her."

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