She's Dead

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At Maroon's office, Rosie had just been informed that her husband cheated on her with Minerva Acme by playing patty cake. And just as they predicted....

She wasn't happy.

"Patty-Cake, Patty-Cake!?" Rosie sobbed, banging her face on the desk. "I don't believe it! Patty-Cake! Patty-Cake! Is that true?"

"Come now dear, don't cry. It'll be alright." Maroon offered her a hanky. "You're not the first girl whose husband played patty cake on her."

The white rabbit continued to cry her little eyes out and blew her nose. "I just don't believe it. I won't believe it, I can't believe it, I shan't believe it."

"Believe it, kid," Eddie slapped the photos down for her to see. "I took the pictures myself. He played patty cake." Rosie looked through the photographs of Jesse and Ms. Acme playing patty cake. "No, not my sweet Jesse not Patty cake!" Rosie exclaimed, flipping through the photos. "This is impossible, I don't believe it. It can't be! It just can't be. It's absolutely impossible!"

It was truly a horrible sight for the poor rabbit toon to find out that her lifetime partner was having an affair.

"He's the light of my life, the apple of my eye, the cream in my coffee..." She whimpered.

"Well I guess you better start drinkin' it black, cuz Acme's takin' the cream now." Eddie remarked.

"Mr Valiant please," Maroon hardened his gaze at him. "Hard to believe, Minerva Acme's been my neighbor for 30 years. Who would've thought she was a Cougar?" Maroon offered her a drink but she politely declined. She not much of a drinker, and even if she was she literally couldn't.

Not with her, condition and all.

Eddie sighed tirelessly, Now as much as it pains him to see a brokenhearted lady in this state, he was still wanted his half of the deal. "Look, Mr. Maroon. I think our work here is finished. How 'bout that carrot you owe me, huh?"

Maroon nodded and took out a check from his jacket pocket. "Sure, A deal's a deal."

"Great, thanks." Eddie nodded and took the check from him.

"Come now Rosie," Maroon came to the toon rubbing her back. "I know this all seems pretty painful now, but you'll find someone new. Won't she, Mr. Valiant?"

"Yeah, sure." Eddie shrugged. "A beautiful rabbit like her? The guys wil be breakin' her door down in no time."

"SOMEONE NEW!?" Rosie snapped, then jumped to Eddie and held him by the collar, shaking him harshly. "Listen here, My Jesse's the only one for me, you'll see! We'll rise above this piddling peccadillo! We're gonna be happy again, you got that? Happy! Capital H-A-P-P-I!"

Just then there was a knock on Maroon's door and a toon female bunny entered. "Uh, pardon me?"

The female bunny has tan fur, blonde bangs, and wears a yellow dress suit with purple rubber band on both ears tied like a ponytail, which may also hint that she is a lop rabbit.

R.K. Maroon's face softened once he recognized the toon. "Ah, Lola. Thanks for answering my call. Can you please escort Rosie home?" He asked.

"Of course sir, c'mon Rosie." Lola nodded and escorted Rosie out the office, who started crying her eyes out once more. Eddie coughed and straightened him out. "Damn, the girls got a grip."

"Well, at least she took it well." Maroon shrugged.

At Eddies apartment, which was just a little office with a drop-down bed, a bathroom, and a workable kitchen. Eddie sat at his workspace and looks through some old photos. While looking at a few photos, he smiled of seeing a few pictures of him and Delores. One was them sitting together under an umbrella, one of him playing a small prank on Delores while sleeping, and another one of Eddie wrapping an arm around Delores.

Eddie laughed at a few more photos until his smile broke. He found a picture of him and his brother Teddy playing ukulele's.

Eddie looked down at picture with a small frown. Each day he misses his brother. It was as if a piece of him died alongside him that day.

"Sweet dreams Teddy." Eddie whispered, still staring at the photo. It wasn't until he fell asleep on his desk.

It was early morning, Eddie was lying side face down on his desk with a bottle of Vodka in his hands. Then someone entered the office, and walked behind Eddie. The guy took the empty bottle from Eddie's hand, picked up a trashcan in the other hand, and tossed the bottle in a loud noise.

Eddie jolted awake and jumped again when the trashcan was put down. "Oh, Lieutenant Santino." Eddie looked sharp at the new man in the office. "Where'd you come from?"

"Aw jesus, Eddie, if you needed money so bad, why didn't you come to me?" Santino asked, seeing the photographs between Acme and Jesse.

"So I took a couple of dirty pictures, so shoot me." Eddie shrugged, pouring himself another glass of alcohol.

Santino straightened his coat. "Yeah well, I already got a stiff neck on my hands, thank you." Santino answered.

"What do you mean?" Eddie asked.

"Ms Acme's dead." Santino confirmed. "The rabbit cacked her last night."


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