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Eddie couldn't figure it out. Why the hell would Cloverleaf want Toon-Town. It just doesn't make any sense.

"First they buy the red car, then they wanna get their hands on Toon Town. I don't get it!"

Suddenly, inside the bar there was rapid piano music playing. There was also the distinct sound of laughter. "Rosie!" Eddie grabbed Dolores hand and ran inside the building with them.

What they didn't know was that the man hole they were standing by opened up to reveal the weasels, spying and eavesdropping.

"The rabbit, Get the judge boys."

The couple walked into the bar to see Rosie singing and dancing to many bar flies. 'I don't believe it.' Eddie held an angry look on his face. She was supposed to be hiding, not dancing to a bunch of drunks.

Rosie then laughed at one of the bar patrons, entertaining them. "Whoo-hoo, nice shirt! Who's your tailor, Quasimodo?" She continued to perform.

My buddy's Eddie V.

A sourpuss, you see

But when I'm done he'll need no gun

Cuz a joker he will be

C, D, E, F, G, H, I

I love to raise some Cain!

Believe me, it's no strain

I feel so great to smash a plate

And look, there's no pain

No pain

No pain

No pain


While Rosie was singing, she went over to a stack of plates and hit one on her head while she was saying 'No pain'. The record kept skipping and Rosie kept hitting herself with the plates without any injury.

Dolores panicked and stopped the record, while Eddie yanked the rabbit by the ears and takes her in the rotgut.

"Hey! Owch! This is not proper behavior towards a lady!" Rosie flailed her little arms around, struggling to get out of his hold.

"You damn crazy rabbit!" Eddie hissed. "I've been out there riskin' my necks for you. And what're you doin'? SINGIN' AND DANCIN'!"

"But, I'm a Toon. It's kinda my job to make people laugh," She tried to explain. "And besides those people needed to laugh."

"Yeah, and when they're done laughin', they'll call the cops! That guy Angelo would rat on you for a nickel!"

"Not Angelo, he'd never turn us in." Rosie defended.

"WHY!? Because you made him laugh?"

"That's right mister. You know how everyone says 'Laughter is the best medicine?' Well there right. It can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

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