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Later, the weasels brought out the Dip. The hissing of the dip barrel sent a chill on everyone's spines. Rosie cried out and her whole body shaking like a leaf.

"Does the condemned have anything to say before her sentence is carried out?" Doom offered any last words.

"P-P-Please. I didn't kill anyone! I would never do such a thing!" Rosie cried, tears rolling down her cheeks. But Doom only held her throat tightly, choking her.

Eddie looked around trying to find a way to help her. He didn't know what to do. He didn't...

Wait a minute, he remembered something a while back on an old case involving Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.

"Dolores, bourbon." Eddie whispered, holding up a small glass. "And make it a double."

"Gee, Fine time for a drink, Eddie!" Dolores reprimanded.

"Just pour the drink, Dolores." She does what her boyfriend says and pours the drink. Doom tries to push Rosie into the Dip, but she's using her ears to prevent him from doing so. The bar patrons could only watch solemnly, with a few removing their hats.

"Hey, Judge!" Eddie shouted. Doom and Rosie looked up at him. "Does the dying rabbit deserve a last request?" he asked.

"Yeah, you wouldn't happen to carry any perfume to drown out this smell, do ya Dolores?" Rosie said, still straining while trying not to get into the Dip.

"I got you something better..." Eddie holds up the full glass with a smile, and gives Rosie a wink. "A drink. How 'bout it, judge?"

"Well, why not?" Doom said, moving the Rosie away from the Dip. "I wouldn't mind prolonging the execution."

"Bottoms up." Eddie said, holding the drink to Rosie.

"No thanks, Eddie." Rosie said, holding her arms out. "I-I can't...!"

"Just drink the drink!" Eddie demanded.

"But I don't want to drink!" The rabbit protested.

"She doesn't want to drink!"

"What do you mean, of course she does!" Eddie continued.

"I don't!" Rosie argued.

"You do!"

"I don't!"

"You do!"

"I don't!"

"You do!"

"I don't!" Before this could take forever, Eddie tries Reverse Psychology.

"You don't."

"I do." Rosie replied.

"You don't."

"I do!"

"You don't!"

Roger looked like he had enough and took the glass. "Listen here buster, when I say I do, that means I do."

Rosie splashed the drink in her mouth, spilling some on the floor, and swallowed in one gulp.

Suddenly, she started to change color. Her eyes were swirling in different colors, and her fur standing on edge. Eddie and Delores hid behind the bar. Then, with a burst of power, Rosie flew out of Judge Doom's hand and flew in the air, letting out a high-pitched yell as her head shaped like a train whistle.

Doom stumbled back into the men next to the bar. Then it turned into a brawl between Eddie and the weasels.

When Rosie was done with her spasm attack, she was about to fall into the Dip, but stopped when Eddie caught her. "I gotcha, kid." Eddie tips the barrel, spilling the Dip to the floor. The bar patrons backed away from it, thinking it was poison. Oddly enough, so did Judge Doom, as if afraid of his own concoction. He then glares at the escaping duo.

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