The Weasels

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Sirens roared outside the building. The toon patrol had finally somehow caught up with the white rabbit. "It's the Weasels! They found me!"

Rosie screamed in terror. "IT'S THE TOON PATROL!" She exclaimed and went to Eddie's desk. "Hide me! P-P-P-lease!" She jumped into the bottom drawer, her head came out on the top drawer. "You didn't see me."

"WILL YOU GET OUTTA THERE!" Eddie yelled at Rosie.

Rosie got out and was on the top of the desk now. "Don't let 'em find me!" Rosie pleaded, her blue eyes watering. "Help me Eddie, you're my only hope!"

The weasels banged on the door, wanting to be let in. "Open up in the name of the law!" Smarty demanded.

"Eddie, You know there's no justice for toons anymore. If the weasels get their hands on me, I'm as good as dipped!"

"Don't make us play rough, Valiant!" Smarty banged on the door again, continued to grow impatient. "We just want the rabbit!"

"What are we going do Eddie? What are we going to do? What are we going to do?" Rosie asked panicking, shaking like a leaf.

"What's all this we stuff." Eddie stated. "They just want you." Rosie whimpered, tears trickling down her eyes and cheeks.

Eddie mentally sighed. He always hated seeing women cry. He took a deep breath and sighed. "I've got an idea, but you're not going to like it."

Suddenly, the door had shooting to open it. The weasels grew tired of waiting for an answer, so they barged right in. One by one the weasels came in, looking around and couldn't find the human anywhere.

"Looks like they gave us the slip, huh, boss?"

"Nah," Smarty stated, looking carefully. "Valiant's got 'er stashed somewhere." As the weasels were looking around the office, Smarty went up to the kitchen and pointed his gun at someone at the sink.

"Hold it right there!" Smarty snapped. It didn't take long for the weasels to find Eddie by the sink, suspiciously doing the dishes. Eddie turned around and gave a smile. "Hello, boys, didn't hear you come in."

"Okay, wise guy," Smarty put a chair by the sink to put his gun to his head. "Where's the rabbit?"

Eddie looked back down at the sink. "Haven't seen her." Smarty quirked an eyebrow, then looked down at the sink and gave a few sniffs.

"What's in there?" he pointed at the sink with suspicion.

"My laundry," Eddie pulled out a black sock from the soapy water. Smarty took a whiff and regretted after and pulled his face back with disgust.

"Search the place!" Smarty commanded and the other weasels searched high and low.

Unknowingly to the weasels that Rosie was hiding in the sink. She came up, gasping for air and spits out the soapy water. Eddie quickly shoved her back in before they could see her.

"Look, Valiant, we got a reliable tip-off, the rabbit was seen here and it was 'corrugated' by several others, So cut the bull shtick and we'll leave."

"You keep talkin' like that, I'm gonna have to wash your mouth out." Eddie said, shoving a bar of soap into the fowl weasel's mouth.

Smarty was pushed back by the soap, making him hit some boxes. The other weasels looked at him and started laughing.

"Stop that laughin'!" Smarty hissed at them, spitting the soap out, knocking out Wheezy. He then took out a plunger as Psycho, Greasy, and Stupid kept laughing. "Stop that laughin'! You know what happens when you can't stop laughin'!" he hit Greasy and Psycho on the head and shoved the plunger on Stupid's mouth. "One of these days you're all gonna die laughin'."

"As for you Valiant, step outta line and we'll hang you and your laundry out to dry." Smarty threatened dangerously. "Come on, boys. Let's am-scray." He and his fellow weasels left out the door, slamming it.

The detective sighed in relief, glad that they're finally gone. "Alright, the coast is clear." Eddie pulled the rabbit out, allowing her to spit out some water again. She stepped out and shakes the water off her, which resulted her fur going all poofy.

"Jeepers Eddie, That was swell, you've saved my life! How can I ever repay ya?!" Rosie jumped in Eddie's arms and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. Eddie gagged and grabbed Rosie by the scruff of her neck.

Rosie chuckled sheepishly, a cartoon sweat on her forehead. "Oopsie..."

"Well for starters..." Eddie spat, wiping his cheek. "Don't ever kiss me like that again."

Rosie just giggled at the flustered human. "Oh stop it."

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