Cash or Check

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The sound of a typewriter brought unbelievable comfort to those who craved it. The words filled the page, spilling from his fingers as they moved swiftly each strike of the keystrokes. Carriage returns brought forth more ideas, bleeding from those creative fingertips. 

Finally the story had reached its conclusion, the writer sitting back and taking a mental bow before he tore the sheet free from the mechanism. He read through his words a few times, his eyebrows furrowing, then the transcript in its entirety was bound together before it was swiftly, and unceremoniously, dumped into the waste bin next to his chair, “Utter shit.” He mumbled, sinking into his chair as he looked up at the ceiling with building frustration.

It had been like this all year. Not a single book had been finished. He got so close, but nothing would bring him to life quite like his first series of work. It felt demoralizing whenever he tried to relight that spark. It felt worse when the publisher would call, demanding news about the next top seller. 

A noise brought the man out of his misery, his eyes snapping open as his front door reverberated with a few brazen knocks. He pulled his mouth into a tight smile, standing and hurrying over to answer it. He worried it would be his publisher, his bowtie tightened to make him appear more put together before he dared to open the door. He had to adjust his glasses, as he did not know who had stood before him, his smile becoming more painfully tight as he spoke, “Why, hello, and who do I owe the pleasure of meeting?”

“Hello, my name is Lu, and let me just say, you have a nice place here, pal!” The shorter man looked around, seeming to be trying to distract the writer with awkward small talk.

“Quite…” Alastor tilted his head to the other side now, trying to interpret any of the expressions the other man had dared to let flash across his features, “Is there anything you need, Lu? I am quite busy at the moment, and although I do enjoy catching the breeze, I simply cannot stray from my paperwork for too long.”

The small man seemed to jump into action, suddenly bypassing the man as he walked into his home without further discussion. Al’s eyes widened, and he tried to catch him to throw him out, but he was moving quite swiftly, like he knew the layout of his home. Alasor had momentarily wondered if the man was someone ready to finally bump him off, but instead he found that the look he was giving him was more innocent than that. The taller man considered murder momentarily, as it had been a valid option in the past, but instead, with interest, he continued to follow the stranger throughout the house, like he were receiving a tour of his own dwelling.

He took his time examining the uninvited guest. He was blonde, and his skin was impossibly white. Perhaps an ivory makeup that Alastor had heard a bit about in historical books. Though, he felt assured in the fact that there was no way the little creature before him had any royalty tied to him. He was simply too excitable for that.

“I know this sounds extremely creepy, and trust me, it sort of is.” The blonde hummed, eyes on anything that wasn’t Alastor, “I happen to read your books. I am a huge fan! They’re fantastic!”

“Whatever do you mean?” Shit, had Al’s publisher leaked who he was to someone, that would breach their contract, as he had asked to remain anonymous, as his mother would never let him live down the unholy content of his writings.

“You know exactly what I mean!” The small man threw his hands up, actually pausing in the tight hallway to Alastor’s study, blocking them in it, “Your first book, Eternal rot; it was simply divine!”

“I- you must have the wrong gentleman. I haven’t written a book.” Alastor lied through his teeth, leaning against the closest wall to appear more calm than what he was.

“Oh!” Lu winked at the man, “I forgot, you don’t like everyone knowing you wrote it. I don’t see why, it's simply the best piece of media I’ve ever gotten my claws on!” The man paused, looking at his hands before he put them behind his back, laughing awkwardly, “I mean fingers, yeah…”

Al stood slack jawed for a long moment, options seeming highly limited. He could deny again and again, but it felt like it had no use in this context. He just hoped that the other had been truthful about his confession on being a fan, as anything being said would not suit a newspaper if Alastor had anything to say about it, “Oh, is it?”

“Yes!” The blonde suddenly grabbed onto Alastor’s hands, pulling him closer, making their faces nearly touch, “I really like your characterization of the devil! He felt almost real!”

Al hated touch, he wanted to rip his hands away, and he wished ever so deeply to wash them, and untarnish his tools of the trade. Though, part of him did not mind the closeness quite as much as usual, perhaps enjoying the compliments a bit too sincerely, “I haven’t ever been told that someone liked my taboo… characters before.”

“Well, you have stumbled upon a fan.” The man’s voice was deep all of a sudden, making Al blush.

The taller of the two pulled his hands away quickly, rubbing them on his pants shyly as he cleaned them, “I didn’t really have to work hard to find you.”

“Which is wonderful, isn’t it?” The man suddenly spun around, walking around the house again.

Al hurried to catch up with him, panic ever building in his stomach. Part of him wanted to grab some of his hidden knives, maybe a rifle that he had kept under his desk. However, he didn’t like ending lives within his home, as it made things a bit too convenient for the police if they were to ever investigate his unholy behavior. He sucked in a sharp breath, adjusting his glasses once more, “What is it that you want?”

“Well, as someone who enjoys your work, I was hoping to get to know you better. Perhaps sample your next edition if you have started on it.” Lu helped himself in the kitchen, opening the refrigerator while idly looking through its contents. 

Al’s face only held tighter, hoping that the other man would be too dull to realize how humanly certain cuts might have looked to the regular eye. Once he could, he slammed the door, grabbing Lu’s shoulder as he redirected him to sit at the kitchen table, voice calm as he tried to keep the peace, “That is tempting, but a professional wouldn’t spill his secrets, I’m sure you understand.”

“Nope, not at all…” Lu replied before he sat up in his chair, “I mean, I am willing to pay you for your time! Of course, I also intend on helping you as much as possible. I can’t have my favorite creative struggling. Your refrigerator is basically empty.” The man pointed out before he dug into his fancy jacket’s pocket, suddenly laying out multiple stacks of money.

Al couldn’t believe his eyes. He had never seen so much money in all of his life. Not even when he worked at a convenience store as a teenager. He grew more pale as the stacks continued to rise. He felt like he would never see the end of it. 

“I hope this is enough.” Lu hummed, looking up at the man, “I know it’s not much, but I can’t wait to get to know you.”

“So you pay me like an expensive whore?” Alastor muttered, still not able to believe what was happening.

“I mean, I could pay you to do a lot of things…” The man smirked devilishly, making Alastor’s face redden immensely, “But, no, I am not into paying for sex.”

Al didn’t know if that made him feel relieved or not, but he tried to play his cards more carefully, his voice as calm as he could muster, “Okay, good… I accept your offer. We may  spend time together and we may speak about my stories, as long as you pay and you keep my identity hidden. My mother wouldn’t approve of the content of my fiction. Nor would the church I attend.”

“Deal!” Lu reached a hand towards Alastor, and with a quirked eyebrow, he took it, his lights suddenly flickering as he felt something pass through him.

He pulled his hand away quickly, looking at his palm. Seared into his ring finger was a snake, wrapped around and biting its own tail. He looked up, eyes full of fire. He had made a huge error, as now he realized, he had made a deal with the devil. 

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