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Alastor had never thought there would be a child running through his home, and had he known he likely would have put up the lower shelf decorations beforehand. He had heard that children were good at getting into trouble, so quickly he hurried about, trying to make sure anything breakable was indeed above the small girl’s height. She couldn’t be much more than four years old, so it wasn’t terribly hard, though he did worry that she would climb or perhaps even sprout wings if she really wanted to. Being the devil’s daughter made anything seem possible to the mortal man.

Lucifer had given his daughter some juice from the fridge to calm her down while they waited, the little girl sipping carefully from the glass she had been given. Al finally felt a bit more secure by the new placement of his most important items, hands on his hips as he looked between the two devils, questions filling his eyes as he finally could stop long enough to think, “So, uh, what’s with your little copy? I didn’t think Lucifer would have to babysit his own spawn.”

“Oh!” Lucifer stood straight, smiling awkwardly, “Well… her mom hasn’t been very… uh, present lately. She’s busy on a tour in Hell, as she wanted to inspire sinners to- uh- do something? I don’t remember the ins and outs of it, but she didn’t wanna bring Charlie along. Sinners are not the best with childcare, so I brought her along.”

Alastor’s eyes finally rested on the little girl one more time, her little face bashful as she looked away from him. He then managed to ask, “Why would you bring her here? I am not a childcare expert either. Hell, you hardly know me. I could decide to hold your spawn hostage and use her as leverage for a dealbreaker.”

“No, you don’t hurt children.” Lucifer replied matter of factly, “Besides I know you’ve had your fill lately, so I really don’t see you going out of your way to piss me off until your hunger grows again.”

Al blinked a few times, his hands becoming sweaty as he rubbed them together, “Whatever could you mean by that?”

“I know for a fact that you were going to go pick meat from your victim in the woods. Your whereabouts yesterday aren’t a complete mystery my friend!” Lucifer smirked up at the man, eyebrows quirked, “I had to see one of your victims for myself. I never expected you to leave such a mess behind, but based on how badly hurt you were, I know he had to have gotten you back.”

Alastor’s soul spiraled, eyes darting away as he tried to keep any semblance of his composure, “So… you know all of my dirty secrets? Why… why would you bother with such affairs? I shouldn’t be any more important to you than any other sinner, alive or dead.”

“I am the king of sinners, darling.” Lucifer tugged the man’s tie, making him eye level with himself, making him look into his eyes, “I know everything that you do when God isn’t looking.”

Another quote from Alastor’s book. His face flushed a deep red, eyes wide as his lip quivered, “Oh- uh.”

Their lips blushed past each other, making Alastor’s eyes grow half lidded, stomach turning delightfully from the sensation. But, the kiss never happened, their faces pulled apart as Lucifer turned to interact with his child. Al stood stooped for a bit too long, face on fire. After a moment he managed to straighten his stance, tugging at his own collar as he tried to breathe in, knees buckling like a newborn deer. 

Lucifer, luckily; did not notice the struggle he had caused, as he bent down to press a few kisses to his daughter’s forehead, “Good girl, go draw in the living room like we talked about, alright?”

The girl nodded, looking up at Al she waved lightly, “Bye bye Alitor!”

“Bye?” Alastor tilted his head, finding a bit of a smile on his lips as the girl said his name wrong.

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