Lover's Revival

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It was an odd feeling, breathing deeply, sharp pain shooting throughout his body. He tried to move, but he couldn’t. He felt like he was being pinned down, like he was being eaten all over again. Eyes snapped open, darting around, he tried to see who had been eating him. The shadows above were at first so hard to make sense of, but then he realized it was Vince and Lucifer, and he was alive once again. He tried to scream, but a hand shot up to cover his mouth, the king’s claws digging into the flesh of his cheeks. He again tried to fight, tried to ask why, tried to move, but it was all in vain. He was stuck being eaten by those he thought had somewhat loved him. Betrayed, and flayed. Feasted upon. Used. Then, as cold filled his veins, he felt something much warmer spread across his opened cavity, like a warm blanket over his desecated form. 

Then, finally, he woke up. 

His eyes shot open, the sounds of metal hitting tile bringing him to reality, like it had washed over him like a cold bucket of water. His gaze shot around, breath shallow, the shadows above making a huge wave of panic settle over him. He thought the dream was real, he thought he was being punished for his sins, and he thought he was about to meet limbo and die all over again. 

 “He’s waking up.” A deep voice he hardly recognized spoke, “Push more meds, I doubt any of this feels pleasant.”

“Yes, doctor.” A woman hummed as suddenly another easing warmth had spread throughout his body.

Alastor knew now that he was being operated on. Dr. Holmes had him strapped to an operating table, and he was being sewn back together. The green thread the doctor used had caught the deer’s dazed eyes, and he watched as the needle moved in and out of his flesh, merely putting a temporary fix on what still felt like a bigger problem. The gauze that wrapped around his abdomen was terribly tight, but he supposed it would be the only support he would get to keep his organs in place. He looked like a rag doll underneath, though the stitches did disappear, likely hiding until they dissolved. A technique Al promised to teach himself one day when, inevitably; he would have to kill this particular target.

“I hope you can talk, we have a lot to discuss.” The doctor stepped back, looking pleased with his hack job, pulling off his gloves with a huge boosted sense of pride on his features, four hands clapping together in unison as the nurses pulled his surgical apron off of his nearly white coat. 

Al tried to pull himself up, but he was still strapped down, so instead he craned his neck to look towards the other overlord, “What do we have to discuss exactly? My bill?”

“No, I’ll just charge your patron for that.” The man waved his nurses away, making sure that they were all alone, “I just have some medical information I have to share with you before I can let you leave. Normal doctoring stuff, I’m sure you understand. You haven’t been dead all that long.”

“True. Fine, lay it on me. What kinda mess did I get myself into this time? Ruptured something I’m guessing?” Alastor was defensive, sassy to a point, as he never liked doctors. 

“Lots of somethings.” The doctor pulled an x-ray from the wall, looking it over as though he wasn’t just elbow deep in the deer’s guts moments before, “But, that isn’t exactly what I was getting at. You’re broken, all over, yes. Medically, I’d say you’re fucked. Luckily, you’re a strong lad, so I’m certain you’ll pull through. Though, with the things I had to take out of you, yesh!” He waved the fancy transparency towards the sinner, “I didn’t think I would see the day I would have to remove a fetus from another demon’s body, but here we are!”

“Excuse me, a what now?” Alastor squinted at him, trying to decide if he was crazy from the surgery, or if he was actually still dreaming.

The doctor stood dumbfounded momentarily, like he hadn’t been expecting to be interrupted like he had been, “What? It was very dead. Deader than you. That’s saying a lot!”

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