Death and Renewal

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Desperation, tiny body dragging itself in the snow, breath hot, melting the ice beneath as she crawled. The door, safety, she reached up, trying to push it open, but it did not budge. She tried again, and again, and again. Her consciousness was fading. She tried again. It did not budge. He never locked his door, why was it locked now? Again. Nothing, she began to knock. Nothing. She propped herself against the unbearably cold frame, clinging to it, banging her fist into it until she could no longer will herself to move. She laid back onto the porch, the roof above being the only thing she could focus on. He never came to save her. He was always there for her, but not that beautiful snowy night. 

Nate’s brother had come home, drenched in blood, and Nif, being nosey; had asked him what had happened. He didn’t reply, and instead he went into the kitchen to clean himself. But she pressed, as she often had, and he hit her. Yet, being herself, she pressed again, and again, until he pulled a knife from the sink, and with a few jabs had thrusted the blade into her abdomen. Her apron stained quickly with the blood, and she tried to escape. She tried to reach Alastor, as he always knew what to do.

She heaved, panted, trying to stay awake. Her hands ran over the cuts in her chest, drenching in the never ending blood flow. She sobbed, until her eye could no longer produce tears, the cold freezing them. It was over. 

When Al had awoken he had found himself in the middle of a warzone. Death, and blood, and guts all lined the unfamiliar streets, and he hardly had time to sit up before a few creatures began to run towards him. He screamed, getting to his feet before he tried to get away, in which he fell, as his stance was off, and completely different. Like a newborn deer he couldn’t retain his balance. 

Desperate, he tried to crawl away, but then he was held in place by his hips, the creatures surrounding him as they looked down at his pathetic display, all smiling with sharp teeth as he struggled, “Look boys, fresh meat.“

One took off his tie, and without hesitation he wrapped it around Alastor’s head, keeping him from seeing what they were doing as he begged to be let go. They did not listen, and Alastor was soon sure he had made it to Hell.

Sharp teeth, chewing, terrible wet noises. Alastor couldn’t see, but he could feel it all. Something ate at him, their maws filled with his flesh, and even as it was detached from his bones, he could feel it. He was thrown onto the brimstone, his back pressed against the heated Hellscape as he was torn into. He tried to move, tried to fight back, but he was held down, unable to do much of anything other than whimper. Even as his body regenerated, it was picked clean, and he felt like he was going to die all over again. His dress was pulled up again so that whoever could get access to his ribs and guts, pulling organs out that weren’t meant to see the daylight. 

Rosa and Rosie had banned together to try and find Alastor. But the police, after having found Nif and the various meats and written materials in the man’s house, had little interest in locating the missing man. In fact, they said that he had run away to escape punishment, and said that wherever he had ended up would be forced to deal with his sins. 

Rosa sobbed, trying anything to get something done, but they would say she was just hysterical, and even threaten to take her into jail if she did not calm herself down. So, with little options, both women would begin to search for themselves. They asked around, handing out an older photo of the man, but no one would give Rosa the time of day thanks to her skin tone. Those who would, had never even seen Alastor in person, and only knew of his voice. 

Vincent had joined them at some point, having not known that Al had gone missing for a few days after, as he had just thought he would be going through a dry spell again. He kept their activities on his last night a secret, though he knew a lot of the man’s deeds were already spilled. He decided that the day he found him he would keep him in his basement, away from prying eyes. He would protect him from the law, and from whatever had snatched him away. 

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