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(I just needed to hear Charlie in the beginning of the part)
Vaggie- Okay you remember what to stay
Charlie- yes let's do this!
Vaggie- okay just look at me and I'll map it to you
Bianca- come on vaggie I think she knows what to do and what to say
Charlie- Exactly mom! I just feel like we need to I don't know make things sound more exciting ohh what if I
Vaggie- sing a song about it?
Charlie- you knew I was going to say that
Bianca- because Charlie we know you from the bottom of our hearts
Vaggie- but please don't sing this is serious
Charlie- well you know I'm better of expressing myself and my goals through song
Bianca- but sometimes life isn't a musical hun
Charlie- fine but I have this other ideas of what to say the highlighted bits are the best parts
Vaggie- uh it's all highlighted
Bianca- is this a drawing?
Charlie- yes that's the happy ending see everyone's smiling and happy in heaven
Vaggie- I don't think it's that simple just please follow the talking points we went over and do not sing
Bianca- we are just looking out for you sweetie we don't want them to destroy your hope
Charlie- okay fine I'll just have the results of my impeccable improve skills
Bianca- let's go where Charlie can see us in a far away distance
Vaggie- okay I just hope she will do good up there
Bianca- she will because we are supporting her

You can continue the video if you want to continue
Angel dust is playing around the limo window car going up and down while Charlie is sad and upset what happened while Vaggie is upset at Angel bianca is in the middle she is quite upset and Angel and she wants him to take it quite seriously and wants to confront Charlie
Angel- What?
Vaggie- what? What? What were you doing?!
Angel- I earned my girl buddy a solid isn't that what redeeming quality helping friends with stuff
Vaggie- not with turf wars that resulted in territorial genocide
Angel- eh you win some you lose a few hundred it wasn't that bad anyway aw come on I had too my credibility was on the line I mean what kind of reputation would if people found out I was trying clean it just throws out my entire persona
Vaggie- your credibility what about the hotel? Your little stunt make us look like a fucking joke
Bianca- angel that was very disrespectful toward us because we actually were the ones who were on the live stream
Angel- no no no babe jokes are funny I made you look uh sad and pathetic like a orphan with no arms or legs oh with progeria great now I am bump thinking about it does thing have any liquor
Vaggie- Can you please just try to take these seriously?
Angel- fine I'll try just don't get your taco in a twist baby
Vaggie- was that you trying to be sexist or racist
Angel- whatever pisses you off more is there seriously no liquor in here
Vaggie- I'm gonna kill him
Bianca- please don't
Angel- too late toots wait will that make me double dead where exactly do I go? Too double hell hahahaha sorry your stuck with me bitch get used to it
Vaggie- come mierda malparido hijo de p-
Bianca- oh boy
Angel- listen who cares if some jagoff Scott got hurt hey most of them are ugly freaks look around we've got a bunch of fucking Harlequin babies down here
Vaggie- you're the one to talk
Angel- hey! This body is flawless everyone wants a piece out of me and I got the creepy fan letters to prove it
Bianca- Angel come on we need to start improving at least for me
Charlie- that was very uncool you know angel
Vaggie- uncool after that train wreck there is no way anyone is going to want to stay at the hotel all thanks to you and your selfish bullshit
Angel- that's that mean I don't have a free room anymore?
Vaggie makes it more wide
Angel- aww shucks
Charlie- hey come on we don't know if things are over yet try to relax Vaggie it it will be okay
They arrive to the hotel while Vaggie sits at the couch and Angel goes and gets popsicle and Bianca is just standing around with Charlie trying confront her
Angel- it's probably a good idea to actually food in this place you know to feed all the way souls you got in here
Bianca- it's okay Angel I know you didn't mean and your trying to lighten the mood but she needs a break okay
Charlie goes out side and Bianca goes and follow her
Bianca- Charlie something is up I can see it in your face
Charlie- it's that the interview didn't go well and I do t know if I'm going to make a difference I don't know what I'm doing I could really use advice mom I think dad was right about me
Bianca- Just because interview didn't go well doesn't mean nothing you stood up for yourself and your decision and you're not doing it wrong at all it's that sinners don't want to give up what they are addicted to what they like and that's the reason why they are here but one thing is that your father isn't right you have big dreams and that's what makes it you to give you goal to try to make a difference and that's what I love about you I don't want my little girl being sad I loved that smile of hers
Charlie- thanks mom I love you too
They go inside and until they hear knocking Charlie opens it and sees a demon
Alastor- he-
Charlie closes the door thinking she ha hallucinating seeing the Radio Demon on her porch
Alastor- llo-
Charlie-hey Vaggie
Vaggie- what?
Bianca- the radio demon is at the door
Vaggie- what!
Angel- uh who?
Charlie- what should I do?
Vaggie- well don't let him in
Charlie looks at the door until Bianca went up and opened it
Alastor- may I speak now?
Bianca- you may
Alastor- Alastor pleasure of meeting you sweetheart quite the pleasure excuse my un sudden visit but I saw your fiasco on a picture show and I just couldn't resist what a performance why I haven't been entertained to the stock market crash of 1929 so many orphans
Vaggie points a spear at his neck
Vaggie- stop right there cabrón hijo de perra! I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here! You pompous cheesy talking shit lord
Alastor- dear if I would wanted to hurt anyone from here I would have done so now I am here because I want to help
Charlie- say what now?
Alastor- help hello is this thing on? Testing testing
Mic- well I heard you loud and clear
Bianca- you want to help with?
Alastor- with this ridiculous thing you're trying to do this hotel I want to help you run it
Charlie- but why?
Alastor- why does anyone want to do anything? Cheer absolutely boredom I've have lacked inspiration for decades my work became detained lacking for focus I have become to crave a new more entertainment
Bianca- does getting into a fist fight with a reporter count as entertainment?
Alastor- it's the purest guy my dear reality true passion after all the word is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment
Bianca- so you think this means possible to readability a demon?
Alastor- of course not that's whacking non sense redemption oh the non existent of humanity no no I don't think there's anything left for lose such sinners the chance given was the life they lived before the punishment is this there is undoing that is done
Charlie- so than? Why would you want to help me if you don't believe in my cause?
Alastor- consider this investment on going entertainment self I want to watch the scum of the world struggle and climb up the hill of betterment only to repeatedly trip me tumble down to the fiery pit of failure
Bianca- right
Alastor- yea indeed I see big things coming our way who better than to help you with more I?
Vaggie- Charlie and Bianca listen to me you can't live this creep he's isn't just a happy face he's a deal maker he's pure evil he can't be redeemed and mostly likely looking forward to destroy everything we are trying to do
Charlie- I we don't know that look I know he's bad and I know he'll probably doesn't want to change but the whole point of this is to get people a chance and have faith things will be better how can I turn someone away I can't it's goes with everything I'm trying to do everything I believe in just trust me I can take care of myself
Vaggie- Charlie whatever you do not make a deal with him
Bianca- don't worry she picked up one thing from her father
Charlie- "you don't take shit from other demons" okay so now you're sketching as fuck and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here as a joke but I don't I think everyone deserves a chance to prove them can be better so I'm taking your offer to help under the convention there can be no tricks or voodoo strings attach
Alastor- so it's a deal than?
Bianca- No no shaking hands no deals as Queen of Hell and still heir to the throne I here by order you that you help with this hotel for as long as you desire sounds fair
Alastor- fair enough
Charlie- cool beans smile my dear you know your never fully dressed without one so where is your hotel staff?
Bianca- um well
Alastor- oh oh you're going to need more than that and what can you do my feminine fellow?
Angel- I can suck your dick
Alastor- Ha! No!
Angel- You're lost
Alastor- well this won't do I'm suppose I can cash in a few favors to lighten things up this little darling is nifty
Nifty- hi I'm nifty it's nice to meet you it's been a while since I've made new friends why are you all women? Are there any men here? I'm sorry that's rude oh man this place is filthy  this is really need a lady touch which is weird because you are all ladies no offense oh my gosh this is awful no no no no no
Husk- ah! Weak your human boys oh! The hell? What the fuck is this! You!
Alastor- ah husker my good friend glad you can make it
Husk- don't you husker me you son of a bitch I was about to win the whole god damn pot!
Alastor- goodness see you too
Husk- what the hell do you want with me this time?
Alastor- my friend to make some new cherry work to took it upon myself and need your services I hope that's okay
Husk- are you shitting me?
Alastor- no I don't think so
Husk- you thought some kind of big fucking riot to pull me out of nowhere you think I'm some fucking clown?!
Alastor- maybe
Husk- I ain't doing your fucking charity charge
Alastor- well i figured you would be the perfect man to desk this final examination with your charming smile and welcome energy this job was made for you don't worry my friend I can make this more welcoming if you wish
Husk- what you think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze? Well you can!
Vaggie- hey hey hey no no bar no alcohol this is supposed to be discourage sin not some now broadly man cave
Angel- shut up! Shut up! We are keeping this! Hey
Husk- go fuck your self
Angel- only if you are watch me
Charlie- oh my goodness welcome to the happy hotel you are going to love it here
Husk- I lost the ability to love years ago
Alastor- so what do you think?
Bianca- it's perfect
Vaggie- it's okay
Alastor- this is going to be very entertaining

Sir Pentious- well well well look who it is? Who is harboring strymon freak! We've meet right again alastor
Alastor- do I know you?
Sir Pentious- oh yes you do! And this time I have the element of surprise I'm so evil!
Alastor- well I'm starved who wants some Jambalaya my mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya in fact it nearly killed her ha ha ha ha you could say that kick was right about real changes down here the game is set now stay tuned

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