Episode Two- Radio killed the Video Star

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Charlie- Okay so the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year no big de just a little setback nothing we can't handle just angels cutting our timetable in half but who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right? And next time when they cut the time in half again and again we'll just handle it right?
Vaggie- yea we will
Bianca- yes but "he" needs to know that he can't just change the rules!
Angel- oh please ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit and now...ain't no silver lining this time toots
Charlie- sure these is we just have to look a little harder for it
Angel- well while you're looking the rest of Hell is going nuts people are already freaking out about the news look at what's happening in the Doomsday District
Charlie- Err what is a "donkey show"?
Angel- Aah he nothing my boss Val is just freaked out about the news too like I said everyone's losing their shit
Bianca- Sinners are desperate maybe desperate enough to try and escape the extermination?
Charlie- this is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!
Angel- Cute idea and all but you really going to go out in all this?
Charlie- well it's not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep
Explosion by the wall
Sir Pentious- show yourself Alastor! Come and face- oh there you are..Face my wrath!
Alastor- who are you?
Sir Pentious- Who am I? Who am I? I am the great Sir Pentious! Inventor architect of destruction villain extraordinaire!
Frank- woo! You tell 'em boss
Niffty- ooh he's a bad boy
Alastor- huh well of all that's true you'd think I'd have heard you
Sir Pentious- I attacked you literally last week we've done battle like...20 times
Alastor- well you must have been really bad at this
Sir Pentious- silence! Now cower! For when I've slain you the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal!
Niffty- ooh! Wait who are the Vees?
Alastor- oh nobody important
Sees Alastor attacking Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious- Arrgh Oh! Please! Stop
Charlie- um alastor? I think he's had enough
Bianca- yeah I think so as well
Angel- nah he's got a few a more hits in im!
Alastor- Aahhh!
Alastor- thanks for another forgettable experience
Sir Pentious- thank...you... for letting your guard down!
Roping a piece of his coat
Sir Pentious- Haha! Yah! Oh shit
Sir Pentious- Argh!
Alastor- well it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor best of luck chums
Vaggie- wait you're leaving? Alastor we need your help we need you to do your job
Angel- we need a wall
Alastor- of course can't let my new project fail into disrepair already what would the papers say?
Alastor summons some workers and Angel pushes Vaggie out of the way
Angel- hey sweet cheeks what you doing later? I love me a man with a giant...tool

Charlie- Hmmph!
Angel- So how'd it go?
Vaggie- not a single new recruit
Angel- yeah well who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting?
Someone knocks on the door and Vaggie goes look and sees Sir Pentious
Sir Pentious- why hello my dear-
Vaggie punches his face and brings her spear out and points it at him
Sir Pentious- wait wait wait! I come in peace
Vaggie- what are you doing here?
Charlie- Vaggie what's the problem? Oh hello again
Bianca- are you going break down the wall again?
Sir Pentious- I didn't come looking for a fight I uhh... I heard that you're helping people people who wants to be better?
Charlie- you heard right welcome to our home healing our resort of restoration our-
Angel- are you fucking nuts? This chump was trying to kill us like literally 6 hours ago and now you want to bring him in here to live with us?
Bianca- absolutely! This place is about second chances and who deserves one more than this...slithery...slippery...special little man
Angel- aren't you supposed to protect this place?
Vaggie- I...guess he's not much a threat without the war machine or even with the war machine
Charlie- oh thank you thank you thank you! Sir Pentious! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!
Sir Pentious- Oh no darling thank you you won't regret this
Angel- eh I give you a week tops
Charlie- so...this is the bar and the bartender this is the curtain and this is the new wall after you broke the last one heh and oh this is-
Bianca- Charlie you don't have to show him every part of detail of the hotel
Charlie- I know mom im just so excited to have our first real guest!
Angel- uh what the hell am I then?
Charlie- well you're an important part of our family here Angel but you um uh...
Vaggie- constantly make us look bad sexually harass the staff and have literally never once tried to improve?
Charlie- what she means is it's just nice to have someone interested for once
Bianca- over here we have our maid Niffty
Niffty- the bad boy is back never leave me again
Bianca- we're about eighty percent sure she's harmless and over here we have- oh uh alastor our gracious Facility manager! You've met our newest guest Sir Pentious...heh heh
Alastor- ah yes you're the one who ruined my coat I definitely remember you now
Charlie- well I guess this is a great time for your first lesson "How to apologize" the first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are wrong why don't you give it a try?
Sir Pentious- yes um...Mr um Radio Demon sir please forgive me for attacking you and ruining your very lovely coat...um here...
Give him a piece back of his coat
Alastor- Oh ho not many people have been able to take even this much off me it must have meant quite a lot to you
Burn the piece of it
Charlie- Now! With a new resident I think it's important we all get to know each other so we are going to play a little game everyone follow me my name is Charlie I like to sing and when we get to know each other it's the greatest thing
Sir Pentious- My name's Sir Pentious I like to build and despite my stupid egg bois I think im very skilled
Angel- this is stupid
Bianca- this is not stupid it's just the game Sir Pentious did it well so now please try to do the same
Angel- I am too sober for this
Vaggie- we'll get used to it and learn how to play this is going to be your whole day
Angel- "oh im a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs now where's an innocent kid i can sell crack to?" Wow who wrote this?
Charlie- it's great right keep going!
Angel- "hey you"
Sir Pentious- who me?
Angel- "yeah you look like a kid who could use some devils dandruff" oh for fucks sake
Sir Pentious- Not me I have to go home and study
Angel- "come on kid it'll make you cool like me... the crackhead!"
Sir Pentious- The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs now if you'll excuse me im off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!
Charlie- Yes! Oh bravo bravo! Wow Pentious at this rate you'll be redeemed in no time
Angel- I...im going to bed
Bianca- im so proud of you sir Pentious! That was amazing
Sir Pentious- thank you
Bianca- that was beautiful work today!
Sir Pentious- thank you who like me you really like me!
Wakes up to loud bang
Charlie- what's going on?
Angel- this little bitch is a traitor!
Sir Pentious- Preposterous I would never betray you you...are my best friends!
Hugs Charlie and Vaggie
Angel- uh uh then explain this
Sees a vox camera
Sir Pentious- Ah! Ah! Abort! Abort! S.O.S Agent Sir Pentious in need of immediate evacuation!
Vox- Pentious?...wait...you were caught?! It hasn't been even a day!
Sir Pentious- please you've got to get me out of here!
Vox- I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple do us a favor if they don't kill you go ahead and do it yourself you miserable failure
Bianca goes and grabs the watch off of Sir Pentious
Bianca- okay! Fucking retard ass bitch looking Tv! You don't have the power to look down over people or even sir Pentious! He's a better kind of soul and he's not failure you are failure for using people minds to try get money and try get good connection but really you such a fucking joke and a failure I hope you eat shit while your there!
Sir Pentious- I...I... just make this quick I guess not that I deserved it
Vaggie- gladly
Charlie- wait Pentious?

Niffty- I hated that song! Why are you so lame? Not a bad boy
Charlie- Good first day let's get some rest
Alastor comes out of the shadows and walks the get the watch
Vox- what?!
Alastor- you'll have to try harder than that next time ol' pal
Vox- Aaaarrggghhhhh!!

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