Episode Three- Scarmbled Eggs

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Charlie- that looks perfect! Aagh! I am so excited that sir Pentious is staying at the hotel
Vaggie- um... Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago
Bianca- well we haven't seen him try to pull any of that here
Brings out a whole machine
Vaggie- what the hell is that?
Sir Pentious- oh hello purple female it's my new invention the "skin Flayer 11,000" im really looking forward to shooting the other residents
Charlie- what? Why?
Sir Pentious- everyone is being too nice obviously it must be a lie I can sense they are planning to kill me but when? How? I must be prepared! Ooh the new parts of my machine are here
Odette- sign please thank you for your business enjoy your carmine purchase
Vaggie- Carmine? as in Carmella Carmine you are buying parts from an overlord?
Sir Pentious- Err of course she's the top weapons dealer in hell
Vaggie- okay well that stops right now
Vaggie takes away his stuff
Sir Pentious- Hey
Vaggie- you absolutely cannot build weapons on this hotel no one is trying to kill you people are being nice because they want you to feel welcome
Sir Pentious look at husk which he's drinking alcohol and flips him off while Angel on he's phone and flips him off and Niffty smiles him creepy
Sir Pentious- Hmm I have my doubts
Vaggie- well it's true you have to trust us
Sir Pentious- but I don't
Bianca- well today we can focus on todays activities?
Vaggie- Not before we lay some ground rules no more building weapons no more plotting against guests and you need to get rid of these things
See the eggs messing around and laser through the wall
Vaggie- ugh! what did I just say? HI ya did I just say?
Sir Pentious- what? Not my little egg boys they do my evil bidding for me
Vaggie- do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?
Sir Pentious- yes
Vaggie- then no more eggs
Sir Pentious- all right Reggie's you've got to go I...can't keep you anymore
Frank- okay boss
Sir Pentious- no don't resist this is how it has to be
Charlie- hi guys thanks for coming it's been brought to our attention that there may be a little a...tension in the hotel
Vaggie- tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here
Bianca- we think that this group could really benefit from...
Bianca/Charlie- Trust Exercise!
Vaggie- Trust Exercise! Ah shit
Charlie- Vaggie we rehearsed this we're doing trust exercises
Husk- so what's with the whole uhh...this? I'm not about to put some show for these fucking chumps
Angel- oh I will but it's cash up front and I know that one can't afford me
Sir Pentious- gross! I'd never think of it spider!
Vaggie- right well let's get started Charlie?
Charlie- actually I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one I trust everyone so maybe you know better about how to build it properly
Vaggie- what? Uhh I don't know if I'm qualified uh—
Bianca- come on it'll be easy im sure you can handle this
Vaggie- yeah um...sure I can handle this no problem all right so we are starting with trust falls each of you are going to share something vulnerable with the group about yourself and then fall backwards while the rest of the group catches you got it? Who wants to go first?
Charlie- ooooohh ooohh me me me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
Vaggie- all right get on up here
Charlie- I love you guys like really really love you
She falls backwards and Vaggie and Bianca catch her
Charlie- what!
Vaggie- gotcha
Charlie- that felt good! Mom why don't you go next?
Bianca- okay um I really do appreciate you guys
Falls back and Charlie and Vaggie catch her
Bianca- okay Angel how about you go next?
Angel- fine
Vaggie- this time everyone needs to catch him okay? Unless you want me to hurt you
Angel- somethin about myself huh b how about this? I love you suck-
Husk- I swear to fuck if you say dicks!
Angel- popsicles ya sicko! get your mind out of the gutter
Falls back and husk catches him
Angel- but you know dicks too!
Drops him
Angel- all right new guy you're up?
Sir Pentious- I...don't want to live without my minions nobody catch me
Everyone catches him
Sir Pentious- damn it
Vaggie- that's great wow your slimy okay good job err Niffty
Niffty- sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others
They all took a step back and she falls down
Niffty- yay! Pain!
Goes back and does it again and again over and over
Charlie- I don't know if this is really working the way we hoped
Bianca- yeah by looking at it maybe we should-
Vaggie- ma'am you have to trust me here I got this okay? I'll figure something out
Abel- if you're in the market for some ideas I got just a thing for some "trust" buildin
Vaggie- what do you have in mind?

Vaggie- Angle! What the actual fuck!
Angel- no activities more trust than BDSM baby no bond stronger those formed through bondage that's their motto
Bianca- Angle love the enthusiasm but umm why the actual fuck would you bring my daughter here?
Vaggie- exactly what makes you think anyone would be into this?
Husk getting a massage
Husk- ya know I...I don't hate this
Niffty wearing a black suit
Niffty- im ready to punish some bad boys
Husk- never mind I-im out
Sees the guest going up on Charlie
Charlie- okay hello there hi um hm...
Vaggie pushes Charlie out of the way
Vaggie- ugh I can't fucking I let you drag us here angel this is disgusting
Some guy was about come near bianca
Bianca- come near me or my daughter I will end your fucking life
Charlie- it's no big idea Vaggie toy know maybe I can just help uh-
Vaggie- no I told you you could trust means im not going to let you down I just need to teach them the way I was taught
Goes to a battlefield
Charlie- this is how you learned how to trust people!?
Vaggie- there is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades and arms buckle up butter cups because today you boys become men! You!
Sir Pentious- wait wait! I can't fight with my minions—
Vaggie- are going to survive together
Throws sir Pentious
Sir Pentious- Aaaahhhh!
Vaggie- and you-
Angel- d-don't you even think about it-
Vaggie- are going to make this hotel work!
Throws Angel now and ( I like the way husk was trying to avoid getting throw by Vaggie 🤣)
Niffty- my turn! My turn!
Was about to but Charlie interfered
Charlie- Vaggie! No!
Vaggie- this is the only way they'll learn Charlie
Charlie- no it's not there are other ways it just takes time
Bianca- Charlie we don't have time for that how many exterminations will have gone for they actual learn how to trust each other? How many times do we have to suffered and watch our people be killed?
Charlie- Vaggie...
Vaggie- I took charge today and it all went sideways im supposed to make your dreams a reality im supposed to protect you im supposed to never fail you
Angel- I blame you for this you crazy bitch!
Charlie- you didn't fail me Vaggie...you're not—
Vaggie- if I can't help you what's the point of me?
Bianca- Vaggie don't say that! You do so much for my daughter! It's-
Vaggie- im sorry I'd like to be alone for a minute
Bianca- as you wish
Sees angel come up carrying sir Pentious and throws him on the floor
Angel- made it
Charlie- let's go home guys
Angel- ugh! I just walked up all those stairs
Bianca- I will carry you both
She carry's sir Pentious over her left shoulder while she carry's Angel on her right side

Sees everyone getting along and alastor comes right back
Bianca- alastor...I see you failed to get rid of the eggs
Alastor- yes well the little monsters prove to be rather useful
Bianca- well why don't you give them back to sir Pentious?
Sir Pentious- really?
Vaggie- yeah after today I guess I can trust you with them but seriously no more weapons
Sir Pentious- Ahhhh! My eggs! Yeah oh it's so good to have you back now go clean my quarters this instant!

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