Episode Four- Masquerade

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Watches Angel Dust best movie
Angel- ya know this performance won me a Sex-x-x-I award!
Charlie- it's uh...very...honest?...oh
Bianca and Vaggie cover Charlie's eyes
Vaggie- ew! Okay! Enough of that angel what the fuck?
Angel- what?! You said it was "Show n' Tell" day im showin you my beta film and im telling you you that it scored me a win over that bitch Tiffany Titfucker
Husk- ya know not a very convincing interrogation scene
Angel- alright dickhead what makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fuckin face?
Husk- you really going to sit that and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?
Angel- fuck you this is classy art
Husk- that's bullshit you get drunk and hitch about them all the time and very one likes to bitch to the bartender I know everyone about you and these motherfuckers at this point that one that one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep! Princess is bleeding heart who wants to solve eveyobody else problems cept her own
Charlie- what? No I-what? Pfff no no
Husk- this one judges everyone and everything because she hates herself
Vaggie- Argh!
Husk-and Niffty hehhh...you don't want to know her deal is and lastly the queen she cry's about how she stills missed her husband and wishes they are living together
Angel- you weren't kidding! Haha wow! Kittens got claws! Meow!
Husk- and you! Don't get me started I see right through you and all this bullshit and how fake you are
Angel- oh me? Fake? Wow I had no idea guess that's why im an actor dumbass and- hold that thought hello? Uh yeah im-im...no no I just I...no I-im not...but uh yeah I'll be right there well uh looks like Val needs me for an...uh-emergency shoot
Husk- uh uh sure
Angel- you know what? Fuck you I don't give a shit what some drunk ass bartender thinks a me so why don't you just crawl back to whatever cave you fake room porn critic
Charlie- Angel! You can't leave yet we haven't finished our exercise for the day
Angel- im sure you'll manage without me
Charlie- there isn't much time left for the hotel to prove itself
Angel- doll face it's my job I know you want to fix everything but unless you can fix my boss there's nothing you can do
Charlie- uuugh why is this so haaaaaard? What am I doing wrong?
Bianca- well kiddo...you are the princess of hell
Charlie- so?
Bianca- so you don't really use the power of how powerful you can use it which is what I love about you as my daughter but maybe you should start using it
Charlie- but that's so mean!
Bianca- it's not really mean you are just making sure everyone knows how you can command and sees you as the leader
Charlie- okay...I could be so aggressively kind to Angela boss...that I convince him to let Angel spend time at the hotel!
Bianca- if you want I will come join you
They go to Angel's Boss
Charlie- oh so this is where the magic happens oh wow that is- that is a lot
Angel- what in the ever loving fuck are you both doing here?
Bianca- we just want to talk to your boss
Angel- no no no no you are going nowhere near Val-
Valentino- Angle! What is the fucking hold up?
Angel- im coming!
Valentino- not off camera you're not please please just wait until im done working and we will talk about this I promise but first you've gotta go
Valentino- Aaaaah your majesty's
Angel- oh shit
Valentino- welcome to my humble sex dungeon what can I do for such a-
Bianca pushes Charlie behind her and he grabs her arm and pushes her sleeves and kicks her whole arm
Bianca- uh that was not very pleasant
Valentino- Mm! Lovely specimen! You don't want a role do you? Because I could make you a star makes us both richer than well your papito-
Bianca- leave my husband out of this I have come here to speak about angel later of course I don't want to ruinous your films
Valentino- well then make yourself comfortable your majesty's and enjoy the show well let's take this shit from the top
While Bianca is very disgusting to Valentino she heard lots about him and she wants to keep her daughter safe
Valentino- Cut! What the fuck is going on with this?
Charlie- ooh im sorry were we too loud? I was just telling him about the Hazbin Hotel
Valentino- not at all Princess it doesn't bother me one bit
Charlie- you know this scene feels awfully violent if you want help with the script maybe I can pitch some scenarios are more- okay okay ah ah okay that's on fire that that that's on fire
Angel- oh shit...
Charlie- oh god okay uh do you have any- can I get a fire extinguisher? I am so sorry I ruined your movie I ruined your movie oh my god im sorry im sorry im ssssss sorry! Noooo!
Valentino takes out his mother wings and his smoke puts out the fire and Bianca notices his face and she walks towards Charlie and brings her behind her
Charlie- oh my gosh I am so so so so sorry I I can clean this up I I can-
Bianca- no Charlie is my fault I'm sorry Valentino she's my daughter and I would take full responsibility
Valentino- don't you worry your pretty red head about it we have people for that angle can I see you in your dressing room for a moment?
Sees Valentino brings angle and throws him on the bed with a bruise on his eye
Valentino- all right get you asses back on set and we are taking this from the top
Charlie- what makes you think you can treat him like that!?
Angel- Charlie! Just stop!
Charlie- Angel what are you talking ab-
Angel- Charlie leave!
Charlie- but...
Angle- I didn't want you ta come here I already asked you to leave and you didn't listen you made things worse
Charlie- I just wanted to help you
Angel- well you ain't! You actually want to help me? Get the fuck out of here! Right now and let me finish my work
Charlie- I...I didn't...mean to! I...im...im so sorry
Bianca- wait Charlie wait by the door for me and please listen to something else besides me okay

She listens and Bianca face smile start to get a frown and mad one and turns around to face Valentino
Bianca- you actually disgust me so much I've heard some much from you from other overlords and from seven deadly sins even more from my husband
She starts a heart from
Bianca- Love Love beam!
It starts going all the way up and doesn't go to his face at all he's started getting scared and she walks over him and she was about make him fall but grabs the body
Bianca- you listen here you motherfuker moth freak you better not ever hurt Angel again I can tell when you hurt him and if I see any marks of any time of abuse or having thing that he's doesn't enjoy I will come here and kill you myself i won't hesitate and I know you have him under contract but if I find it I will destroy it and your whole company will failed and don't you ever call my daughter a bitch but really you are!
She picks him up and un stones him and he barley even breathing and she goes to Angel and hugs him
Bianca- when you come back from the hotel you better apologize to my daughter and I know you didn't want to hurt her but I know that's the only way for her to listen to now I've to go now
She leaves with Charlie holding her hand and goes to the hotel

Sees Angel getting a headache goes the bar
Angel- I need a drink the hardest you can make
Husk- hmm you look like shit
Angel- off no possible just a long shoot nothin new with I said a strong one
Husk- excuse me didn't realize this was a "drinking to forget" kind of night
Angel- oh I forgot you're the wise old bartender who's seen it all get the fuck over yourself and put me a real drink
Husk- look if you got a problem you're not going to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle I should know I've been looking there a long time
Angel- oh sure? And where should I look? Hmm? In your bedroom maybe? Under the covers? Maybe we can go and look together
Husk- don't even start
Angel- oh c'mon I bet I can make those wings flap!
Husk- stop!
Pushes him off
Husk- fucking Christ! You can cut the act already it's never going to work on me so all you're doing is making an ass of yourself with this fake bullshit
Angel- call me fake one more time motherfucker! I dare you!
Husk- fake
Angel- fucking asshole Arrgh! God!
Bumps his head and falls down
Husk- ya done?
Angel- ya know what? You would be fucking lucky to get a chance to fuck me! Ya know how much im worth! Ya know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come into them? Fuck you! Have fun being a lonely piece of shit
Vaggie- woah- the hell? Angel where are you going?
Angel- out!
Vaggie- husk what did you do?
Husk- made him a drink
Charlie- oh no he looked really upset
Husk- it's just Angel he'll be fine
Bianca- im not so sure
Charlie- I really messed up at the studio today and he got...ugh it was...it wasn't good okay?
Vaggie- gee sound like someone should go after him...someone names "husk"
Husk- oh you gotta be fucking kidding me why don't you go if you're so worried?
Bianca- because we aren't the one who sent him angrier storming out you caused it making him more mad and you drag him back here!
Charlie- mom no! No don't force him back...just make sure he's safe I pushed too hard earlier and...I only made things worse look he'll come back when he's ready I just don't want anything to happen to him until then now if you excuse me im going to go write 100 apology letters and a lesson plan for tomorrow about...boundaries

Hears angel and husk and Charlie goes give him a hug
Charlie- im so sorry angel I promise I won't ever ever ever-
Angel- Charlie it's fine I get it thanks...for caring about me
Angel carry's Charlie up
Angel- ehhhhh... I think this is yours
Vaggie- okay missy let's get you to bed
Charlie- he-he-said-he-forgave meee! Oh it's so beautiful Vaggie!
Husk- hey how about that drink
Angel- you read my mind

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