Episode Seven- Hello Rosie!

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Charlie is crying to her mom's arms and Bianca is getting a napkin and cleans her tears and confronting her
Alastor- oh Charlie you look an absolute mess
Bianca- Alastor it's not a good time
Alastor- now now is that any way to act after picking a fight with all of Heaven and dooming everyone you love?
Bianca- Alastor! Stop!
Charlie- I have enough on my mind without hearing your sadistic idea of a joke asshole
Alastor- who's joking?
She falls of her bed
Charlie- Aaagh!
Alastor- you have a captive audience downstairs waiting to hear what kind of inspiring performance you have planned next
Charlie- ugh I can't how can I face them after failing them all so hard? They came here to be saved and all I gave them was more pain I'm just as bad as the cruelest overlord in hell and maybe worse at least they don't go around giving false hope
Alastor- well I never expected to see such a miserable display of self loathing from you
Charlie- oh fuck you alastor! All you do is stand there smiling while you watch us struggle and fail I don't know how you can enjoy all this suffering so much
Alastor- just because you see a smile don't think you know what's going on underneath a smile is a valuable tool my dear it inspires your friends keep your enemies guessing and ensures that no matter what comes your way you're the one in control
Charlie- but I'm not I'm the farthest thing from in control the person I trust most had been lying to me for years heaven refuses to listen even if they did I can't prove the hotel works Adam has an invincible exorcist army Pointed at my doorstep and there nothing I can do about any of it
Alastor- I know something you don't know
Bianca- huh?
Alastor- those big scary angles are my quite as indestructible as they seem
Bianca- what are you talking about?
Alastor- it's that you and your little band of misfits might stand more of a chance than you think
Bianca- how? I'll do anything
Alastor- anything? Then...let's make a deal
Bianca- you...want my soul...?
Alastor- your soul? Heavens no all u need from you is one itty bitty favor what's a favor between friends?
Bianca- I won't hurt anyone for you
Alastor- who's asking? Own favor at a time of my choosing here you harm no one in return I tell you what I know do we have a deal?
Charlie- mom don't do this!
Bianca- Charlie! I have to do this because I don't want Adam or his army hurting anyone I care about I want to keep you safe from them so please I'm doing this to keep you and your father safe just don't tell him
Charlie- okay
Bianca- Deal
Bianca eyes turn to the other color but in reverse and her horns pop outs and everything turns green in the background
Alastor- right on cue!
Vaggie- what did you do?! Let her go!
Charlie- Vaggie stop!
Vaggie- what? No bianca please tell me you didn't-
Bianca- I made a deal with alastor
Vaggie- Bianca
Alastor- oh calm down she still owns her soul
Charlie- he gave me info that can save the hotel but we're going to need help the angels can be defeated and Carmilla is the key
Vaggie- what? Carmilla Carmine?
Bianca- she killed an exorcist in the last extermination she knows how they can be harmed
Vaggie- but...I I didn't even know that was possible
Charlie- if you did would you have told Me?
Vaggie- Charlie I...
Charlie- I need you to go to her convince her to teach us if she can we might have a chance
Vaggie- with just the seven of us?
Bianca- no we're- we're going to need numbers
Alastor- and I know just who can help as long as Charlie can be her normal charming self
Charlie- what's that you said about smilies?
Alarose- good girl
Vaggie- Charlie can we talk about this-
Charlie- we can talk later right now we have a job to do you with us?
Vaggie- ugh
They start walking to Cannibal Town
Charlie- three years three years I've been sharing my life with her and I tell her everything my hoped my dreams my insecurities my embarrassing habits what fucking deodorant I like and she keeps something like this from me why would she lie for so long? Does she think I wouldn't accept her? What about me me says in understanding...misunderstanding? Disunder- wait w-where are we?
Alastor- Cannibal Town! There's a friend of mine I think you both should meet
Charlie- in Cannibal Town? But it's- it's...surprisingly nice here
Alastor- isn't it though? And it's all thanks to a very special someone
Rosie- well who hasn't thought about eating their first husband? I certainly would have if he didn't taste so bad! Haha! I tell you what you bring old talk dark ad armless to me and I'll straighten them right out okay sweetie ? Now here's my card and-Oh my stars Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor? Alastor! Where have you been? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and... Oh Who's this you brought with you? Come now Alastor She's much too young for you Oh I'm just kidding I know you're an ace in the hole.
Alastor- a what now?
Rosie- But where are you manners, mister? Introduce us why don't you?
Alastor- Ah yes Charlie this is Rosie the most darling delightful and dangerous overlord this side of the pentagram
Rosie- oh always such a charmer
Alastor- and Rosie it's my pleasure to introduce you to Princess Charlie Morningstar and Queen Bianca Morningstar  daughter and Wife of Lucifer and heir to the throne of hell
Bianca- hello
Charlie- how do you do?
Rosie- Well well isn't this a regal surprise? Come in, come in. Can I offer you something to eat? I'm sure I have a leg around here or something. Oh, what am I thinking? Small thing like you? You're probably watching your figure How about some nice pinky fingers instead?
Charlie- ummmm no thank you though
Bianca- no thank you but thank you for trying to give us delicious meal
Rosie- oh look at you both so polite alastor you could learn a thing or two well sit down Sit down Tell Auntie Rosie what she can do for you you know Alastor I got a primo connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory not enough goons to run it prime pickings for a deal to be made my friend
Alastor- I appreciate the offer but we're here on business of another kind
Rosie- well don't keep me in suspense I'm a very busy woman
Charlie- Well, as you know...the Extermination is coming early and they'll be here in a month and they're coming to my hotel and my friends first, and I-I-I-I-
Alston- we need your help well your cannibals help at least to fend off the attack
Rosie- wow! When you ask a favor you don't start small do you your highnesses?
Bianca- yes sorry again
Rosie- Oh now don't fret I didn't say I wouldn't help but I assume there's more to this plan than a bunch of cannibals
Alastor- Oh your people will be far from powerless when we're done with them And by the end they will be able to eat their fill
Rosie- well in that case sure why not?
Charlie- really?
Rosie- what can I say? I like your moxie girl and old alastor had never done me wrong before
Bianca- oh thank you thank you thank you!
Rosie- Cannibals and cannibettes, assemble in the square! Now darling you know I would do anything anything for my clients but I can't exactly command all of Cannibal Town to follow someone else into the battle Now don't get me wrong, they love carnage and bloodshed but to get this group into into line you got to win 'em over
Charlie- but how do I-
Rosie- With sparkle! Razzmatazz and that oh so appealing moxie of yours
Alastor- shouldn't be a problem it's not like you've ever failed to inspire before
Bianca- you done so much to inspire us
Rosie-Now, fair warning This group sticks together So in order to convince any of them you'll need to convince all of them and there's one in particular-
Alastor- Ugh Susan
Rosie- Susan who's a bit of an...uh-
Alastor- Ornery old bitch?
Rosie- That! Shes tough but to win her over and the rest will be easy as pie ready?
Charlie- I guess
Rosie- Everyone we have a very special very royal guest this evening Please put your bloody hands together for Princess Charlie and Queen bianca
Susan- Booooo! Bring Rosie back!
Charlie/bianca- Susan?
Rosie/Alastor- Susan
Charlie- sorry uh okay uh my names Charlie and...
Susan- boooooo!
Charlie- well I run this hotel with my part...
Susan- Get off the stage! You blue blood bitch!
Charlie-...well someone and...wait let me start over
Susan- Boo! We don't give a shit about some hotel
Charlie- angels are coming to kill is all and we need help defending our realm
Susan- leave before I eat those big ass eyes of yours
Charlie- we need your help with um
Susan- boo! Get off
Charlie- with your assistance we can make a stand for-
Susan- where's the showmanship?
Charlie- I...I have a dream...
Susan- where's all the finesse? Fucking mediocre!
Charlie- and I- fuck you! You old bitch!
Bianca- Charlie Morningstar!
Rosie- okay! We'll be right back after a brief intermission

Rosie- Alright, what has you so out of sorts darlin'? You clearly got more on your mind than angels
Charlie- What do you do when someone you love lies about who they are?
Rosie- Romance? My specialty C'mon, dearie details details!
Charlie- my girlfriend is an exorcist angel...and she never told me
Rosie- Oh shit Quite a secret How does that make you feel
Charlie- Just angry because we share everything because she always supported me and my ideas and-and- and now I don't know whether or not that was just more of the lies! Oh no that's a horrible thing to think! Do I think that Yes No Kinda
Rosie- You said you love this girl?
Charlie- yes..or well I...yes
Rosie- Aw Have you ever once doubted that she loves you in return? Well then what's the problem?
Charlie- she took part in the very thing we've been working so hard to end
Rosie- Well... Isn't that silly hotel of yours all about redemption?
Charlie- yes?
Rosie- Perhaps this girl was trying to redeem herself too?
Charlie- she knows better than anyone that I believe in second chances why not tell me?
Rosie- It can be difficult to admit to things you're not proud of especially if those things hurt the ones you love She fucked up, sure She's flawed But hey who down here isn't? If there's any I've learned it's that words are cheap but actions they speak for the truth So what have her actions said
Charlie- that she believe in me and what we're doing right now she's off learning how to protect everything we've worked for...and I can't even pitch my hotel right now
Rosie- well how do you normally explain your hotel?
Bianca- by singing of course
Charlie- but that never works
Rosie- it will work here trust me
Bianca- Thank you Rosie you know so much of love I would need advice from you about romance
Rosie- if you need help with your husband I will give ya some advice

Goes back to the hotel and sees Vaggie with her wings and sees some other weapons
Vaggie- looks like you had a busy day
Charlie- you too
Vaggie- Charlie I-
Bianca- please wait
Charlie- hold that thought err...ah! I got you a souvenir from cannibal town
Vaggie- oh Charlie
Charlie- the wings are new they look nice come on let's go home
Bianca- I'm glad my girls are back together
Sees Angel and Husk and Sir Pentious building up walls on the hotel
Angel- well look who decided to show up we thought we were fighting by ourselves
Vaggie- you're...you're still here?
Sir Pentious- what? Do you think we were a bunch of pusssssiess?
Husk- I just got used to you guys I ain't finding no new drinking buddies
Niffty- I've named all the stains one the carpet that ones Fred
Bianca- well looks like we have a lot of work to do

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