Episode Five- Dad Beat Dad

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Charlie- don't understand why it's not working think Charlie think think think think think think...trust falls every single morning we could do...
Angle- yikes
Vaggie- Charlie?...Sweetie you uh you good?
Charlie- c'mon c'mon c'mon Charlie! Nope no! Not really! Haha! I've been up all night trying to figure why the hotel isn't working we've done trust falls we've tried sharing our feelings we only have a couple months left before the angels come and at this rate...
Vaggie- maybe it's time...
Charlie- no
Vaggie- to ask
Charlie- don't say it
Vaggie- your dad Charlie I know you don't want to but we need every advantage we can get
Charlie- he let the extermination happen to begin with they just had a meeting and said "go ahead and kill everyone!" Wait that's it
Vaggie- kill everyone?
Charlie- no he could get me a meeting with Heaven
Vaggie- didn't we already try that?
Charlie- well yeah with Adam he was an asshole but he isn't in charge out all of heaven we could go to the top! There's sure to be some angels who will listen
Pulls her phone out and hesitate
Husk- what's the holdup? You got daddy issues?
Charlie- no we just have never been close after Mom followed me to support my dreams he never really wanted to see me he calls...sometimes but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something
Husk- daddy issues
Angel- well I'd like to meet the big dick in charge
Niffty- the ultimate bad boy I bet he's scary
Lucifer- Hey bitch!
Charlie- hi dad
Lucifer- hey! How are you? Wh-where are you these days?
Charlie- you know where I am dad I've told you before
Lucifer- you have? Oh yeah uh? Well you know i um uh...
Charlie- I told you when you called me five months ago or did you not listen?
Lucifer- no no no no just you know just forgot I've just been really busy! Ya know with um...important things
Charlie- well im actually running a hotel to rehabilitate sinners maybe you saw our commercial
Lucifer- oh...sadly I missed it hehe you know I haven't been watching much Tv lately scrambles the brain but hey a hotel! Fun!
Charlie- listen dad I've got...kind of a big ask
Lucifer- yeah of course anything in my power is yours for the asking you just name it
Charlie- I need to speak to heaven well whoever's in charge up there above Adam above anybody I need to go to the top
Lucifer- oh no! Noooo no no no Charlie no no no that's uh...no
Charlie- look dad I don't ask for you much I never have but this is really important to me it's the most important thing I've ever done and I...need you I need your help
Lucifer- I don't know Charlie
Charlie- please just come see what im trying to do you'll see why it's a really good idea and why mom decided to come over here and heaven is bound to agree if i get the chance to talk to them please dad
Lucifer- how is your mother doing?
Charlie- she's misses you dad so much she just wants you back
Lucifer- wait you're inviting me over? Absolutely! Hoh! I'll be there in an hour! My daughter wants to see me! Take that depression!
Charlie- well we have an hour until he gets here
Vaggie- okay people Lucifer is on his way so we are going to get this place presentable and we are all going to make an amazing impression! Vámonos!
Bianca- oh why are is everybody cleaning?
Charlie- oh mom did we wake you up?
Bianca- no it's okay it's good thing I had to but seriously why is everybody cleaning?
Charlie- dad is coming to visit he's going be here in a hour
Bianca- what! Lucifer! Coming now! Why didn't you wake me up sooner! I have to get dressed!
Angel- wow that's first to see bianca in a rushed does she want another child?
Charlie- I wouldn't mind another sibling but that doesn't matter the point! Mom has always been like these she always looks so pretty for dad only and even tho dad loves her with or without makeup she still wants to impress him to fall in love all over again
Vaggie- it will be nice see them to reunite after 7 years away from each other
Angel- she's probably missing the dick of his
Charlie- Angel!
Everyone getting ready and set
Charlie- okay everyone it's showtime!
Opens the door and sees Lucifer
Lucifer- Chaaaarlie!
Charlie- hey da-
Hugs her
Lucifer- oh it's so good to see you haha!
Charlie- it's good to see you too dad
Bianca- Luci?
Lucifer- Bianca...
They both start getting tears in their eyes and Bianca starts go running towards Lucifer and hugging each other and until they look at each other eyes they started to kiss until they let go look at each other eyes
Lucifer- I've miss you
Bianca- I've missed you too
They started holding hands now
Bianca- welcome! To the Hazbin hotel love!
Sees the kitty
Lucifer- oh hewwko keekee! Razzle Dazzle to do to do to do oh look how much you haven't grown! still fun sized you taking care of my my two little girls? You better be...wow this place sure looks uh...uh-huh yeah uh-huh it's got a lot of character oh what in the unholy hell is that?
Alastor- just some of the renovations we had done adds a bit of color don't you think?
Lucifer- and you are?
Alastor- Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you sir quite a pleasure! It's nice to finally put a face to the name you are much shorter in real life
Lucifer- who is this? Who's this now? Are you the bellhop?
Alastor- Haha! No! I am the host of the hotel you might have heard of me from my radio broadcast
Lucifer- Hmm Nope! I guess that's why Charlie and my wife called it the Hazbin Hotel! Hahaha
Alastor- Ha Ha Ha! It was actually my idea
Lucifer- Ha Ha Ha ! Well it's not very clever !
Alastor- Ha Ha! Fuck you
Bianca- okay calm down boys
Charlie- dad look at this lovely parlor where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings!
Bianca- without alastor we wouldn't have been able to pretty much doing nothing as good
Alastor- Bianca and Charlie both have a very unique vision I am happy to fulfill them both bizarre requests
He puts a hand on Charlie on her shoulder and his put his other hand Bianca's waist
Charlie- oh thank you alastor
Lucifer is angry see a man putting his hands on his wife and daughter
Alastor- quite a impressive young ladies were all very proud of them
Pulls them more to him
Lucifer- Charlie dear why don't you introduce me to your other friends?!
Charlie- oh yes of course this is Vaggie she's my girlfriend
Lucifer- oh hi my golly! You like girls? So do I we have so much in common! Put er there Maggie!
Brings her into a hug
Lucifer- she's so pretty
Vaggie- uh lovely to meet you uh sir!
Bianca- over here it is sir Pentious and Angel Dust our guests!
Sir Pentious- your majesty!
Falls on the cookies
Angle- heya short king
Bianca- husk is our bartender and Niffty is our housekeeper
Husk- nice to meet you
Niffty grabs Lucifer by his collar
Niffty- hello I clean hehehehehe

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