Episode Eight- The Show must Go On

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Charlie- oh I wish dad was here to see this
Vaggie- the cannibals seem ready to fight are we?
Bianca- of course we are
Sir Pentious- fear not damsels I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!
Vaggie- what in the hell are you supposed to be?
Sir Pentious- general Pentious reporting for duty I'll turn those ras Allison's into soldiers in no time at all
Charlie- thank you pen
Niffty- what can I do to help?
Sir Pentious- I'm glad you asked solider the base needs fortifications reinforce the southern wall create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault
Bianca- how about this? If you see an angel stab it
Niffty- ooohhhh...
Sees Angel about stab him
Niffty- stab! Stab! Stab!
Angel- hey hey hey hey
Bianca- not that Angel!
Vaggie- listen up sinners! We got 24 hours before the extermination begins let's get to work
Charlie- hello? I want to thank everyone for coming even people who aren't staying here yet...Cherri
Cherri bomb- look I can't resist a fight okay? Especially when I get to tag team with this fuck head tomorrow the exorcist angels will face a hell ready to defend itself and win
Bianca- yes!
Vaggie- yeah! Yeah we will! Tell em baby!
Charlie- yes and we are- we are going to win! Yes! But in case we don't I want you all to know... that getting to know you has been the biggest honour of my life Whatever redemption really means I know you all tried I have seen the good in all of you And it's...I-I'm just...I love you all, so much, and-and live tonight however you want because-
Niffty- we are all going to die!  Hahahahaha!
Vaggie- all right let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying! Drinks? I mean personally I'm excited it's been a long time since I stabbed anyone and really meant if you know what I mean?
Cherri bomb- cheers bitches!
Husk- yeah!
Angel- here's to us!
Sir Pentious- here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow
Bianca- I can't wait to beat the shit out of Adam!
Cherri bomb- chug chug chug chug!
Husk- last day of afterlife and you're not off snorting a line off some hunks abs?
Angel- ehh you fucked one cannibal pool boy you fucked them all
Husk- I guess you have changed
Angel- hey Charlie said live tonight however we wanted so pour me a fresh one and let's get to living
Sir Pentious- Miss Bomb...? Cherri?
Cherri bomb- yeah?
Sir Pentious- I want to tell you...that I...I love...I'd love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead
Cherri bomb-okay
Sir Pentious- you are...have always been a worthy opponent with the most...brilliant explosive contraptions I've ever seen
Cherri bomb- uh...thanks?
Sir Pentious- anyway I guess- please don't die tomorrow okay bye
Angel- ya know you could totally tap that
Cherri bomb- tss don't be gross
Angel- cuz you know I hear he's got two dicks
Cherri bomb- ...huh?

Sees the heavens portal open
Vaggie- here they come get ready everyone we fight together!
Cherri bomb- come on let's go!
Bianca- NOW! ATTACK!
Charlie- let's fuck them up!
Alastor-let's the slaughter begin
Alastor shield is protecting everyone
Angel- Come'n get some!
Cherri bomb- Eat shrapnel fuckers!
Sir Pentious- all angelic weapons fire at will!
Husk- hey yelling while fighting doesn't help
Charlie- Alastor's shield is working!
Bianca- try to focus sweetie
Charlie- we might actually have a chance
Vaggie- love the optimism still truly to focus
Until Adam destroy the shield
Angel- fuck!
Charlie- oh no!
Alastor- Adam first man next to die
Adam- who the fuck are you?
Alastor- Alastor pleasure to be meeting you quite a pleasure I'm about to end your fucking life
Adam- nice voice don't you know jazz is for pussies?
Alastor- nah ah ah!
Adam- you really think you can take me on? A mortal soul is no match for me edge lord
Alastor- you should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish when they take charge of their own fate
Adam- Arrgh! Ohohoho think you're tough shit huh?
Alastor- tougher than you! Hahaha! You lack discipline control and worst you're sloppy!
Adam- and you're...fuck- fuck you...you red piece of f- shut up!
Alastor- hahahaha! Poetry
Adam- gee I'm going to wipe that shit eating from off your face cause radio is fucking dead!
Alastor- what just happened? Ffffuck Arrgh! Have to disagree with you there radios not dead but it is ending this broadcast
Adam - bye bitch
Sir Pentious- right flank advance! Left flank watch your six ladies! There are more coming up on your right get ready for them vagatha!
Bianca- not her name but got it!
Charlie- sorry! Sorry sorry- sorry! Sorry!
Vaggie- now's not the time for that babe!
Bianca- it's true honey listen to her on this one!
Charlie- oh right die motherfuckers!
Husk- these fuckin angles won't stop comin
Angel- Hah!
Husk- okay I walked right into that one
Angel- hold that thought you alright squirt?
Frank- I nearly scrambled myself
Angel- get somewhere safe Arrgh!
Adam- suck my holy light fuckers! Yeah!
Charlie-what? Alastor was supposed to handle him oh no he must be-
Bianca- No!
Vaggie- we aren't going to last long unless we do something about him
Sir Pentious- of course
Cherri bomb- I'm trying to fight here! You out of your fucking mind?
Sir Pentious- yes! Miss Cherri bomb I love you remember meee!
Cherri bomb- that was kind of hot
Charlie- Pentious?
Angel- that crazy motherfucker
Adam- oh whoops! That could have been ugly
Charlie- Nooo!
Bianca- Pentious....
Angel- fuck...
Charlie- no
Angel-you did good buddy
Charlie- no no no
Vaggie- Charlie I'm so sorry
Bianca/Charlie- Razzle! Dazzle!
They both transform so did Razzle and Dazzle
Bianca- let's go!
Husk- yeah get them!
Ange- shit
Charlie- Forqard! Go Razzle go!
Lute goes attack Dazzle and goes fights Vaggie
Charlie- Vaggie no!
Adam- surprise bitch!
Hits Charlie and pushes her
Bianca- Charlie!
Adam- risking your immortal life for sinners? That's some crazy shit even for Lucifer's bitch and brat!
Bianca- those sinners you are talking about are our family!
Adam- "these sinners are my famwy" do you even hear yourself you should have stayed in heaven and become my guardian angel bitch-
Bianca gets Charlie axe and stabs him and throws him
Bianca- that's fucking Queen of hell to you and I won't be your bitch toy pig
Adam- the fuck? That hurt heh hahahah okay
Adam is fighting bianca while Charlie try's to help but Bianca only pushes her away so she won't get injured and grabs them both by the throat
Bianca- let my daughter go!
Adam- this fight was cute and all but it's time to die with the rest of them
Vaggie- Charlie! Bianca!
Until someone punch's Adam face and let's go of them and carry's Bianca and Charlie and both sides
Charlie- Dad?
Bianca- Lucifer... you came back
Lucifer- sorry I wasn't here sooner love
Adam- huh? Okay seriously? How many of you freaks do I have to fight?
Lucifer- oh I'm the only one that matters see you messed with my wife and my daughter now and now I am  going to fuck you!
Bianca- it's fuck you "up"...sweetie
Lucifer- wait what did I say? So this is what you've been up to since Eden? Gotta say you really let yourself go buddy
Adam- you judgin me your the most hated being in all of creation!
Lucifer- well your first wife didn't seem to satisfy you enough or the second and your guardian didn't seem what I have to offer bow chicks wow wow
Adam- I'll fuckin end you!
Lucifer- woah missed me! Hoohoo not even close hehehehhe! Nice try douche bag!
Adam- hold still you slippery fucker!
Charlie about to fall and Bianca goes help her and her wings pop out but she hasn't used them in a while so she Shield Charlie but Lucifer got them
Lucifer- I got you!
Charlie- dad! Look out!
Lucifer- huh?
Adam- woah wait what the fuck?
Throws him and his mask is broken
Lucifer- you come at me and my wife and daughter don't forget you're in my house bitch!
About killed him but Charlie stops him
Charlie- woah woah dad he's had enough
Lucifer- alright how's mercy taste you little bitch?
Adam- no...you don't get to end this I'm fuckin Adam! I'm the fucking man and you're just some clown or something I started everything on earth all of making came from these fucking nuts you all should be worshipping me you ungrateful disgusting fucking losers!
Gets stab
Vaggie- woah!
Lucufer- hey you got something....sticking out of your...your thing there
Charlie- Niffty?
Niffty- stab! Stab! Stab! Blood! Ha ha ha!
Lute- Nooooo! Sir?! Sir?! Stay with me sir Adam!
Bianca- it's over
Lucifer- take your little friends and go home! Please
Lute- retreat all exorcists fall back
Lucifer- so...who's up for pancakes?
Bianca- really? At this time?
Katie- good evening I'm Katie kill joy
Tom- and I'm-
Katie- nobody gives a shit who you are Tom breaking news extermination day is canceled Charlie Morningstar managed to fend off the angelic attack with more than just nice words in an unseen turn of events  our demonic head honcho Lucifer and Bianca stepped in to save their daughters add in the last monument were also hearing reports that Adam leader of the Angelic legions first man and totally fuck able bad boy has been slain by a filthy janitor the jainitor said quote "Bianca told me to stab so I did" Andy's congrats to Charlie and her crew for not being totally fucking useless for once
Charlie- oh there there it's...it's okay

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