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Jahne closed her eyes as she felt Tarzan move them through the trees. She didn't open them until she felt him slowly start to lower her legs to the ground. She hadn't yet grown used to having her feet off the ground and being transported by vines through the thick jungle.

Looking around she stood in awe, transfixed by the scene before her. The waterfall and body of water she stood in front of were even better than the one she'd been to near her camp. The water sparkled in an almost magical way. She felt an immense amount of peace just standing there before her body could even go into the water.

Her eyes were suddenly distracted from the beautiful water to the beautiful man...the beautiful naked man...walking into it. Sometime between when he rescued her and this morning, he'd clothed himself, if you could even call the loincloth clothing. But that little piece of cloth was now gone as he walked without shame into the water.

Jahne watched as his muscles bulged and flexed under the skin from his wide shoulders and back to his tapered waist. It was hard to appreciate his physique when she was busy worrying about being eaten or mauled but now in this moment with her mind distracted...she couldn't help but admire him.

The man even had muscles in his ass as the rounded globes flexed with each step. His thick muscular thighs and calves carried him deeper as he began to submerge, only stopping to look back at her over his shoulder once the water was at his lower waist.

Her knees nearly buckled when he lifted his arm from the water and beckoned her with his hand held out and two fingers in a come-hither motion.

When she refused to move from her spot, he turned around to fully face her before dipping his entire body under the water for only a few seconds before coming back up, droplets cascading down until it disappeared back into the water.

She couldn't understand how he could be so effortlessly sexy, but he was. He wiped the water off his face, pushing his long hair back, head lowered before looking at her under his lashes. She felt stuck, captivated, by him.

She knew that he was waiting for her, but she'd have to undress and as much as she admired looking at his naked form, she was too nervous to strip herself bare in front of the man's waiting eyes.

Jahne made a motion with her hands for him to turn around before verbally voicing her desire, to which as she expected, she only received a raised brow from the man. Huffing, she could've sworn the man knew what he was doing when a slow smirk appeared on his face.

After a few times of her pointing at him and turning her own body to face the other way, he finally obliged her by turning to face the opposite direction. She could have sworn she saw a smirk on his face as he turned away from her.

With a sigh of relief, Jahne quickly discarded her dirty clothing in hopes that he wouldn't turn around to catch her standing naked as the day she was born. Once done she quickly made her way into the water while trying to cover herself just in case he happened to turn around before she fully submerged.

Jahne felt her aching muscles relax as she went further into the oddly warm water. Realizing that she'd have to go past the man to get deeper into the water and not have her breast out, Jahne covered her chest before moving past him.

She could feel his eyes on her but dared not turn in his direction until the only skin visible was from the shoulders up. She peaked over her shoulder to look at him only to find he was no longer there. Confused, Jahne began to look around in bewilderment. Where had he gone that fast?

Jahne let out a scream when she turned back around to find him in front of her. Clutching her chest, she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Can you not sneak up on me like that before I have a heart attack." She hadn't meant to sound so angry but after everything that happened so far, the smallest motion could send her into cardiac arrest.

"I apologize, that was rude of me," Jahne says after a quiet moment. She couldn't tell at this point how much of the words she communicated could be understood by the man, but it seemed he understood more than he let on initially.

After continued silence, Jahne looked at the man who was in the same spot in front of her seemingly unaffected by her outburst. Jahne waded back, wanting to put some space between them. He obviously didn't know anything about personal space as he stood centimeters from her.

In their current...predicament, she felt it better to be some distance apart. Jahne began to take her hair down; she'd previously done it in twists to help maintain it while at the camp.

Me Tarzan, You Jahne (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now