(6) let's do it

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"So I think this color will go better" I say to Lorenzo as we are in the paint shop to decide a color for our project I mean for the place we chose to renovate and to make an animated presentation and as we both thought to first see it in real life. So we are here.

"NO ,amore mio, we will go with this" he gestures to the paint that is a little darker than mine but still I think mine is better.

"Let me choose the paint as you already chose the building"

"It's not a game for give chance to have a chance...I had better information than u so I did what was needed."

"Sry but u are wrong... u didn't even give me the chance to find"

"Because u were late Eliana"

"Yes you are right I was late because I wasted my precious time on you"

Before he has the chance to reply we both are interrupted by the shopkeeper.

I think she is in her mid 40's but still looks beautiful. She has light brown hairs with eyes color, the same the one of her hairs and she is wearing a pink shirt with white pants after we both stare her for a good ten seconds, she makes her way to stand beside me.

"Honey do u want some help?"

"NO actually we are looking for a paint color to go with this one" I show her the paint for which we are looking a combination.

"OH oh mmm let me see" she says and disappears in some other corner of the shop.

After 2-3 minutes later, she comes with two colors in hand.

"You both can see these two and choose if you like one"

And you guys won't believe...she bought the paint colors on which me and Lorenzo were fighting on.

I laugh on this thing and as I was laughing and also trying to hold it because the shopkeeper was getting confused ,Lorenzo was watching me and follows the gaze on which I am laughing and I can see he is also holding back a laugh.

"OH dear, is something wrong?"

"NO, there is nothing wrong...we will take this one" Lorenzo takes the color I chose and walks to the counter and I am surprised that his tone changed when he was talking with that lady ...I mean changed to a sweet tone.

I am left behind with her and I can see she likes him like the way she is smiling.

"You like him right?" I ask.

"Hmm yeah he is really sweet, I love children who are sweet to old people"

She is not old or she is but still looks young....whatever.

"Hmm let's go for the checkout"

We buy some paint tins and some other samples also. I was about to pay but then the lady said "NO honey no need for it...you can take these and just invite me to your wedding" she says this and winks.

"Sorry but we are only 18"

"OH means I was right, you are gonna marry him"

"NO it's not like that..."

"OH it's all okay...it happens" she cuts me off.

I don't know but I am feeling really hot right now.


It's 3 in morning right now and I am in my kitchen...searching for something to eat and finally I found sneakers, Vanilla icecream and caramel, these things remind me of my childhood in Sicily where I used to eat these everytime.

I was about to eat them as I drizzled caramel and put peices of sneaker but then I hear sound of footsteps and quickly grab my gun that I have hidden in my secret place in kitchen.

Actually I hidden places to hide things everywhere in my house.

These are some Conditions my dad put when I was moving to LA but to me it was not a problem because it's really helpful.

As I hear footsteps coming closer and make no move to create any sound to get caught or to make him alert.

I squat low behind the island and now as I can sense that the footsteps are right on the end of the island.

I stand up and aim the gun to the person's forehead but the same time my hand is twisted back, but I don't move because I can smell something familiar.

Oh God this is Lorenzo.

I actually forgot I have a roommate as it's a little new for me.

I quickly untangle my self and switch on the lights, and what I see is...

Lorenzo standing shirtless and I am touching his chest by my right hand as he has grabbed me by my wrist and have my gun in my other hand.

I can see his hazel green eyes turning dark. He watches me carefully before scanning me head to toe.

When I am back to reality and after staring his bare chest as well as touching it I quickly take My hand back and out of his touch.

"Amore mio, if you wanted to touch me, you could have just said" his expression changes from the furrowed eyebrows to a grin on his lips.

"What do you think of yourself Leo"

"Nothing my love, just that I know I am sexy and every girl drools on me like a dog" Yeah he is right as I see girls being in delulu thinking of him.

And then I start my inspection.

He has a sharp jawline with the perfect sculptured face feature and his eyes making his face on fire.

He looks like he came out of an animated film.

"Well for your kind information, I am not that kind of girl"

"Yeah I can see" he watches the place where my hand was a moment before.

I know he is provoking me.

"It's 3 in the morning, what are u doing here?"

"I can ask the same question"

"Can't you answer me simply when I ask"

He steps closer to me and watching me like I am totally transparent.

After some seconds of watching me, he steps back and clears his throat ...oh oh okay, my time to provoke him.

"Did someone make Lorenzo Agello nervous" I say and I am also holding my laughter as he is watching me Like a kid angry with his parents.

"What the..."

"I was hungry and was not able to sleep so as usual I always go in the kitchen to make my late night snack" I cut him off.

"Atleast there is something we both are sharing right now"

"OH so you are also hungry"

"And not able to sleep" he adds.

"Yep the same and I think it's okay to be Hungry as we didn't had dinner" I now remember.


"So wanna try my late night snack" I say with twinkle eyes because no one has ever tasted my secret recipe of pleasure.

So here we go.

"I doubt that it's gonna make my stomach sick but as I am hungry, I will give it a shot" he says with a disgusted face but it soon turns to a sweet one.

I roll my eyes and starts preparing it.

Okay let's do it....


Wait for the next Part for his reaction...

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x, Ava

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