Chapter 4: It's Official

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As they observed the duo darting around, playing tag, Geeta leaned in with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"You know," she said, her voice dripping with intrigue, "I have this feeling that it will all collapse one day. Behind the facade they're trying to construct, I bet the flood of emotions will burst through."

Madhu nodded, her gaze fixed on the pair. "I have a strong feeling, like maybe today's the day."

Arnav, watching the scene with amusement, chimed in, "Just look at them go. Wouldn't be surprised if Pragyan fell for her."

Geeta shot back, "While we're on matchmaking, they're the only ones dense enough to dodge the truth. I mean, come on, they're blushing, getting cozy. What more evidence do you need?"

Madhu, her expression a mix of confusion and curiosity, added, "Who says they're the only ones left to become a couple? None of us have confessed either. Seriously, no one has made a move among us!"

Arnav teased, "So, you're craving a real confession, huh? What about that peck you gave me? Care to explain?"

Blushing furiously, Madhu avoided his gaze. "So, Madhu, will you be mine?" Arnav asked, pulling her into a hug as she whispered a shy "yes." They intertwined their fingers, and Madhu turned to the others. "Now it's your turn, guys. Geeta, do your thing."

Geeta pulled Shivansh close and whispered something in his ear. He blushed and nodded with a smile. Arnav and Madhu exchanged amused glances. "So, this is how nerds confess, huh? Who knew," Arnav teased, earning a playful hit from Madhu. "Let them have their moment."

Pragyan's POV

She dashes ahead, fueled by the adrenaline rush from track and soccer. But I swiftly catch up, grabbing her hand. "Not so fast," I playfully chide.

She flashes that mischievous smile, glancing back at our friends. With a sly nudge, she prompts me to turn around, revealing our friends blushing and clasping hands, exchanging secretive glances.

"We missed the confession, dang it," I groan.

"Maybe our mere presence put a damper on it," she suggests.

My expression screams, "We missed the chance to stir things up." Undeterred, she adds, "But who said we can't add a little spice?"

I smirk. "Sure, why not?"

We linger there, waiting for them to catch up. But the love bug has bitten hard, and they seem lost in their own world, oblivious to our ten-minute wait. Time itself has become irrelevant.

Kiran's POV

As we endured an agonizing 10 minutes, waiting for them felt like a marathon.

I broke the silence, "You know, it never really struck me before that Arnav and Madhu are a perfect duo. Both sporty and cheeky, but good-natured all the same."

Pragyan responded with a sly smile. "The same goes for Shivansh and Geeta. Both nerds, yet extroverts. Always there when you need them, yet respectful if you need some space," I continued.

"Yet, one thing remains consistent: they are all..."

"Supportive?" Pragyan interrupted.

"Nah," I countered with a grin, "matchmakers lost in their own lovebird dream story."

He burst into laughter, and I couldn't help but join in, the absurdity of the situation hitting us both.

They sauntered over as we shared a bout of laughter. "Pragyan, I seem to have noticed... something," I teased, unable to contain my grin.

Pragyan played along, "Two pairs of lovebirds, sittin' in a tree," and in unison, we both belted out, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G," before erupting into laughter.

The four of them blushed deeply, stealing shy glances at each other.

"So, since it's official and all, why don't you guys make it real?" I prodded, struggling to maintain composure.

"Make what real?" Madhu's innocent inquiry only fueled our amusement.

Pragyan couldn't resist, pulling a puckering face. "The kissin' part," he declared, sending me into fits of laughter, while he snickered.

"Why don't you demonstrate with Kiran?" Shivansh's suggestion brought an abrupt halt to our banter, silencing us almost immediately.

We exchanged glances, cheeks flushed with a hint of excitement. "The reason you guys are official couples might be because your experience is greater than ours. If you're really into the idea of couples, we're all ears. Teach us, please," Pragyan declared, his tone tinged with heat.

I couldn't help but find his face irresistibly cute, maybe even adorably so.

"So you do want to learn from us, huh?" Geeta teased with a sly smile, her gaze playful.

"I think that might be overstating what he wanted to say," I quipped with a sharp, playful edge.

"No worries, we've got you covered. In case that moment does happen today, right Shivansh?" Arnav winked, seizing Madhu and lifting her into a steamy and passionate embrace.

Madhu responded enthusiastically, leaning in, while Shivansh timidly approached Geeta, who closed her eyes as he shyly leaned in.

Pragyan and I exchanged amused glances. "We'll leave you to your privacy. See you at the pool," I said, covering my smile with my hand as Pragyan and I turned around, heading toward the pool with a newfound sense of mischief.

Pragyan shut his eyes as we stepped out of eavesdropping range. "I always knew Arnav had a thing for Madhu, but damn, not to the point where they'd put on a show like that in front of us. Shivansh too," he mused, running his hand through his hair.

"I'd prefer a moment that's special and just ours," I confessed dreamily, my mind drifting into the realm of possibilities.

"I feel... the same way," he admitted, his gaze meeting mine with a hint of shyness.

"Look at us, craving something yet to happen, oblivious to the beauty of the present," I remarked, taking in the picturesque farms and lush jungles around us, basking in the warm embrace of the sun.

"So... why did you pull away when I got close?" he asked, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

"I... I... Look, Pragyan, we've been friends for a solid decade, since first grade. Everything's moving so fast, don't you think? If it sounds like a confession, fine. I've had a crush on you since we became friends in 1st grade. But it seems like you've caught up in just a year, in 10th. Isn't it a bit too quick?" I spoke steadily, laying my cards on the table, our eyes locked in a heated exchange of emotions.

He said nothing, just kept moving forward, his expression reflecting a mix of disappointment and contemplation.

Catching up to him, I couldn't help but ask, "What's up? Was I... too much back there?" I studied his face, hoping for some insight.

"Nah, it's not that... Look, I might've come off as clingy or something in the car, but there's stuff I can't spill out right now. And about that one-year thing, trust me, Kiran, I've been into you way longer than you've known," he shared, his demeanor softening, a faint smile playing on his lips.

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