Chapter 36: Couldn't Care Less

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Pragyan's POV :

Ishana and the girls are practically fuming now. Their frustration is palpable-each word sharper, louder, trying to cut into Kiran's impenetrable calm. But Kiran? She's brushing them off like they're nothing, scrolling through her phone like they're beneath her notice.

The boys and I exchange glances. Even though none of us would admit it, there's a certain admiration in how Kiran just... doesn't care. It's like watching a lioness stroll through a pack of yapping dogs, completely unbothered. Her indifference only adds to her mystery-and her appeal.

Ishana, however, can't handle the lack of attention any longer. She steps in closer, her voice sharp and biting, "You really think you're too good for us, don't you? Just because you're here on some scholarship doesn't mean you get to act like you're better."

Kiran's fingers slow down on her phone, and for a second, I wonder if she's finally going to react. But then she lets out a small, barely audible sigh, almost as if she's bored with them. Without even lifting her eyes from her screen, she mutters under her breath, "Maybe I'm just too good at not caring."

It's not loud, but we all hear it. The girls freeze, their faces darkening with fury. Even from where we stand, I can see Ishana's fists clench. The boys let out a low whistle. It's like Kiran hit them with one effortless swipe of her indifference.

"I can't believe her!" Madhu hisses, stepping up beside Ishana. "She has no respect. For any of us."

Geeta folds her arms tightly, glaring at Kiran, who's now slowly pocketing her phone like she's had enough of this dull show. "You're acting like you're above us, but look at you. No curves, no beauty, nothing. Why do you think no one pays attention to you?"

Kiran finally glances up, locking eyes with Geeta for just a brief moment. Her lips twitch into the faintest hint of a smirk. She tilts her head, her voice deadpan, "Because I don't need anyone's attention. Least of all, yours."

I hear her thoughts again-Attention? From them? Why would I want that?

Damn. It's like she's reading their insecurities out loud without even trying.

Mohini, clearly unable to stand the calm superiority rolling off Kiran, throws her hands up in frustration. "Pragyan must be really desperate if he's still staring at you."

That makes Kiran's smirk widen just a fraction. She rinses her mouth out casually, leaning on the sink with her elbows. I catch the tail end of her thoughts-Desperate? He can keep staring all he wants. Doesn't mean I care.

It stings. I hate how she doesn't even register me, like I'm nothing but background noise. But at the same time, I can't stop watching her. There's something captivating about her complete refusal to care about anything that doesn't serve her.

The boys' side:

Shivansh shakes his head in disbelief, eyes glued to the scene. "She's ice cold, man. I don't know how she does it."

"More like stone cold," Madhav adds, leaning against a tree. "Those girls are tearing into her, and she's just... brushing it off like dust."

Arnav lets out a low chuckle. "I'm surprised Ishana hasn't lost it yet. She looks like she's about to blow."

I nod, keeping my gaze fixed on Kiran. It's like a twisted game for her. She doesn't need to say much-just a few words and a look are enough to break down any attempt to get under her skin. The girls know it too, which only makes them angrier.

At the sinks:

Ishana's had enough. She steps forward, her voice low but furious, "You act like you're untouchable, but trust me, Kiran-you're not. You may be here now, but you'll never truly be part of this world. And sooner or later, someone's going to knock you down a peg."

Kiran shrugs, unfazed by the threat. "Maybe," she says calmly, "but that won't be any of you."

The sheer confidence in her voice leaves Ishana momentarily speechless, her anger boiling over but without a clear outlet. The girls look at each other, unsure of what to do next. Kiran's confidence, her calm detachment, leaves them powerless.

Kiran casually scrolls through her phone again, as if they no longer exist. It's like their berating didn't even happen.

Ishana opens her mouth to say something else, but before she can, Kiran turns on her heel and walks away, not giving them another second of her time. She disappears into the camp, leaving the girls standing there, stunned and humiliated.

Back with the boys:

Madhav lets out a low whistle as Kiran walks away. "Well, that was brutal."

"Savage," Arnav mutters, clearly impressed.

But I'm not thinking about that. My eyes follow her, every step she takes leaving me more mesmerized. She doesn't need to say much to leave an impact. It's that quiet confidence, that aloofness that makes her so damn untouchable.

I can't help but smirk to myself. No matter what they say, Kiran is in a league of her own.

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