Chapter 14: Chaotic Mornings Be Like

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***Kiran's POV***

Ah, the morning struggle hits harder than a pop quiz on a Monday. Here I am, staring at the clock like it's my arch-nemesis, plotting my downfall at the ungodly hour of 7:30 AM. The calendar smirks back at me, reminding me that school waits for no one. So, in a desperate attempt to defy the laws of physics and time, I must now embark on the epic quest of showering, packing, and eating breakfast faster than you can say "caffeine overdose." Let the battle against tardiness commence! If I don't make it, remember me as the hero who tried to defy the system and failed gloriously.

After a frantic 2-minute shower and a desperate raid on my closet (seriously, I just grabbed whatever was clean-ish), my hair is a tangled mess of chaos. I stuffed everything into my backpack and soccer gear in record time - let's just say it was a battle against the clock. Here I am, hopping around with toast dangling from my mouth, struggling to slide on socks. And of course, there's Pragyan, sitting there like he's watching a sitcom, laughing his bottom off at my morning madness—just another day in the teenage jungle. Oh, and to top it all off, I'm sporting the classic look of black leggings and an overlarge t-shirt that practically screams 'Leave me alone, it's girl time'. Could this day get any more gloriously chaotic?

I stumble downstairs, my untied laces sending me crashing into the wall. "Owww!" I whine, rubbing my shoulder. There they are, just like Pragyan, watching me through my struggles - my parents and, of course, my brother Rudra.

"Good morning to you too," Rudra chimed in, his smirk practically audible. I shot him a glare that could've frozen lava. "Seriously?" I quipped, planting a hand on my hip, my eyebrows reaching for the sky. Mean girl vibes? Regina who? "You couldn't have bothered to wake me up, Rudra? I've been rising before the sun since, like, forever." He chuckled, ruffling my hair like I was his adorable little sister. "How could I disturb your beauty sleep when you were snoring like a chainsaw in a hurricane? I even saw Pragyan checking you out through the window. He practically begged me not to disrupt the slumber of Sleeping Beauty here."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can we go now?" I snapped, my tone laced with irritation as I spun around to open the door, hoping to mask the blush creeping up my cheeks. "Oh, sure, but don't forget to fix that bedhead first," Rudra retorted, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I glared at him, mentally cursing him for always catching me off guard. "And Pragyan's joining us today," he added with a smirk, knowing full well the effect his words would have on me—great, just what I needed – another round of awkward encounters with him.

We piled into the car, me squeezing into the backseat with Pragyan and Rudra in the front. As we pulled out of the driveway, Pragyan started blasting some intense music, and I immediately protested. "Hey, not that one! Put on something more chill," I demanded, reaching for the phone.

Pragyan shot me a mischievous grin. "Oh, so you're the DJ now?" he teased, holding the phone just out of my reach. "Give it here, Pragyan!" I lunged forward, nearly toppling into the front seat.

Rudra chuckled from the driver's seat, trying to calm us down. "Alright, you two, settle down back there. We don't need any car accidents before we even get to school."

But our chaotic banter continued, with Pragyan and me playfully wrestling over the phone, the music changing erratically as we fought for control. Amidst the chaos, I couldn't help but laugh, feeling alive and energized despite the early hours

I smirked at Pragyan, a challenge gleaming in my eyes. "You think you can handle my playlist, tough guy?" I taunted, crossing my arms defiantly.

Pragyan raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. "Please, I've got the perfect tunes to pump us up for the day. You wouldn't know a good song if it hit you in the face," he shot back, leaning closer to me with a playful glint in his eyes.

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