Chapter 9 - Forgivable actions

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When Al Haitham returned back to the ward and sat on his bed, he began to rethink his behaviour that occurred with Kaveh earlier. For some reason, he blamed himself for Kaveh's health, and a small ache rest roamed his chest

Moments passed while the man was reading a book, the same nurse guided a patient back to the bed and he turned to realise it was Kaveh. He wanted to apologise, to talk things out but the nurse stopped him for doing so

"I am sorry Mr Al Haitham, but Mr Kaveh still needs his rest after what happened"

For a moment, he thought the older would be long gone and probably at his home, or another ward. But it was now clear that was not the case.

"I just want to speak to him for a moment, please it is quite important.. my apology.."

Al Haitham tried arguing with the nurse, trying his best to get her to let him speak with the blonde just for a moment.

Before the nurse could say anything, Kaveh raised his palm and spoke, without looking at Al Haitham in the eye

"Let him talk. Excuse us for a moment"

There wasn't any cold Aura in Kaveh's voice, but more of what he wanted to hear from Al Haitham has to be hopeful

The nurse obeyed Kaveh's demand and stepped out of the ward to give the two the space

Al Haitham felt a wave of relief as the nurse excused herself from the ward and allowed him and Kaveh to speak, which gave him an immense amount of hope that they would be able to smooth this whole situation over.

"Kaveh, I- "

He began to speak once more, before stopping midway. What he was intending to say was a sincere apology, but his mind just went blank as he still struggled to find the right words to say. So he just stayed silent.


The ex-Architect remained silent, yet he seems to be waiting for Al Haitham's reply. The man refused to look Al Haitham in the eye, which was far less awkward than upsetting

The young man was just waiting for the blonde to speak, but instead his mind was just filled with overwhelming feelings of guilt and remorse once more.

"I'll start then. I'm sorry for acting so childish previously during our game"

Kaveh said, grabbing the blanket and covering himself due to the window beside him being opened and letting the wind pass through, blowing through his hair gently. It made kaveh look like an angel, and Al Haitham could not stop staring.

Al Haitham was quite surprised when the elder suddenly started to speak, it made him feel all sorts of mixed emotions. One point was Kaveh actually apologizing for what happened during the game of TCG invocation, however that was just only one point. Al Haitham wants to hear Kaveh's voice again.

"Haitham? Earth to Haitham..!"

Was all Kaveh could say, snapping his fingers to grab Al Haitham's attention

Al Haitham quickly broke out of his trance-like state as the blonde snapped his fingers to get back his attention. He turned his eyes back upon Kaveh, and realized that he was actually still staring at him.

He felt like such an idiot, and had such an embarrassed look on his face when he realized this.

"Don't act like I'm the only wrong one here!"

The ex-Architect declared, folding his arms to meet the gaze for the first time after their feisty argument

The young man's eyes became wide, as he was a little shocked but at the same time slightly annoyed at the tone Kaveh suddenly took. Though he still replied back with his usual calm and soft voice.

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