Chapter 9

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(it says its Hades perspective but is still in third person just more focused on Hades if that makes sense)

The next day.


The beautiful woman who I had come to find was named Vermont left dinner last night with chaos and never returned. It seemed like she had grown on the huge male seeing as Chaos never really spoke much and usually sat alone at dinner. Music, she had said, with such a look in her eye that some would think she had never heard of it before.

He had tried not to think about it much, the fact that she was cold and quiet, her eyes always calculating watching for any threats and her body looked malnourished and her skin pale and withdrawn.

Hades sighed, running his fingers through his wild hair.

His alarm had woken him up at 7:45am, relatively early for a biker however Tank had called church for this morning, telling everyone to get their asses there by 8. Hades swung his legs off the white sheets of the bed and placed his bare feet on the wooden floors, he scratched his bare chest that was covered with dark ink before he walked towards the bathroom.

Finishing a quick shower and doing whatever else he needed Hades moved to the closet and decided on his staple everyday outfit, black jeans, a black t-shirt, and his cut. Looking back to his alarm clock he saw that he had only 5 minutes left to get down to the big oak doors so with a quick stride to his bedside table he unplugged his phone, grabbed his keys and wallet, and walked out of the room, all while stuffing his shit into his pockets.

He looked down to the hall and toward the door he had been leaning against the day earlier, he hadn't heard any sounds coming from the room during the night and as much as he wanted to check on her, he wouldn't invade her privacy.

His leather boots thumped along the floor and as he passed by the numerous doors he heard his brothers begin to open them, filtering out into the hallway and following their enforcer down the stairs and to the big doors that opened to a large wooden table that fits about 10 of the most important members of the biker club seated at the table and more room around it for other members to stand.

Hades walked to the top of the table where Tank stood, to his right sat Bear who was the vice president of the club and to his left is where Hades sat after giving a nod to both men. Then filtered in the rest of the guys, once everyone was either seated or standing tank hit the gravel and the room fell silent.

"Good morning boys" he said first, earning a crowd full of mutters and nods, "some of you might have noticed that we've got a new boarder" he said which earnt more nods, "her names Vermont, you'll treat her respectfully, got it? Not one of you will lay a hand on her unless she gives you her absolute consent and permission" he said sternly, Hades respected this and for some funny reason he couldn't stomach the possibility of one of his brothers touching the beautiful woman.

"She seems to have had some trouble before she came here which is why I've called church" he continued which piked everyone's interest, the club had been quiet recently, past brawls and club wars had been solved and peace talks had been put in place mere months ago. "She didn't mention much but she did say she was on the run" Hades' teeth grind at the thought of someone wanting to hurt Vermont, "I need all of you with your eyes out for anyone strange who wanders into town, we keep her safe as if she's one of us, got it?" a resounding "yes prez" echoes through the room before Tank nods, "alright boys, church is dismissed but Bear, Hades, Chaos, Smoke, Wires, Doc and Mouse stay back".

Hades stays seated, so does most of the table. When the final prospect leaves the room the door is closed and Tank sighs before slumping down in his chair at the head of the table.

"I think she's in serious trouble" he says quietly, loud enough that all the of the men in the room hear it though, Hades knuckles whitens, and he hears a faint growl emit from where Chaos sits. "Did you get the results from her test, Doc?" Tank asks and Doc nods pulling out a crème coloured file and placing it onto the table before opening it, "She's malnourished and slightly dehydrated, if it continues she will need to be put on a drip, her bullet wounds aren't critical and she seems to have experience with them anyways so her recovery should be okay and decently quick" he turns the page, "I also took some blood tests because I noticed she had a few symptoms that aligned with drug withdrawals" he stops, letting us process his words, Tanks eyes widen before sighing. The club doesn't deal with drugs except for weed every now and then, mainly the club gets money from shipments of weaponry and other clean businesses.

"She seems to have had a prolonged exposure to drugs, I would say maybe a few year's worth, although signs point to her being clean and not having a new intake of drugs for at least a week" he says reading off some scribbled notes that were written in the margins of the paper, "She was on drugs that aren't easy to get your hands on, things that were strong and uncut, so its unlikely that she acquired them herself" he states to the room which falls almost deathly silent. "I don't think I'll be able to prescribe her any sort of pain relief due to her resistance to weaker drugs and I don't think it will be beneficial if I put her on anything strong" he finalises before closing his folio.

"Do you know how long it will take her to heal fully?" Tank asks, a lilt of worry in his voice that doesn't escape the mens notice. "Her bullet wounds will take about a month if she cares for them properly, her withdrawal can take anywhere between a couple of weeks to years'". Tank sighs, "we convince her to stay as long as possible then, so if she does want to run, she's healthy" he concludes and Hades can't help but feel sour at the possibility that she may leave soon. 

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