Chapter 7

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The clothes Hades gave her drowned her body in fabric, the t-shirt was too her thighs and wide enough to fit another person, the boxers had to be folded numerous times over her waist to hold up on her malnourished body. Luckily the basketball shorts he had given her had a drawstring that she tied as tight as possible.

She looked into the mirror after putting her socks on and wanted to laugh at her appearance, she looked like that guy from the movies, the funny one the guards always talked about and once explained to Vermont.

Her long hair was still wet and leaving damp patches on her t-shirt, however Vermont didn't bother trying to dry them. She wanted this doctor's appointment to go quickly.

Cold chills went back through her, and she could feel her hands shaking as she opened the bathroom door, Hades was sat on the edge of her bed with a phone in his hand, the bright screen showing something Vermont didn't recognize, Afterall she barely had any electronics, the only thing she got was a flip phone on her missions.

Vermont cleared her throat pulling the attention of the biker, he looked up at her and Vermont watched as his mouth parted a bit, she was almost sure he was going to laugh but instead he diverted his eyes and cleared his throat as he got up from the bed, his phone slipped into his pocket.

"You look different when you're not covered in blood" he said and she just nodded, the conversation ending before it even started, he nodded back before moving to the door allowing Vermont to follow his footsteps. She didn't bother locking the door behind her as there was nothing in there that she deemed important.

The doctor's office was located back downstairs, and close to the front door of the complex, it was about as big as the bedroom she had just came from except its walls were a stark white with bright lighting that Vermont could only explain as feeling sanitary.

"Doc" Hades had said when he entered the room which gathered the attention of a lithe Asian man to turn around, his cut was sitting neatly on the back of the chair that he sat on leaving him in only a black t-shirt that showed off the dark ink that swirled down his arms and up his neck.

"You mind taking a look at her" Hades said, not offering the doctor any further information.

"Yeah, none of you shit heads are being idiots today so I'm free to take a look" he said standing up from his chair, he stood closer to Vermont's height, maybe 5'10 if she had to guess. He covered his pale hands with gloves before turning back to Vermont, "why don't you take a seat" he said gesturing to the a small bed that had a white sheet over it.

She sat, the hole in her waist making her wince a bit, the doctor eyed her assessing her covered body for any adjustments she made and the way she distributed her weight as she sat. He made note of her shaking hands and her sweaty forehead.

"you're favouring your left side as you sit, where's the bullet wound?" he asks and she eyes him, he was smart.

"I have one in my waist and two in my arm" she told him, before pulling up her top and sleeve to show him the bandages. He nodded before asking her permission to check on the wounds.

She allowed him and watched as he cut off the damp bandages.

"Who sewed these?" he asked, "me. In your bar" she said and both men in the room raised their eyebrows. "You sewed them well" he told her assessing the stitched, "wasn't my first time" she admitted and both men looked to her, a look in their eyes she couldn't quite understand.

He finished by reapplying new bandages and a gauze to stop any puss or extra blood that would seep out whilst it heals.

"I'm going to check your vitals as well" he told her and she gave a deadpanned look, "why would you do that?" she asked him and he only looked down at her hands, no comment provided. She looked up to Hades whose brows were furrowed with confusion, as if he didn't quite get what the silent communication was about.

It took about 20 or so minutes for Doc to do her vitals and he also did some blood tests.

"Once the results come back, I'll prescribe you with whatever medication I think will actually help you and work" he said and she only nodded, understanding that what he truly meant to say was that he knows the signs she's showing is one of a drug addict and most prescription medicine will either make it harder to get sober or won't work because her immunity to it from the previous usage.

Vermont sighed as she got off the bed, Doc moved the vials to his desk where he would do whatever he needed to do with them. Hades moved to help the girl off the bed, gripping her hip carefully. Vermont looked to the ground, an involuntary chill running up her spine and making her spin with more questions than answers.

"You good sweetheart?" he said and she looked up at his towering height, her dark brown eyes looking into the prettiest green she had seen. She watched as his cheeks began to gain a hue of red and she lightly smiled at him, not understanding what the emotion on his face, nor the emotion she was feeling. "Yeah I'm okay" she whispered back, feeling like if she used a louder voice it would break whatever was happening.

"Okay, do you want food?" he asked, and her smile grew wider, "absolutely" she said and he smiled back at her before placing his hand on her back and pushing her softly forward.

He led her all the way into the bar and made her turn through a large archway that led into a huge kitchen. And that was when she saw her, the woman from the diner. 

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