Chapter 11

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Tank never got the chance to ask Vermont about it because she had slept for two days straight.

Unknowingly to her the night she fell asleep on Chaos' floor he had carried her back to her new room no more than an hour later and tucked her in carefully. By the end of day one Doc had been sent to her room to check in on her and make sure she wasn't dying, he chalked up her unusual amount of sleep to exhaustion telling the brotherhood who had begun to get increasingly worried about the young woman that the sleep was well needed, and she would be okay. By day two doc had gotten a bit worried about her hydration levels and decided to place a drip into her to make sure her Vitals would stay healthy during this period of comatose. By Friday night Hades was ready to pull his hair out, he wanted to help her for some unknowing reason, but he simply couldn't.

And then she woke up, her hair messy and the need to pee overcoming her. Realising she had a drip in her arm she carefully removed it, wincing in the process before scrambling out of her bed as her bladder screamed at her. Vermont took one step off the bed before she collapsed onto the wooden floor, her legs giving out from their lack of use in the past couple of days. Groaning she used her bed to heave her weight back up until she was standing, with the support of her bed and the barren dresser she managed to get herself to the bathroom.

Flushing the toilet, she turned to the sink to begin washing her hands, the water ran warm, and she tensed as she looked down to her clean hands, but then the clear water began to run red, and her hands stained with the familiar warmth of blood. With a gasp she startled away from the sink, her elbow unknowingly knocking into the glass of the shower, she couldn't stop staring at the water, the sink that was overfilling with blood, her hands that were covered in the people she had killed.

She sank to her knees.

She hadn't heard her bedroom door open, hadn't heard as Hades frantically called for her, hadn't seen the bathroom door open.

But he had seen her, hunched over, and staring at her hands with a ghostly look in her eyes, she didn't cry or mutter a single sound, just stared at the clean hands that dripped in her lap.

"Vermont" he called out to the beautiful women but she was deaf to his call, "Vermont" he said louder as he paced closer, his boots near her knees but once more his call fell short, crouching down he placed his hand on her head, running his calloused and rough finger's through her mess of curly hair, "Vermont" he whispered and finally her big brown eyes looked into his green ones.

"Hades" she whispered back, and he breathed in relief, "are you okay?" he asks quietly, and it was like a wrecking ball to the silence, immediately her shoulder tensed and her back straightened, her dark eyes somehow getting darker.

She had never been asked that before, never been questioned in such a careful manner, quite frankly she didn't know how to reply.

So, she did in the only way she knew how to.

"I'm not weak" she snapped at him, moving her head away from him before standing on shaky legs.

Anger was easier than whatever he expected, at least that was what she told herself as a twinge of some unknown feeling flowed through her.

He watched her, a slight frown on his face as he stood from his crouched position and followed her out of the bathroom and into the room, leaning on a wall close to the bathroom door he followed her movement with his eyes, watching as she looked around at the room that was barren and bland. He hated the plainness; it called as a reminder that she might not be here for long. He stopped his thoughts before they could drive him to say anything that might scare her off.

Vermont moved to the window and opened the large curtains that covered up the sun, the sun rays filtering in through the glass and showering her in a golden glaze. Hades mouth slightly parted as he watched her, her skin glowed and it was as if an angel stood in front of him, an angel of death that shone like a beacon.

He couldn't help but let his eyes fall and trace down the rest of her. His eyes took in her long legs that were sculpted and muscular, he eyed the few scars that looked like knife and bullet wounds, he looked at his top that she wore, her lithe figure swimming in the fabric, the sleeve had fallen off her shoulder and left her collar bone exposed. 'She's so beautiful' was all Hades could think as he committed the image to memory.

He snapped out of it as she cleared her throat, his eyes flittering back up to hers.

"Do you have a staring problem or something?" she asked, her eyes slightly narrowed, and she stared at the big burly biker, and watched as he eyes slightly widened and a small sheen of pink bloomed over his stubble covered cheeks, her head tilted as she looked at him, confused but in awe of the strange reaction.

"You're just very pretty" he said clearing his throat and moving off the wall and closer to her, her mouth dropped, and she gaped at him like a fish unsure of what words she should use. Her face felt like it was on fire, and she watched as his lips twitched in what she assumed was a smile.

Feeling vulnerable she stopped and narrowed her eyes again, "you're weird" she told him matter-of-factly which was met with a haughty and deep rumble that sounded like a laugh.

It was a sound that Vermont decided she wanted to her more often. 

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