Chapter 10

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(same as before, still third pov)

Church continued.


Tank looks down at the notebook that lies in front of him, lord knows that as a president of a biker club he has so many things he needs to keep track of.

"Wires were you able to find anything on her?" he asks looking over to the clean shaven, lanky biker with medium length dark brown hair, the guy knew computers back to front. Alike to Doc wires pulls out a grey laptop and sets it onto the wooden table with a thump, his hands gliding over the keys as smoke watches him from across the table.

"At first not much at all, it's almost like she didn't exist" he mutters before he pulls up a photo, "but then I managed to find a birth record, Vermont but she has no reported last name, she was born at Central Vermont Medical Centre" he states before clicking onto another document, "It was reported that she was left at the hospital, her mother did a runner. Then it goes a bit fuzzy, I was unable to find her before I found an adoption certificate when she was 8, signed off by an orphanage in Charlotte, North Carolina. Says she was adopted by a singular woman named Agatha Beauford".

Tank nods as he writes dot points of the information he had just been presented, "can you look into this Agatha woman for me" he asks wires who smiles at the president, "already did Prez" he says before once more clicking a few keys on the computer and opening up what looks to be a news article.

"A report came out yesterday that 'Following reports of loud gunshots, police in Rosedale, Indiana, stumbled upon one of the bloodiest crime scenes that they had found in that part of the state'. A report claims that '12 bodies were found' in an old farmhouse, one of whom was identified as Agatha Beauford a 67-year-old woman, it is said she had '21 gunshot wounds to the face'" all the boys in the room whistle as they shake their head, Hades couldn't help feeling bewildered, "well did you see how much blood Vermont was covered in?" Smoke rhetorically asks.

Wires continues, "the report also mentioned that most of the bodies were found in the basement, where a small jail cell contraption was also found, police say that small room looked like someone was living in it". Hades' blood runs cold at the mere thought that Vermont was most likely the inhabitant of that cage. It seems like most of the brothers feel the same, regardless of if they've talked to her yet.

Tank seems like he was struggling to keep his composure, his eyes lit with hatred, on the other hand Chaos didn't even try to keep his composure as he slammed his hand on the table and began pacing at the back of the room.

"Did you find any connections to who might've done this to her?" Chaos said, his deep voice icy, his voice holding nothing but a promise.

"Police didn't say anything but I hacked into their systems and found the photos of the crime scene, they weren't lying when they said it was gruesome, didn't really see much, the house looked pretty normal, but I did notice that a lot of the guards had the same tattoo on their necks" he mentions before pulling up a photo and zooming in, for the first time since he began talking he turned the computer around to show us the image, a large swirl like tattoo with diabolo in the middle was portrayed on a tanned man's neck. Before wires could even explain what, the tattoo meant Tank hit the table, almost with the same force that Chaos used, the whole room went quiet and Chaos stopped his pacing, Hades watched almost baffled as Tank ran his hand over his face, his eyes ablaze, he looked down to his knuckles and began running his finger over the name that sat there.

"It's the Lorenzo Cartel" he mutters, "the largest crime syndicate in Latin America".

"What the fuck could they want with Vermont" Hades barks out, his throat tight as he just thinks about the mess Vermont might be in.

"I'm not sure, they're the biggest drug and weaponry traffickers in the Americas" Tank explains further, which is when Bear pipes up, "so the drugs she was on were likely acquired through them, and by the way we can assume she was living it can be suggested that they were administered rather than taken recreationally".

Hades blood freezes.

"How can we help her?" is all hades says, his mind going haywire with all the potential threats that may lie in the future.

"All we can do is gain her trust and hope that she tells us sooner rather than later" Tank mutters his brows furrowed and frown lines appearing, "I'll talk to her this afternoon see if she knows anything but other than that I don't want to push her, especially if it might cause her to run without being properly healed".

Then he bangs the gravel and dismisses the bikers from church without further protest all questions.

As Hades leaves, he looks back to see him once more staring at his knuckles a sombre look on his face. 

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