Chapter 15

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Vermont's a little disorientated at first, but the groan that rumbles through the body underneath her snaps her back to reality, rolling off of the big biker she falls onto the sun warmed pavement, laying splat on her back for a few minutes listening to the yells in the distance.

Taking a deep breath, she heaves her body into a kneeling position and hovers over the biker that broke her fall.

"Are you an idiot? You could have died!" she shouts at him as she pulls on his leather cut, he just gives her one of his Chaos smiles, "it was either me or you, kid" he tells her and she groans in frustration, "yeah dumbass, and it was going to be me. I was okay with it being me" she yells back at him and he just shakes his head at Vermont.

"Now your hurt because of me, you stupid giant" she says as she wraps her hands under his huge head full of dark brown hair, she begins to prod on his skull trying to look for any signs of bleeding but her hands come out bare and clean.

"Vermont it's okay, I'm not hurt, and anyways, the pain wouldn't have been so bad" he tells her as he gently grabs her hands away from his scalp prodding.

"But- you got a family, why would you do something so silly, what about the club, what are they going to do if you die huh?"

"I know I haven't known you very long Vee, but you're family now, they know that too" he tells her quietly and she pauses, staring at him, unspeaking, unmoving.

"I ain't had a family before" she whispers back to the big man and he nods at her, "i didn't either before I came to Vermont, and now I got a little sister" he whispers back to her.

Some strange emotion takes over Vermont, she can feel her nose get runny and she begins to sniffle.

"You know if I stay I'll just get you killed" she tells him, "you know I have to leave, there's only a matter of time before they find me" she tells him, watching as he slowly sits up, "you know damn well that you're gonna have to be on the move for the rest of your life if you leave here" he tells her.

Vermont knows this, she does, she ain't stupid and she knew that she would never really be able to stay anywhere for too long.

She nods back at the gruff biker before she looks up to the sky, "I know" she tells him, but her voice is faint like she doesn't really trust it. "Vermont" Chaos says, her eyes darting away from sky and back to the icy blue of Chaos' eyes. "If you stay we'll fight for you, with you. Who knows, this pack of idiots might actually survive it too, wouldn't be the first war we've gone to" he tells her, and she sighs.

She knows he might have a point, knows that she might be able to stay here, build roots for once, but she knows that there's a chance that more blood will be on her hands.

"I don't know if I could handle it if I get you all killed" she tells him, and he smiles at her knowingly.

"How about you talk to Tank, he might be able to knock some sense into you, kid" Chaos tells Vermont as he stands, brushing off his jeans before reaching his hand out to hers.

"I have perfect sense, thank you very much" she tells him as she punches his shoulder, which causes a loud grumble to come out of Chaos' chest, Vermont thinks that it might be a laugh, "I'm also not a kid, fuckface" she says as she walks off toward the navy truck which causes another deep throaty chuckle to come out of the burly biker.

"You sound like a crow, shut up" she says with sass dripping from every word, but her cheeks start hurting and if she had seen her reflection, she would know that a grin was plastered on her still slightly bruised face.

The crow caws once more.  


Just a cute little short chapter today, but I love Chaos so much omg?!?!?!

Originally I hadn't planned for Vermont and Chaos to become this close, but I guess they were destined to be besties lmao


Make sure you've eaten, and drink some water. 

- Em  

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