Chapter 18 The Nights

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This chapter gets a bit confusing. This Is human form. NOT In the game. But Stampy does have an Inventory. By that It means he has a bag that he puts things In. Enjoy The Story! <333

Stampy Pov
I stare at the sign. Again and again. Still not knowing what's happening. "HEROBRINE!" I suddenly remember. Nothing else. Just him. Nothing what he did, nothing that he said. Just his
Name stuck to me. I break the sign. "NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!" I scream. I race through the dungeon. Corner after corner. Still nothing!

I pierce my ears. There has to be a way out of this! At least one! I kneel down. Why am I here? What did I do? I continue my way. I have so many questions! I find a bigger room full of spiders and cobwebs. It links up to a cave. This Is going to be a looooong night.

Getting out Isn't easy. I have a gang of giant spiders chasing me. It's hard enough to keep my breath and my sense of direction! Every time a spider grabbed my arm or leg I would scream. Giant spiders as well! What would you do?

I finally make It to the end. I hear the screeching of the pests roaming around the area. I notice that It's around 12. Lunch time. I should probably get some resources and build a shelter before It gets dark. I start heading over to the forest. There are few trees there so I can collect some wood. I look around. An axe perches Itself Into a birch tree.

I cut down a few. I'm kind of happy that I didn't have to use my hands and go all "Old" Minecraft style. I clutch the wood In my inventory. Then I further my search for my shelter. I notice a single abandoned chest. I loom around. Staring at It. As I open It I find an oak sapling, a few leaves, 24 torches, and a stone pickaxe. I hold that In my almost full Inventory and continue my journey.

Longer the chapter guys! Thank you for ALL the support! Like honestly, like, It's been a lot! Next chapter soon! Hey um, please tell me If you are still liking the story. It had an Instant change In It and I don't know If you like Stampy been stranded In a world!

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