Chapter 23 Life Can Change Just Like That

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Any confusion everyones In real life!

Stampy Pov
I open the door to my small wooden shelter. Sqaishey runs to the chest to see what I have. She pulls out some raw pork chops and an Iron sword. I put the pork chops In the furnace to cook while Sqaishey swings the sword around like crazy. "Sqaishey!" I yell causing her to drop It. "Sorry Stamps." She says blushing and running back over to the wooden chest. "Stampy! You have diamonds?!" She yells jumping up and down. "This Is perfect!" She adds. "How many?" I ask. "13." She yells. This Is going to be a long week.

Once the pork chops are finished. I go help Sqaishey with the amor and weapons. "So what have you desided to make with all this gold, iron, and diamonds?" I ask. "Two diamond swords, a diamond helmet, and diamond boots. Then with the iron i've decided to make two chest plates, two leggings, and some tools." She finishes. "Great choices. I'll start with the armour." I happily say walking over to the crafting table.

Once we are done we start to head out. This Is going to be the worst few days of my life.

Squid Pov
I smash the window. Water starts flooding In. "Help!" I scream before been ducked under. I try to crawl out but I can't fit. More water starts flowing In before the box starts to sink. I smash the last of the glass and manage to fit through. Almost dying In the process. I gasp for air and manage to make It to the top. Once I'm on the surface, I sit down on the sand and pant hardly. "Never again." I say to myself.

Amy Pov
I make a run for It. "Amy!" Netty screams following behind me. Just then a fire ball hits and I loose site of Netty. What have I done?

Ash Pov
"Show yourself!" I yell circling around the room. "I'm much stronger than you." He yells. "I don't care! Give us our lives back! And our friends!" I yell back. "You really think you can defeat the mighty wrapt of Herobrine!?!" He yells appearing In front of me. "Lets play a game. I'LL GO FIRST!" He yells before sending me back Into a wall. I fall down panting for air. He sends a fire ball straight at me until...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! A CLIFF HANGER!!!!!! I wonder what happens next!? Comment below what you want to happen! :D

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