Chapter 3

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Hot shot had just woken up this morning. He was being checked over by the nurses. They were checking all of his vitals. They even took some blood. Hot shot was even eating his breakfast. Hot shot was even taking some medicine to help with the symptoms of his brain tumor. Hot shot hated the taste of the medicine.

Hot shot was being taken to another part of the hospital. He was going to the radiology clinic in the hospital. There Hot shot was waiting his turn to meet with the radiographer and mold room tech. Hot shot was wondering what was going to happen. Hot shot saw his friends there.

Hot shot met another kid who was already getting radiation treatment and was there for a treatment. He also had a brain tumor and made a mask. "It is really cool getting your mask made," the boy told him. "You will make your mask today and you will see how cool it is," he said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"I didn't make a mask, I had a special cushion made for me so I could help stay still," a girl said. "I get radiation to my tummy," she said.

"I made a cushion too, but I have to lay on my tummy because the radiation is to my back," a boy told him.

"I got to make a special cast of my arm," another boy said.

"A radiographer drew on me to help the radiotherapy machine get into the right place," the same girl said.

"I got that done too," the second boy said.

"Same here," said the third boy.

"I also got that done on my head," the first boy said. "They even drew on my mask," he said. "They made it look like my favorite hero Batman for me," he said.

"You think they can make mine look like pikachu?" Hot shot asked.

"They might be able too," the first boy said. "After all they want to make your treatment as comfortable and relaxing as possible so you can stay still for it," he told him.

"Cool," Hot shot said. "Will I be drawn on too?" he asked.

"Most likely yes," the first boy said. "They will also make marks on your mask as well," he explained. "That way that will help the machine go into the right spot for you radiation therapy," he told him.

"I recently found out I had a brain tumor and I had surgery a couple of weeks back, and now I am getting ready for the scan to help with my radiation therapy," Hot shot said. "My friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge also just found out about their brain tumors and had surgery a couple of weeks back and are getting ready for scans for their radiation therapy too," he said. "What happens while we are waiting?" he asked.

"We can meet with a child life specialist who can explain what is going to happen today," the second boy said.

"We can make art," the girl said.

"We can watch tv, listen to music, and play games," the third boy said.

"You will also get a sticker in a special planner at the end of every treatment," the first boy told him.

"Cool," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was wondering about radiation therapy. So his mother pulled out the tablet with the videos that she had pulled up for him about cancer. Hot shot watched the video about radiation. It explained about it to Hot shot about radiation and how it doesn't hurt, and the possible side effects. Hot shot liked the video very much. "This video says I will get radiation for five days for five to seven weeks," Hot shot said.

"Yes you will get radiation everyday except for Saturday and Sunday," Quickshadow told him.

"Oh," Hot shot said.

Then a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said.

Hot shot went back with the nurse. "Hello Hot shot I am a radiation therapist, my name is Jessica," Jessica said.

"Hi," Hot shot said.

"I am Garth and I am the model room tech," Garth said. "I am going to help you make your mask," he said. They came into the model room. "Okay Hot shot let's get you up on the table," he said.

Hot shot got on the table with Garth's help. Hot shot was holding on to Roxy the rhino. He brought them both so he would feel more comfortable. "How are you going to make the mask?" Hot shot asked.

"Here let me show you," Garth said. He took Roxy. The he took a couple of small pieces of the special plastic they use for toys to demonstrate. Hot shot watched as Garth place the plastic in warm water and then take it out and pull it over the toy's head. Then after a few minutes he took off the newly made mask. "That is all there is too it," he told him.

"Cool," Hot shot said. "That is neat, now Roxy has a mask," he said.

"Now are you ready to make your mask?" Garth asked.

"Yes," Hot shot said. Hot shot laid down on the table and Garth dipped the plastic in the water. Then he came over and stretched it over Hot shot's head and buttoned it in place.

"Now stay nice and still Hot shot," Garth told him. Then after a few minutes the mask hardened and Garth took it off. "There you go Hot shot all done," he told him.

Hot shot looked at the mask. "It looks like me," Hot shot said.

"It sure does," Garth said. "I can paint your mask to look like a character too," he said.

"I like pikachu," Hot shot said.

"I can do that," Garth told him.

"Cool," Hot shot said.

"Now you need to have a special MRI done with the mask so we can decide on what type of radiation you will need and how long you will need it," Jessica told him.

Hot shot went into the room where the MRI was. Hot shot laid down on the bed and was ready for it. Hot shot stayed nice and still for the MRI. Then after about 60 minutes it was over.

Hot shot was soon going to find out about his special plan for his radiation treatment. Hot shot was able to leave the radiology clinic and go get some lunch. Hot shot got his lunch at the Chic-fil-a. Hot shot was really happy to be having his lunch.

Hot shot was wondering about what kind of radiation he was going to get and for how long. He was wondering how long each treatment was going to be. Hot shot was wondering about a few things to say the least.

Hot shot was also being checked over by doctors today as well. There were many things he had to do at times in the hospital. But other than that is could be pretty boring.

On Saturday Hot shot was in his room. "We have your radiation therapy plan all sorted out," Dr. Zhao said. "We even have a plan in place for your chemotherapy too," she said. "You will be getting chemotherapy and radiation therapy together, you will have your chemotherapy right after your radiation treatment on those days," she told him. "You will get chemotherapy 4 days every two weeks," she told him. "You will continue getting chemotherapy after radiation treatment is over," she explained. "You will still need more surgery down the road," she explained. "You still get more chemotherapy after surgery to help make sure the tumor stays away," she told him. "It will still take several months to a year, or even longer than a year to get rid of the tumor and the cancer," she explained. "It is going to be a long time I know, but you are stronger enough to handle it," she assured him.

"I am going to do it," Hot shot said.

"Very good," Dr. Zhao said. "You are going to start both treatments on Monday," she told him.

Hot shot's parents were taking shifts with being with him in the hospital. Some days and nights Quickshadow was with him. Other days and nights Heatwave was with him. It was very busy with what was going on.

Hot shot was ready to start his other treatments. He was ready to fight cancer and fight it really hard. 

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