The Realization

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"Is that my....."

"Mother" I hear that tiny figure who has appeared moments ago since I have walked through that door. I really thought it was rapunzel calling me. I really thought this door was just going to show me my desires of Rapunzel forgetting about Eugene and loving me back. But, no. This weird lady or figure appeared and took me to what appeared to be my childhood home. Where I was born. Where I grew up my first four years of my life. And I can't remember. I just remember my dad. Even tho he is my foster dad, he did a pretty good job for a dad. Sure he wasn't very loving and he was strict cause he is a captain but he taught me everything I needed to know. He never did touch the topic on who my mother was and now I'm starting to understand why.

Gothel is my mother......the person who kidnapped Rapunzel just for hair. The person who nobody knew existed until she kidnapped Rapunzel and now will always be remember as the witch. The villain. Just cause of hair? All these thoughts are coming to me when I see baby me happy and wanting Gothel's attention. Then Gothel saying she had to go to the tower . That's the tower she took Rapunzel . I keep watching and watching as Gothel tells baby me she can't go cause her place is here and then baby me asking Gothel to fix a music box. She does and leaves. That same feeling I had when Rapunzel stop trusting me and trusting Adira came back. All this time I've always felt like I was waiting for something. For answers on who my mother was or why did a captain of the royal guards raised me as his own daughter. Answers to why I couldn't become a knight and rather had to become a lady in waiting . Waiting on my mother to come back. Waiting on Rapunzel to finally noticed me as not a big sister but as more than a friend. Waiting on my destiny.....

That's when I watch my mother return and she's carrying a baby. I recognized that golden lock of hair anywhere. It's Rapunzel. This must have been when she got kidnapped. I watch baby me open the door and look at Gothel with this betrayal look as she cuts off the bridge and runs off with Rapunzel. That's why I forgot who my mother was. I was four years old when she left me. My brain must have hidden that pain and trauma making me forget. Reliving all this makes me feel weak and angry and sad. I just watched my mother leave me for someone else who was a baby. Am I really not good enough? I was four years old but I did what she asked and I loved her. That's when the voice interrupted me , that figure of a girl.

"You've always felt outshine by Rapunzel, haven't u? And you always will, unless"

"Unless?" I ask . Curious on the answer. The answer to how to make people notice me . The figure told me I had to grab that moonstone. That the power didn't belong to Rapunzel but to me. That Rapunzel already took too much from me already and it was my time to shine and stop being her shadow. The words were encouraging. When I left that door Rapunzel came happily to hug me thinking she had lost me cause apparently the house disappeared into thin air. For the first time , I didn't enjoy her hug. I was angry. I was angry with her and with my dad and the world. She took my hand remembering the consequence of not listening to me and I pulled it away and started walking towards the opposite direction.

I have to betray the only person I truly loved just to take what's rightfully mine. Should I? Should I hurt Rapunzel just for power? Break her trust? And what happens to me? What if the moonstone is only for Rapunzel? Would I die? All this for power and fulfilling a destiny? My destiny? Questions of doubt keep popping over my head the rest of the journey towards where the black rocks ends. And some days it's hard to blame Rapunzel for my mother leaving. Especially when she is happy or needs protection or is smiling at me like I'm what she wants. But I make my decision as we opened the gates to where the moonstone was. I tell myself. This is mine. Rapunzel has everything she wants and what about me? What about what I want? I tell myself this is to be heard and seen. To not be some joke . I tell myself this is for the better. That it's time to stop chasing after a girl who would never love me back. And as I transform into the powers the moonstone is giving me, I tell myself that I am done waiting and all that rage from before of my mom choosing Rapunzel over me and always feeling like the not chosen one comes back. So when I open my eyes and see Rapunzel staring at me like I've just stabbed her heart. I don't feel any ounce of regret or guilt. Instead I'm overpowered by rage, good, maybe she will actually see me this time. So I explained my childhood and all Rapunzel could say is that we are sisters. SISTERS. That rage is building up more .

"Sisters?! My own mother chose you over me. My whole life I have been cast aside for you" . It feels good saying it because it's the truth. Rapunzel is trying to approach to me but I don't give her a chance. I'm done. I can't be her little pet anymore or her best friend. Can't she see? I've always loved her and yet I have to tolerate listening to her talking about how Eugene is the love of her life. Besides my mother left me for her. No. I just can't. So I ran off and I'm slowly starting to regret running away from her like that. She's the only love I've ever known. She became my home. I'm leaving my home. But I have to. I have to .......


Authors note

Hey guys. The battle of defending Cass is real. Against my own mother, imagine. So I thought I should just put everything I feel how her behavior is justified on this. Also remember that Cass never killed anyone . She just made mistakes . But she never harmed anyone. Even when she had the power. She didn't want any harm. And she had chanced to kill rapunzel but she didn't. She just wanted to prove she was better. She wanted to prove herself she meant something and was worthy. So cass deserves more . Forever a Cass defender . Hope you enjoy!

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