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Hey guys this is the second part to the wedding. Enjoy ;)


Cass POV

A year ago from now Raps ditched her own wedding to find me and escape to Tirapai and marry me instead. Surprising I know. I'm still making my way around it but it's been a good year. Of course we had tiny disagreements but after everything that we've been through, these disagreements are just tiny bumps on the road we are both carving. And I can say the nights we make up, well those are the best ones. You do not want to see Rapunzel angry, she can be very dominant and rough. The amount of hickeys I've woken up the morning after, spread through my whole body. We live in peace . The chief of the leaf people sometimes comes to make conversation but most times is just the two of us. And owl, and Fidella and pascal. They are nice company.

It was just a usual day and I was doing my morning walk alone because I love Raps but sometimes I need my own space and time alone and the beach is the best place to walk. Seeing the sunset and sunrise with Raps is my fav part of our routine. This morning however, something unusual happened. I was walking by the shore when I heard baby cries. Distant but strong. So I followed the screams until I saw the remains of a shipwreck floating and washing up in the shore. There was some kind of wooden crib or what was left of it and that's where the cries were coming from. There was a baby. A blonde baby with dark emerald eyes. He kinda reminded me of Raps. Yea I saw his dick. It wasn't my intention, he was just uncovered and by the looks of it he needs a diaper change. I'm not sure what to do with him. I have never took care of an infant more less a baby and I also have to see how Raps feels about taking care of one. I know when I was turned into a little kid in that house of madness, well she didn't exactly had the pleasant experience of parenting that she expected. And I'm not sure if she's ready for it or even wants to have a family with me. This is a decision we both need to take. I whistled for Owl to come, and he came in the sound of the waves hitting the shore. I told him to call Raps and guide her here. Now I have to wait and see, I also feel bad for leaving him here. I don't see anymore survivors from that shipwreck. Everything is torn or broken. And I wonder where the bodies are even if they are dead. Either drown further in the sea or maybe further down the shore. I should do some exploring once Raps is here before we kidnap a baby.

Raps POV

I was doing my morning routine of spending time with Pascal playing chess and baking and painting when Owl appeared hooting frantically wanting me to follow him. Oh no. What if Cass is in danger? I grabbed Pascal and I rushed towards the direction he was pointing me. As soon as I saw a blob of black short hair standing along the shorelines, I knew Cass was fine and alive. That gave me a wave of relief. But she seems focused on something. That's when I realize the surroundings. A shipwreck. Oh no. I started walking up to her as I called  her.

"Cass....whats going on?"

"Raps...a shipwreck, I found it on my morning walk thanks to this little guy" she said as she pointed towards something. I walked closer to see exactly what she was pointing to.

A baby. A blonde emerald green eye baby. He looks like Cass. The stern expression and the eyes. I wonder how he survived and where's the rest of the crew or his parents. One things is for sure, he definitely needs a diaper change. Actually he needs diapers. They must have torn off in the shipwreck. How is he in one piece is a mystery I'll have to resolve later.

"I called you here because I don't know what to do with him. I also want to explore further down the beach to see if I find any other survivor or his parents. I'm not sure how this shipwreck ended up here or why he's the only one who survived with a broken crib." Cass was analyzing the situation. Is what she always does when she's presented with a greater conflict that she can't specifically resolve.

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